why does this code fail? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:49
Jul 15, 2008
I am at a loss as to why this code sometimes fail. The code access another system at work. It is able to do this but my problem seems to be on the lines of code that are . it does not always fail and I'm sure it sometimes moves an email to the same persons folder that it has failed on once before.
I don't think it matters if there is an email in the folder I am trying to move an email to but when it works its great, when it fails it's baffling.

thank you in advance


I know the folders I'm trying to move to all look the same but as its work info have made them look the same for posting on forum

Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")

I get an object cant be found message but trust me, it's there.

 Option Explicit
Dim moveToFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim searchItems As Items
Dim msg As MailItem
Dim foundFlag As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim z As Long
Dim unreadmessagesininbox As String
Dim totalmessagesininbox As String
Dim NS As Outlook.Namespace
Dim searchFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
 Dim pos As Integer 'used to help get onea number from subject line
Dim jnum As String ' is the onea number
Dim jcq As String  ' is the job controllers queue
Dim counter1
Dim counter2 ' used to help deal with email were there is no jc added 14.01.15
Dim tarrget As String
Sub start()
Load_Extra ' connect to Extra session
     If logoncheck = True Then ' checks that you are logged into
       Call moveemail
        MsgBox "is not logged on..." + Chr(13) + "Please logon to  and try again."
        Exit Sub
    End If
 End Sub
Sub moveemail()
 ' In the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
'  Tools menu | References...
'  Tick the entry for
'   Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
' &
' microsoft outlook 12.0 object libary
 counter1 = 0 'used if the subject line does not contain an onea number
 Set NS = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
 On Error Resume Next    ' To bypass the error when the source folder is not found.
                        ' searchFolder will be Nothing
 ' Enter the exact names of the folders
' No slashes. Walk the path one folder at a time.
 Set searchFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox")
 On Error GoTo 0
 If searchFolder Is Nothing Then
   MsgBox "Source folder not found!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "searchSubject error"
   GoTo ExitRoutine
   Debug.Print vbCr & "searchFolder: " & searchFolder
End If
unreadmessagesininbox = searchFolder.UnReadItemCount 'counts the number of unread emails in inbox
'MsgBox ("unread messages = " & unreadMessagesInInbox)
 totalmessagesininbox = searchFolder.Items.Count ' counts total number of emails in inbox
'MsgBox (" total messages = " & TotalmessagesInInbox)
'For Each oMail In searchFolder.Items
'If oMail.UnRead Then
'oUnread = oUnread + 1 ' this gets number of unread emails
'oread = oread + 1 ' this gets number of read emails
'End If
 'MsgBox ("read messages = " & oread)
Set searchItems = searchFolder.Items
 For i = searchItems.Count To 1 Step -1
    If searchItems(i).Class = olMail Then
        Set msg = searchItems(i)
        patternabcd123456 msg, foundFlag
         If foundFlag = True Then
            Debug.Print " Move this mail: " & searchItems(i)
           If searchItems(i).UnRead = False Then
           searchItems(i).UnRead = True ' if email has been read changes it to unread
            End If
            Call whattodonow
            If counter2 = 1 Then
            GoTo nextemail
            End If
            searchItems(i).Move moveToFolder: ScrnChk
        End If
    End If
 totalmessagesininbox = searchFolder.Items.Count ' counts total number of emails in inbox
MsgBox (totalmessagesininbox & " E-mails remain in the inbox, please check manually")
     Set msg = Nothing
    Set searchItems = Nothing
    Set searchFolder = Nothing
    Set NS = Nothing
    Call quitexcel
 End Sub
Sub patternabcd123456(MyMail As MailItem, fndFlag)
     Dim subj As String
    Dim re As Object
    Dim match As Variant
     fndFlag = False
    subj = MyMail.Subject
 pos = InStrRev(subj, "ONEA"): ScrnChk  'can "ONEA" be removed
 If pos = "0" Then
pos = InStrRev(subj, "OSAS")
End If
 If pos = "0" Then
pos = InStrRev(subj, "BTBA")
End If
 If pos = "0" Then
pos = InStrRev(subj, "BTWE")
End If
 If pos = "0" Then
pos = InStrRev(subj, "BTSA")
End If
If pos > 0 Then
jnum = Mid(subj, pos, 10): ScrnChk
If pos = 0 Then
 counter2 = 1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
 Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
 re.Pattern = jnum
    For Each match In re.Execute(subj)
        fndFlag = True
        Debug.Print vbCr & subj
        Debug.Print " *** Pattern found: " & match
    Set re = Nothing
 End Sub
 Sub whattodonow()
 Load_Extra ' connect to Extra session
     If logoncheck = True Then ' checks that you are logged into
       GoTo chkqueue
        MsgBox " is not logged on..." + Chr(13) + "Please logon to  and try again."
        Exit Sub
    End If
'makes excel screen smaller
Application.Width = 282
Application.Height = 330
Application.Width = 282
Application.Height = 330
MyScrn.SendKeys ("<PF12>"): ScrnChk
MyScrn.SendKeys ("<PF12>"): ScrnChk
MyScrn.SendKeys ("<HOME>"): ScrnChk
MyScrn.SendKeys ("JA<Enter>"): ScrnChk ' added 01.01.15
MyScrn.SendKeys ("<TAB>"): ScrnChk
MyScrn.SendKeys (jnum): ScrnChk
MyScrn.SendKeys ("<Enter>"): ScrnChk
        c = 13 'across ?
        For z = 10 To 21 'down
        If Trim(MyScrn.GetString(z, c, 2)) = "" Then GoTo SELVERS
 ' select version
 tarrget = "a" ' used to help in next few lines to see what screen macro is on
    tarrget = MyScrn.GetString(5, 21, 4): ScrnChk
 If tarrget = "ISSU" Then
 If z = 11 Then
        z = z - 1: ScrnChk
        End If
        If z = 12 Then
        z = z - 2: ScrnChk
        End If
       End If
      If tarrget = "    " Then ' targget = nothing
       z = z - 1: ScrnChk
       End If
  If tarrget = "PCAN" Or tarrget = "SUSP" Or tarrget = "ENGC" Then
 z = 10
 End If
 If tarrget = ": IS" Or tarrget = ": SU" Or tarrget = ": CL" Then
 jcq = MyScrn.GetString(8, 23, 10): ScrnChk
 MyScrn.MoveTo z, 5: ScrnChk
 MyScrn.SendKeys ("s<HOME>"): ScrnChk
MyScrn.SendKeys ("<enter>"): ScrnChk
 tarrget = ""
Do Until tarrget = "Product"
tarrget = MyScrn.GetString(4, 3, 7): ScrnChk
 jcq = MyScrn.GetString(8, 23, 10): ScrnChk
 End If
 Set moveToFolder = Nothing
 counter2 = 0
If jcq = "abcd116B2" Then
 Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd116B7" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd116C3" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd117B8" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd116B8" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd116C4" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd107B8" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd107B5" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd107B2" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd126C4" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
ElseIf jcq = "abcd116C5" Then
Set moveToFolder = NS.Folders("Mailbox - team email").Folders("Inbox").Folders("team").Folders("name")
counter2 = 1 ' added 14.01.15
End If
 End Sub
Sub pause(seconds As Single)
           Dim TimeEnd As Long
            If seconds > 60 Then
                seconds = 60
            End If
            TimeEnd = Timer + seconds
            If TimeEnd > 86390 Then
                TimeEnd = 0
            End If
            Loop Until TimeEnd <= Timer
        End Sub


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 04:49
Oct 22, 2009
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0

Think I found your problem as to why "when it fails it's baffling" LOL
Think you knew that.
If we created an error trap, a very simple one, it could at least provide the error number and error description in a message box.
The user could take a screen shot of the error.
A better situation would be to create an error trap, log the incident to a local Access table, and recover gracefully.
Once the problem is narrowed down, we have several options on how to address it.

Use the menu bar to assign your code line numbers before you deploy the application to your users. Then, the ERL function identifies exactly where the error occures:
Sub ErrorTrapUsingLineNumbers()
     Dim dblNumer As Double
     Dim dblRnd As Double
10   On Error GoTo Hell
     ' A Random Crash for the betting programmer:
20   dblRnd = Rnd()
30   Select Case dblRnd
       Case Is < 0.3
40       dblNumber = 3 / 0
50     Case Is < 0.5
60       dblNumber = 5 / 0
70     Case Is < 0.6      
81        dblNumber = 6 / 0 ' line numbers don't have to end in 0
90     Case Is < 0.9
100      dblNumber = 9 / 0
110    Case Else
120      dblNumber = 10 / 0
     End Select
130  Exit Sub
' code that finishes is above, bad code goes below
140  MsgBox "Value: " & dblRnd & vbCrLf & _
            "Error Line: " & Erl & vbCrLf & _
            "Error: (" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description, vbCritical, 
End Sub

Any of the dblNumber equations will error because of division by zero.
The Rnd function gives a random number between 0 and 1.
The Select Case statement sorts the Rnd to a specific line.
The ERL function identifies which line caused the error and it appears in a Message Box

If the code was numbered (see Debug button, it will automatically number / unnumber code) the error message will inform you or your users exactly what line caused the error.
Now, you may still be baffeled LOL, but at least the line and other informaiton can help answer the question.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:49
Jul 15, 2008
RX_ your right I'm still baffled.
Do I use your code as a separate routine?
How would I get from my sub to your sub?
How do I add row numbers to the code? I did not know that could be done.

I have spent hours trying to work out why my code fails. Searches on the internet etc have drawn a blank. without doubt one of the reasos is I don't understand what a lot of code does, I have just managed to copy or modify stuff and then add bits.



Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 04:49
Oct 22, 2009
There is a free tool MZTOOLS that is an Add-in to Access. In the code modules, it has a tool bar that will automatically number your line of code.
Of course, you can manually number your lines of code with 10 <tab>
Don't number Dim statements, labels or loops (e.g. For.... Next) just the lines between the loops.

Just like in my example, in your code, add an Exit Sub before the End Sub and add
MsgBox "Value: " & dblRnd & vbCrLf & _
"Error Line: " & Erl & vbCrLf & _
"Error: (" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description, vbCritical,

Finally, copy the On Error GoTo Hell
Add a Hell: label after the exit sub.

Do this for all your subs and functions. Just sequentially number the lines of code incremented by 10.
Soon, you can share the line of code that causes your error!

Really suggest using MZTools - it will save a lot of time.
Denver just won the Super Bowl 5 minutes ago - yet, here I am helping you out instead of going downtown to join in the winning Superbowl celebration riots. (Just joking, the riots are just for fun and have nothing to do with winning). LOL


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 04:49
Oct 22, 2009
This is how to do your smallest Sub - you can do this for the rest of your code:
 Sub pause(seconds As Single)
           Dim TimeEnd As Long
           On Error GoTo Hell        
10            If seconds > 60 Then
20               seconds = 60
            End If
30            TimeEnd = Timer + seconds
40            If TimeEnd > 86390 Then
50                TimeEnd = 0
            End If
60                DoEvents
            Loop Until TimeEnd <= Timer
Exit Sub     ' followed by label to Error Trap 
     ' note as long as the Line Numbers are in order, they don't have to be in any order, skipped to 140
 140  MsgBox "Value of Sub Pause: " & dblRnd & vbCrLf & _
            "Error Line: " & Erl & vbCrLf & _
            "Error: (" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description, vbCritical, dblNumber 
End Sub

B.T.W. there is some kind of Pause keyword in the windows mobile API.
I don't think this could be confused as it is in VBA.
However - my suggestion would be to change this subroutine to
PauseCode, or PauseThatRefreshes, or PauseInTime...
anything but a single name.

In my younger days, I made a mistake of naming variables First, Second, Third, Forth. I spent half a day debugging something weird. The keyword second is reserved as a unit of time. The compiler didn't understand the context of my code. But, that could be just me.
Last edited:

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