Will Joe Biden be the next president? (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Yesterday, 23:44
Feb 19, 2002
You can never find evidence you choose to not look at. I haven't found that quote. Do you have a link?


Registered User.
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Yesterday, 20:44
May 22, 2010

Will Debate Moderator Hit MUTE if Trump Brings up Biden Laptop?



Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 20:44
Mar 14, 2017
That's a most excellent question AB. I actually hadn't thought of that. Up to now the moderators have sort of let the candidates ramble on about whatever they want - I mean they watch time, but they don't censor speech, per se.

Then again, I was shocked at what Twitter did, too.
It would be unconscionable if the mod turned Trump off for bringing that up....Another possibility is that network(s) cut away from it.

Someone who uses CNN or PBS to watch it will have to let me know. : )

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 23:44
Jul 5, 2006

Will Debate Moderator Hit MUTE if Trump Brings up Biden Laptop?

My wife and I were discussing a variation of this possibility earlier today. Our scenario, the moderator would immediately mute Trump the second Trump drifted "off-topic" as defined by the moderator, who of course is anti-Trump.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 04:44
Sep 28, 1999
If the laptop full of Biden's emails is legit, does that mean the Democrats are about to elect a criminal?


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 22:44
Feb 28, 2001
They tried to do exactly that in 2016. Why stop now?
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Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 23:44
Jul 5, 2006
The betting odds are closing fast. In the last 8 days, Biden's lead has plummeted from 35% to just 16% over an 8 day period. As the bombshells get released, I can see this going real bad for Biden. Over the next two weeks, we might even find them level, despite the left-wing media trying to censor this huge story.

Edit: If the current trajectory is maintained, they will be level in 6 days.

View attachment 85898
Maybe there is still hope that Biden will loose.

Bookies took a bath on the 2016 election -- and they might do the same in 2020

And grasping at straws:

US stock market calls Donald Trump win; this indicator has predicted all White House races since 1984



Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 22:44
Feb 28, 2001
Jon, your reaction surprises me. There is no doubt that HRC commissioned and used an illegal mail server that violated national secrecy laws (by placing SECURE, TOP SECRET, and TS/COMPARTMENTED messages on an unsecured server) and then she violated federal record management laws by deleting 30,000 e-mails from a server holding records related to the U.S. State department's operation (because after all, she WAS Secretary of State at the time...) I would have to look more closely as the Freedom of Information act to determine if that law was explicitly or only implicitly violated by the deletions.

I can also point to events from years earlier during her time when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. It is a fairly open secret that anyone who got too close to the "Whitewater" scandal would get ill or otherwise mysteriously disappear. There are 13 bodies for which there are suspicions. Yes, she was a criminal in violation of federal law. But so far not indicted.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 04:44
Sep 28, 1999
Doc, I was only kidding with my reaction. I know in detail the many allegations against Hillary, and they don't just relate to emails. Destruction of evidence, refusal to provide subpoenered material, repeatedly lying to congress, such as claiming that she thought "C" at the top of documents related to alphabetical filing, rather than Classified, despite being in public office for 20 odd yeras, pay-for-play with a high correlation between meetings or job positions and the size of Clinton Foundation donations, Benghazi, fake dossiers to slur her opponent, and many more that I can no longer remember!


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 20:44
Mar 14, 2017
My wife and I were discussing a variation of this possibility earlier today. Our scenario, the moderator would immediately mute Trump the second Trump drifted "off-topic" as defined by the moderator, who of course is anti-Trump.
I was just thinking, I mean .... these guys are only going to be a few feet apart relatively speaking. It's not like Trump's loud talking would be totally inaudible, in a scenario where his mic was cut, but he was still talking about stuff 10 feet away from the other guy's mic. So the moderator is only going to have "so" much power, even worst case.
Steve, I love the second link, it's very promising. JP Morgan also recently released an in-depth analysis of how likely a Trump win is (quite) due to the new voter registration trends in multiple battleground states - which were heavily trending Republican. Interestingly, Wells Fargo had released a report that came to essentially the same conclusion. Plenty of encouraging evidence to go around.

Here is the way I look at it: There is a direct correlation between the degree to which Trump supporters are ostracized/intimidated, and the degree of the "shy Trump voter" effect. As threats increase & increase, obviously it is going to be less and less likely to get a good polling sample, because people are.....even if they wouldn't say they are 'scared', per se, yet we are all aware of this undercurrent of hatred towards Trump supporters, so....me personally, I wouldn't dream of having a Trump yard sign, nor telling a stranger the truth on the phone. Things have just gotten too weird, and I'm too cautious.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 23:44
Feb 19, 2002
I wonder how those 30 million people who have already voted by mail feel about the revolting development of the Hunter laptop?

The press suppressing the "pay for play" accusations (rather than investigating them) which have been going on since before Biden joined the race is simply criminal. I'm not sure when that video of Joe telling how he got the prosecutor fired first aired but that brought the scheme back into public view. The impeachment of Trump for his conversation with the Ukraine could have been stopped dead if the FBI had revealed the existence of the laptop that they had in their possession back in 2019 with emails actually confirming the pay for play.

The DOJ needs to be filing campaign finance violation cases against Biden as well as election tampering cases for Twitter, FB, and Google at a minimum.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 04:44
Sep 28, 1999
Do Republicans tend to live in more rural areas? I ask because perhaps in cities where the main FBI offices are the population might be predominantly Democrat. If so, perhaps it means you will get more Democrats applying for jobs and so a more partisan FBI leadership. Just a theory. Any legs on that one?

The FBI leadership has already shown to be highly partisan.

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 23:44
Jul 5, 2006
Do Republicans tend to live in more rural areas?
True. People who live in urban areas are more dependent on government involvement. This type of involvement covers a wide spectrum of activities, such as roads, sewer systems, building codes, noise control, sanitation, on and on. Democrats have excelled at "capturing" the votes of urban dwellers by offering ever more governmental services. Hence Democrats states have the highest tax rates.

I ask because perhaps in cities where the main FBI offices are the population might be predominantly Democrat. If so, perhaps it means you will get more Democrats applying for jobs and so a more partisan FBI leadership. Just a theory. Any legs on that one?
Actually a complex question, but then I may be "out-of-touch" with today's FBI. Many years ago (circa 1969) I drove taxi in the Washington DC metropolitan area. One of the areas, where I picked up people was an apartment complex reserved for newly recruited FBI employees. Based in my imperfect memory, the new recruits (at that time) were from conservative rural areas!!!!

The next part of the answer. The Washington DC area has increasingly gone "liberal" (military industrial complex). As such, you "will get more Democrats applying for jobs and so a more partisan FBI leadership". So over-time those working in the FBI will become tainted by partisanship. (I wonder how many of those I picked-up circa 1969 still retain their conservative values?) Today, that partisanship is corrupting our legal processes.
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Wino Moderator
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Yesterday, 20:44
Aug 30, 2003
Do Republicans tend to live in more rural areas?

I think it's fair to say that rural areas tend to be more conservative and urban areas more liberal. I've posted this before, results by county for my state of Nevada. The 2 blue counties are the ones containing the 2 largest cities. I think rural areas are more self sufficient and independent. The map of the country looks similar: a majority of red. Problem is the blue areas are highly populated. This is why we have the Electoral College, to prevent a few densely populated states from controlling the entire country.


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 23:44
Feb 19, 2002
Look at it the other way. Democrats are either poor and so have to live where there's public housing and services and free stuff which is cities. Or they're union workers so they live in areas where manufacturing is concentrated. Or they're hip and think they're smarter than everyone else so they want to live in big cities where the action is. It's the teachers and cops who live everywhere that spread the Democrat view of the world to the suburbs. Just look at the county map to see who voted or Trump in 2016.


Wino Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 20:44
Aug 30, 2003
On the FBI question, I'd say it's more complicated than that. My sister in law is a retired FBI agent. She came from here in NV, but spent most of her career in Los Angeles and NYC. I think similar to the military, people are moved around a fair amount.

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 23:44
Jul 5, 2006
I think it's fair to say that rural areas tend to be more conservative and urban areas more liberal. I've posted this before, results by county for my state of Nevada. The 2 blue counties are the ones containing the 2 largest cities. I think rural areas are more self sufficient and independent. The map of the country looks similar: a majority of red. Problem is the blue areas are highly populated. This is why we have the Electoral College, to prevent a few densely populated states from controlling the entire country.

View attachment 85943
That graphic has been very depressing for me. We used to live in Ely, NV.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 20:44
Mar 14, 2017
Are we basically living in an age where people are so polarized, each side absolutely FRANTIC to advance their agenda (or protect the world from the opposite side's agenda), that the days of this idea of non-partisan law enforcement are basically over?

I mean, take the FBI for example. Even if you could staff it with perfectly neutral people at the start, who in their right mind isn't going to struggle against the temptation to avoid rocking the boat of their preferred political actors, given that they feel the fate of the world is in the result? Of course they wouldn't agree with that characterization of it--they would simply convince themselves that the evidence against their preferred actors was poor, or flawed, or whatever.

I'm thinking maybe our illusion that once upon a time, law enforcement wasn't selective was really always an illusion. Nobody can completely separate their worldview from their job - Nobody.

Another sad observation about the world. Remember back in the day, when the concept of family values and morality was a big deal?
I know, I know, plenty of people who claimed high morality perhaps violated that in various ways. But still - I haven't heard a candidate even PROFESS that as a priority. I suppose that is because the whole concept of the existence of family values has been largely dissolved by all of the garbage & nonsense out there. What did the Bible predict about the latter days? Something like, men will consider good, "evil"...and evil, "good"?

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