Ukraine/Syria - US Foreign Policy Idiocy (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 20:33
Jul 5, 2006
Russia invades Crimea (in the Ukraine) and attempts to destabilize the Ukraine, in clear violation of international law. The Obama administration with great indignity accuses Russia of interfering with Ukrainian sovereignty. But wait!

The Obama administration is violating the sovereignty of Syria in clear violation of international law. Washington Post article: "Syrian rebels who received first U.S. missiles of war see shipment as ‘an important first step". Essentially both Putin and Obama are reading from the same foreign relations script. Both falsely justify the need to interfere in other countries based on fabricated trumped-up moral obligations. Putin to "protect" Russians, Obama to "protect" Syrian civilians.

Obama in denouncing Russia once again demonstrates that his rhetoric is nothing more than meaningless hot-air. Obama, like Putin, does not feel constrained by any laws. Laws are simply something to be whimsically applied and/or ignored as needed for political purposes. For Putin, the arrest Pussy Riot. For Obama to use the IRS to persecute the "Tea Party".

Russia needs to be denounced for violating the sovereignty of the Ukraine. With that in mind, the US has no business arming so-called rebels in Syria. Arming the so-called rebels is Syria keeps the war going and only increases the humanitarian tragedy in Syria. That is blatantly contrary to Obama's so called assertions that Obama is not pursing regime change in Syria and that the so-called aide is being provided to help Syrian civilians.


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 01:33
Aug 31, 2006
People in Power perceive Law's as just an inconvenience to be circumvented when required to, it does not matter whether it is the invasion of another country or Tax Avoidance... People in Power feel that they have a God given right over the average Joe in the street and these Law's do not apply to them...

It will never change whilst Human Beings have breath in their bodies...

Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely...


Legend in my own mind
Local time
Yesterday, 17:33
Oct 31, 2006
The real issue test:
Circle the current ongoing conflicts recognized by the UN which has neither USA or Russia aggressively taking sides and does not involve oil or lithium:

Kurdish separatism in Iran
Korean conflict
Kashmir conflict
Israeli–Palestinian conflict
Balochistan conflict
Internal conflict in Burma
Papua conflict
Insurgency in Northeast India
Colombian conflict (1964–present)
Naxalite–Maoist insurgency
Communist insurgency in the Philippines
Moro insurgency in the Philippines
War in Afghanistan
Internal conflict in Peru
Casamance conflict
Kurdish–Turkish conflict
Lord's Resistance Army insurgency
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
Xinjiang conflict
Somali Civil War
Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen
Islamist insurgency in Nigeria
Insurgency in the Maghreb (2002–present)
War in Darfur
War in North-West Pakistan
Shia insurgency in Yemen
Conflict in the Niger Delta
South Thailand insurgency
Paraguayan People's Army insurgency
Mexican Drug War
ADF insurgency
Sudanese nomadic conflicts
Insurgency in the North Caucasus
South Yemen insurgency
Egyptian Crisis
Syrian Civil War
Iraqi insurgency
Sudan–SRF conflict
Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon
Post-civil war violence in Libya
Central African Republic conflict
Northern Mali conflict
South Sudanese conflict

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