Where are you in the political spectrum? (1 Viewer)


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 10:27
Jun 29, 2004
lmnop7854 said:
Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.87

Kind of where I thought I would land. The only thing I didn't like about the test is that there were a few questions I wish I had more information on, in order to really agree or disagree. So I based my answers on what I understand from the media and from reading and hearing what other people say about the issues. Which doesn't really help very much, since all of that is pretty subjective.

that's gotta be one of the most honest answers i've ever heard. :D

the fact is, most of us base a lot of our decisions on information we get from the media and friends.

that's life.

that's politics.

and that's why education is so important. it helps us make good decisions no matter what the external 'force' may be.

and our "scores" may be as much a reflection of the media we are exposed to and the people we hang out with as they are a reflection of ourselves. and that might be one point of the test as well.

lisa's ready.
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:27
Jan 29, 2003
Kraj said:
Whether that's "balanced" or "fence sitting" is really just a semantic value judgement.
Fence Sitting? FENCE SITTING!?!
Oh, I almost forgot that comes from someone hanging on to the left edge of the fence trying not to fall off :p :p :p


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
May 9, 2005
Ok, it looks like I'm definately odd man out.


Economic Left/Right: 2.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.79


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:27
Aug 20, 2001
Sweet. Do me a favor: call FoFa a liberal. It'll be a hoot!


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
May 9, 2005
Kraj said:
Sweet. Do me a favor: call FoFa a liberal. It'll be a hoot!

FoFa. It's looking like maybe your the one that's a liberal.:p ;)



If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Yesterday, 22:27
Jun 2, 2005
FoFa said:
Interesting, except, business is in business to make money, period..

Yes, and as Jesus said, yes,yes.

One of the most important roles of government is to make sure that the companies don’t use their power to undermine the common good. Many if not most of the evils committed in the world have to do with greed.

FoFa said:
Until you accept that fact, you are just off base.

Actually I accept and embrace it more fully than most. I’m part of it. The pooling of resources coupled with good leadership and inspired creation can produce great things. And the act of creating and growing businesses is one of the most exiting and rewarding human endeavors. I’ll even go so far as to say that when the Bible refers to man being made in the image of god, clearly he meant that we are born to create.

FoFa said:
Unless you want something like the old CCCP employing people just to do it. Their polution levels were off the map, and quality of their products, well, had a little left to be desired. And I don't think there is much middle ground between the two.

Thank you for this segue Fofa. The current administration is so deep in the pockets of big business that they are directing major US policy towards unrestricted power in the hands of a very small group. We have a president that (at least the overwhelming evidence points) started a war at the bequest of the oil men his daddy chums up with.

When most businesses are faced with rising supply cost they enter a period of uncertainty. And profits usually take a dip in the interim, while they try to comprehend market conditions and set new pricing. Not so with the government assist program for the oil companies. Ol’ Georgie Boy rattles his saber and bing the supply line ads ten dollars to the price of crude and 3 days later we are paying 3 bucks at the pump. Exxon goes on to report the highest profits for any company ever in the history of the world. By the way Exxon was originally Humble Oil and was part of the Standard Oil Company Empire headed by Rockefeller, another industrialist proponent, for the total ownership of the worlds wealth; by a hand full of good ol’ boys.

It took the federal government to break it up.

That is why for now I am leaning toward more oversight into the activities of big business. We have turned back the clock on regulation and oversight, to the point that the US economy is resembling the days of Carnegie.

It's time for the pendulum to swing the other direction for a while.

FoFa said:
. If you want to employ people and not care about profits, then you are either like the old CCCP or government.

I have never said that business should not be about profit. I said it should not be above the law. And it should not be able to pay off politicians to get the law changed so it can visit unrestricted carnage on the working class.

FoFa said:
I don't know what the big multi-nationals are doing that would require a satan label how ever, but not saying they are angels either.

You don’t know or you choose to ignore. The 20th century is replete with examples of big business doing unspeakable things to the citizenry in the name of profit. On a scale equal to the Romans of Yore, and God sent Jesus to correct that problem.
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
May 9, 2005
jsanders said:
You don’t know or you choose to ignore. The 20th century is replete with examples of big business doing unspeakable things to the citizenry in the name of profit. On a scale equal to the Romans of Yore, and God sent Jesus to correct that problem.

God sent Jesus to correct the problem of big business in Rome doing unspeakable things in the name of profit??? Where in the Bible does it say that? I thought Jesus came for one sole purpose. To redeem man. There were many things He had to do to accomplish that, but politics and governments were not part of His concerns.



If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Yesterday, 22:27
Jun 2, 2005
ShaneMan said:
God sent Jesus to correct the problem of big business in Rome doing unspeakable things in the name of profit??? Where in the Bible does it say that? I thought Jesus came for one sole purpose. To redeem man. There were many things He had to do to accomplish that, but politics and governments were not part of His concerns.


Sorry Shane, I probably used the metaphor a little too liberally. Of course Christ’s mission was to rent the heavens and prepare a way for his children, and He was here to deliver us from the power of Satan

Probably a better biblical reference would have been Moses.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
May 9, 2005
jsanders said:
Sorry Shane, I probably used the metaphor a little too liberally. Of course Christ’s mission was to rent the heavens and prepare a way for his children, and He was here to deliver us from the power of Satan

Probably a better biblical reference would have been Moses.

No need for an apology and Moses would definately be an example of oppression.



Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:27
Jan 29, 2003
ShaneMan said:
FoFa. It's looking like maybe your the one that's a liberal.:p ;)
Oh, and this coming from someone barely hanging on the right side of the fence fix'n to fall off :p :p :p

I think ya'll are just peeved because I are the only true middle of the road person :rolleyes:

Ok, OK Brianwarnock is close, but I think he cheated :eek:


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:27
Jan 29, 2003
jsanders said:
One of the most important roles of government is to make sure that the companies don’t use their power to undermine the common good. Many if not most of the evils committed in the world have to do with greed.
The good ole Monopoly thing, true. And I would say almost every evil in the woorld was caused by greed, either money or power. But I don't see where stating this makes any point other than what I rephrased.
Actually I accept and embrace it more fully than most. I’m part of it. The pooling of resources coupled with good leadership and inspired creation can produce great things. And the act of creating and growing businesses is one of the most exiting and rewarding human endeavors.
Yet in your words it also creates SATANS. So you are really getting hard to follow, is it good or bad?
We have a president that (at least the overwhelming evidence points) started a war at the bequest of the oil men his daddy chums up with.
Which evidence? The I have my mind made up don't confuse with facts evidence? See here is the thing. The war has really done nothing to help the republican party. So since the parties pretty much make descions based on votes, why would they go down road unless there was other reasons. High gas prices are not doing the country any good (except for the big oil companies). What exactly would the advantage be in helping a small percentage of the companies, while hurting the rest, unless there are other factors we just may not be aware of. Apperance can be deceiveing, I just don't think the party would stand for a benefit of a few at the number of possible lost elections of the many.
When most businesses are faced with rising supply cost they enter a period of uncertainty. And profits usually take a dip in the interim, while they try to comprehend market conditions and set new pricing. Not so with the government assist program for the oil companies.That is why for now I am leaning toward more oversight into the activities of big business. We have turned back the clock on regulation and oversight, to the point that the US economy is resembling the days of Carnegie. It's time for the pendulum to swing the other direction for a while.
Well having worked in the energy services for 25 years now, I recall quite a downturn in the 80's, where oil companies were hurting bad. Also a small stretch in the late 90's. I didn't see anyone jumping to their defense at that time. But let them have a good spell, and ya'll are on them on flys on , well, you know. Oh the oil companies had to layoff like 80% of their work force, but that is OK, they were oil companies. Now they supply many, many jobs, but you complain they are making money.
I have never said that business should not be about profit. I said it should not be above the law. And it should not be able to pay off politicians to get the law changed so it can visit unrestricted carnage on the working class.
Well, in theroy, business is not above the law, and there are laws regarding how much money business can give politicians. Each party seems to monitor the other, and stay within these boundries (remember Delay). You are almost making it sound like making money is ok, but making a lot of money is against the law. :rolleyes:
You don’t know or you choose to ignore. The 20th century is replete with examples of big business doing unspeakable things to the citizenry in the name of profit.
Hence laws.


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Yesterday, 22:27
Jun 2, 2005
Rich said:
Remind me again, which is the biggest polluting country on the planet? :rolleyes:

Per Capita it's Hong Kong
And over all it would be China.

Remember we don't make anything any more.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
May 9, 2005
FoFa said:
Oh, and this coming from someone barely hanging on the right side of the fence fix'n to fall off :p :p :p

I think ya'll are just peeved because I are the only true middle of the road person :rolleyes:

Ok, OK Brianwarnock is close, but I think he cheated :eek:

I just pulled your pigtails a little bit cause Greg asked me too.

This little test was some what of an eye opener for me cause I knew I was pretty conservative in my politics, morals and values but after taking the test I guess I'm quite a bit more conservative than I thought. Maybe I am fixin' to fall off the fence.:D


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Yesterday, 22:27
Jun 2, 2005
ShaneMan said:
I just pulled your pigtails a little bit cause Greg asked me too.

This little test was some what of an eye opener for me cause I knew I was pretty conservative in my politics, morals and values but after taking the test I guess I'm quite a bit more conservative than I thought. Maybe I am fixin' to fall off the fence.:D

As soon as George goes home, I'll move a little back the right myself. But he's enough to make even the most ardent supporters take a powder.


jsanders said:
Per Capita it's Hong Kong
And over all it would be China.

Remember we don't make anything any more.
Actually the US is responsible for 25% of the worlds carbon emissions:rolleyes:


Local time
Today, 03:27
Jun 2, 2003
FoFa said:
Ok, OK Brianwarnock is close, but I think he cheated :eek:

Why? :(

I must agree with those who think the test, like most of these type of tests, is flawed. Take the abortion question, I had to disagree as it said that the only reason for abortion should be if the womans life is at risk.
I guess that makes the test put me in the pro abortion lobby, but I ain't, however I would permit abortion in the case of ra**.

My friends think that I am somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan when it comes to the treatment of certain types of criminals, but again I think the main aim of the criminal justice system should be rehabilitation.



Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:27
Jan 29, 2003
jsanders said:
As soon as George goes home, I'll move a little back the right myself. But he's enough to make even the most ardent supporters take a powder.
How can the president make you right or left?
Either your beliefs and morals put you there, or you are more like Bill Cinton and check the way the wind is blowing to see where you stand (wishy washy). You may not like who.what they are doing, but that doesn't change where you personally stand on issues (typically), OK, unless maybe you are a liberal :D :D :D


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:27
Jan 29, 2003
Rich said:
Actually the US is responsible for 25% of the worlds carbon emissions:rolleyes:
traceable emissions. Other countries like the old CCCP and China today don't track/allow other to track their emissions.
How ever Japan uses approx. 1/4 the oil the US does on a daily basis. Yet their land mass is not even close to the US's. So in theory they are the biggest emmsions emmiters per square foot. (lets not get into hong cong, singapore etc, just an example). Heck, the UK has more emmisions per square foot than the US. Canada on the other hand would be one of the least emmsions emmiters by square foot. So the US may consume more oil, but we are much, much bigger also. I see you fail to take that into account.
Rich (I have my mind made up, don't confuse me with the facts).



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You should be comparing populace and not physical size, the figures then look even worse for the US:p

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