Why my mind is always thinking the impossible? (1 Viewer)


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 11:57
Mar 22, 2009
You know... Living an American Life or an UK one. I know its impossible without a degree but why mind refuse to come out of it.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 02:27
Feb 19, 2002
I'm pretty sure you don't need a degree to emigrate to either the UK or the US. You should be able to find information on the web or go to the embassy or consulate and inquire. The UK is probably an easier process due to the close relationship between the UK and India. If you are thinking of an h1b visa to the US, that's a different problem. You would need an advanced degree to qualify for that program.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:27
Feb 28, 2001
Impossible without a degree? No. Possible with a desirable skill. Can't argue that having a degree doesn't help, because it makes the detection of "desirable skill" easier. Getting certain computer certificates can help even without a formal degree. Having a successful business helps.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:27
Jul 4, 2013
Proven skills can obviate the need for a degree. I wonder how many posters on these forums have a degree in computing. I for one don't.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:27
Feb 28, 2001
My degrees are not in computing, though they did involve computer work as a means to an end.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 07:27
Feb 22, 2002
Come to the UK as an illegal immigrant and you'll be put up in a hotel, have free healthcare and benefits - all at the expense of the British taxpayer. Its easy.


Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 16:27
Jan 20, 2009
Living in the US isn't something worth aspiring to.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:27
Feb 28, 2001
G., while national pride might bias my views, apparently tens of thousands of illegal immigrants think living in the USA actually IS a desirable thing to be achieved.


Active member
Local time
Today, 07:27
Dec 31, 2020
Anyone being born in the USA has up to now had a huge advantage over being born in many other countries. There are exceptions of course.

But with the demand for a university education, why is it that so many people today, even the staff in large companies cannot appear to read and understand a letter. Receiving a sensible reply with a letter is impossible today. And never, ever ask more than one question in a letter. Only one question is given an attempt at a reply. Just don't expect the reply to make any sense. If you contact someone who lived through the Covid years, don't expect a reply anytime soon.

I recently emailed a letter to a national company and received the following reply:
"We want to help answer your queries as quickly as possible. Please see below our 5 most Frequently Asked Questions that we hope will answer your query."

This is after I'd told them in the letter that I'd already looked through their FAQs and wasted some time chatting with their cretinous AI robot.

It is as if they are unable to grasp anything that is longer than a text or a tweet. Sometimes they get the spelling right but that's about it. Mental arithmetic involving any number beyond five is a total mystery to most of them. It is possible of course that universities are taking intelligent young adults and training them to be slightly older idiots. Maybe that's what it is?
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:27
Feb 19, 2002
Living in the US isn't something worth aspiring to.
Wow!! Tell that to the millions who have entered this country illegally just this year. I guess you must think they're all pretty stupid. They come from all over the world. The Hattians come by leaking boats and hope to not drown on the way. If they manage to beach their boats rather than being intercepted by the Coast Guard, they get to stay. Others fly to Mexico or walk from the poorer countries of Central America and then pay the Mexican drug cartels thousands of dollars each to be guided across the Rio Grande or the desert in the other border states. If they can't afford to pay the cartels, they sell themselves into slavery. The invasion across the Canadian border is growing. The Biden administration is facilitating bringing in minor children for the sex trade. They don't check that the adults accompanying the children are in fact their parents and when the children come alone (as young as 3), with notes pinned to their clothing with an address, we don't bother to check on their destination "guardians" either. We just facilitate their entry and hand them off to their fate. Sometimes people get a tourist visa and never leave. We won't talk about the million + who emigrate legally EVERY year nor the 6 million who vie for legal work visas. I'm not going to tell you that this is the best country in the world (I am biased) because the Democrats are doing their best to destroy our Constitution. But I sure wish you'd talk to some of the millions who are taking advantage of our largess and convince them to stay home. I'm not sure how many more we can afford to support.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:27
Feb 19, 2002
why is it that so many people today, even the staff in large companies cannot appear to read and understand a letter.
You just have to read the posts in this forum to see the state of reading comprehension today. The non-english speakers can frequently produce more coherent questions and answers.

The state of education in the US has declined dramatically since the 70's when the Department of Education was formed with the intent of standardizing education across the states. What has happened instead of raising the bar is they keep lowering it and dumbing down standardized testing. Many colleges don't even bother with entrance tests any more. I guess they don't even want to know what they are getting. There are cities in the US where the majority of schools do not graduate any students who can read or do math at grade level. Baltimore is the poster child for this issue and it isn't because they don't throw enough money at the problem. The best run school systems in the country tend to spend less per child than the poor inner cities who are graduating the students who can't read or write. So, the students who need a good education the most are the ones who are the most poorly served. Otherwise, the Democrats couldn't keep their constituents down on the plantation. Keep them dumb and dependent and preferably pregnant out of wedlock and married to the state. I'm beginning to think the situation is by design.
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Active member
Local time
Today, 07:27
Dec 31, 2020
For as long as anyone can remember around 20% of school leavers are unable to read and write. I can never understand why generation after generation of school teachers find this acceptable.

In Britain we tend to copy the USA. Maybe because our politicians think they know what they are doing over there. They'll try it because it avoids thinking. Which is why we end up in the same mess as you but a few years later.

You had thousands of illegal immigrants, so we had to have some. Criminals ship them over the channel, then Border Force and RNLI operate as free taxis to help them ashore. They give them back their outboard motors and help them get back to France for the next trip. As with the USA no real attempt is made to stop the smugglers, which just makes you think that some politicians are involved and making money somewhere along the line. Last week in one day nearly 600 boat people arrived. That's 600 more goat herders, who are now 600 out of work goat herders, joining the thousands of goat herders already here. Often robbing, murdering and drug dealing, when they aren't in the pub spending the money the government has given them. Tax will have to up every year to pay for this ongoing fiasco.
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:27
May 22, 2010
I wonder who has been in charge of education for the last 60 years? Here is a hint "D" and their teacher's union.

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