WWIII The Population Wars (1 Viewer)


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 09:47
Jun 2, 2005
This is the third entry in my Doom and Gloom column.

This time around winner take all will have a new meaning.

In the second WW the US, the clear winner, had the world to itself. For the next 35 years US economic output was equal to the rest of the world’s combine.

This time much more is at stake.

Like the last WW this one will include nuclear weapons, but unlike the last one it will not signal the end of conflict rather the beginning of the fight to the end of overpopulation.

If these words seem overly apocalyptic, then be prepared to stop the naivety and take a look at what’s really happening.

The last 60 years has proven that mankind cannot over harvest, mine and build yet evens as the dimmest among us now see over zealous destruction as potentially fatal we continue to grow populations and invest in immerging ones.

All in the name of progress.

As the Indians and the Chinese move towards consumer based economies the demands for the most important resources are being overtaxed, to previously unimagined levels, and at the same time both nations lacking in the experience of a “Black London’ or PCBs in their drinking water are churning out pollution in seemingly unobtainable levels.

And this is just he beginning. It might be better if we were actually running out of oil; that very fact would stifle the growth. But alas we have discovered betters ways to finds it and it now looks like we have 4.5 times as much left as we have used since the start of the oil era.

We see the war coming, but what form will it take? We need simply look at the build up of both Chinese and Indian Navies to see the picture. Or we need to look at the price of building materials around the globe to see another version.

Where are all the trees going to come from when 2 billion more people need middle class houses?

Where are all the fish going to come from when 5 times more fishing factories take to the sees?

No it’s too late to turn back, the Great Global Conflict is coming and nothing on earth will stop it.

But the big killer in the next war won’t be munitions, it will be starvation, the weapon of choice in this next war will be cutting the food supply to hostile nations. The nations of the world will rightly see this next war as the possible end of their society and as such will do what people do when facing extinction.


Just how long are you going to post these absurd theories, there is no shortage of food in the world today, there is a shortage of money to pay for it!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:47
May 9, 2005
I believe it is coming and it's not that far off. Nukes most likely will be involved and when it's all over. Two thirds of the earths population will be gone.


ShaneMan said:
I believe it is coming and it's not that far off. Nukes most likely will be involved and when it's all over. Two thirds of the earths population will be gone.
And guess who'll be firing the first shot:rolleyes:


Registered User
Local time
Today, 09:47
Jun 9, 2004
jsanders said:
...Where are all the fish going to come from when 5 times more fishing factories take to the sees?.

Maybe they'll see a dictionary... :p :p


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:47
May 9, 2005
Rich said:
And guess who'll be firing the first shot:rolleyes:

A united Arabic army, moving against Israel, led by the great bear from the north (Russia).:D


ShaneMan said:
A united Arabic army, moving against Israel, led by the great bear from the north (Russia).:D
Nah most of the Arab states now recognise Israel and the great Russian bear doesn't exist anymore


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:47
May 9, 2005
Rich said:
Nah most of the Arab states now recognise Israel and the great Russian bear doesn't exist anymore

Sit back and watch. Also bear in mind Islam. Islam can unite an Arabic army without Arabic countries being involved. Media says only 10% of Islam is radical (that number may be a little low but lets go with it) there are over 800 million professing Muslims. That's an army bigger than what Hilter had. Now all you have to do is study up on what a "radical Muslim" believes and see how far fetched this is. If Russia doesn't exist anymore than who is the country that is helping Iran get nukes?


ShaneMan said:
If Russia doesn't exist anymore than who is the country that is helping Iran get nukes?

In President Ford’s White House in 1976, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Kissinger pushed a six billion dollar sale of nuclear reactors to Iran’s dictator, including facilities to separate plutonium. The US ambassador said proliferation was high in their minds “but the nuclear deal was attractive in terms of commerce, and the relationship as a whole was very important.”


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:47
May 9, 2005
Rich said:
In President Ford’s White House in 1976, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Kissinger pushed a six billion dollar sale of nuclear reactors to Iran’s dictator, including facilities to separate plutonium. The US ambassador said proliferation was high in their minds “but the nuclear deal was attractive in terms of commerce, and the relationship as a whole was very important.”

Gee, sure has taken them a long time to start making a nuke. My reference is more to the facts of who's provided money and technology to actually get it done.


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 09:47
Jun 2, 2005
Rich said:
In President Ford’s White House in 1976, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Kissinger pushed a six billion dollar sale of nuclear reactors to Iran’s dictator, including facilities to separate plutonium. The US ambassador said proliferation was high in their minds “but the nuclear deal was attractive in terms of commerce, and the relationship as a whole was very important.”

There's a large gap between fuel and weapons. If you would read a little you would know that.


jsanders said:
There's a large gap between fuel and weapons. If you would read a little you would know that.
30 years sound about right to you


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 09:47
Jun 2, 2005
This is my third attempt to get people to talk about the state of the planet.

It doesn't seem like I get much response.


Registered User
Local time
Today, 09:47
Jun 9, 2004
jsanders said:
This is my third attempt to get people to talk about the state of the planet.

It doesn't seem like I get much response.

All we ever do is bicker like 3 year olds.. Whats the point :eek: :eek:


What's this button do?
Local time
Today, 23:17
Aug 2, 2006
jsanders said:
This is my third attempt to get people to talk about the state of the planet.
Reminds me of something I found amusing in the movie Independence Day... when they're talking about how the aliens go from planet to planet, using up all the resources and leaving a polluted dead shell behind... my comment was "They left it a bit late coming here!" :rolleyes:

Yes the planet is stuffed in too many ways to count.
What can we as individuals do?
How can we get governments to act in a bigger way?


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 14:47
Aug 31, 2006
KenHigg said:
All we ever do is bicker like 3 year olds.. Whats the point

3 year olds! That old really.

You are agreeing to disagree, because that is your right :)


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 14:47
Aug 31, 2006
Adeptus said:
Yes the planet is stuffed in too many ways to count.
What can we as individuals do?

Is the planet really stuffed?

Is global warming just a myth?

I remember seeing an article saying that air travel was the biggest polluter and was the most contributory factor to global warming.

Yet a study the day after 9/11 suggested otherwise, and that pollutants from aircraft actually lowered the temperature.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:47
Jan 29, 2003
scott-atkinson said:
Is the planet really stuffed?
Can we not grow enough food? I think that would be one of the determining factors
Is global warming just a myth?
Over exaggerated maybe, but we are putting a lot of carbon in the air.
I remember seeing an article saying that air travel was the biggest polluter and was the most contributory factor to global warming.
Yet a study the day after 9/11 suggested otherwise, and that pollutants from aircraft actually lowered the temperature.
I remember seeing an article that cows farting was the most contributory factor to global warming.
I think you would really need to base it off what puts the most amount carbon back into the atmosphere? Here is an interesting link.

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