Access User Group – Europe


Local time
Today, 23:17
Jan 14, 2017
Access Europe (AE) is a new online chapter of
Further details are available from

All meetings will be on the first Wednesday of each month from 18:00-19:00 (UK time – currently UTC/GMT) and will be co-chaired by Alessandro Grimaldi & Colin Riddington.
Whilst Access Europe is intended to be at a time suitable for residents of European countries, the meetings are both free and open to all

The first meeting on Wed 2 March will be used to introduce ourselves and explain the purpose of the group, explain how to use the various tools on the AccessUserGroup website and provide more details about the group as a whole. See

It is intended that Access Europe will largely focus on innovative and lesser-known features in Access.
During the first meeting, there will be short presentations by both Alessandro and Colin as a ‘taster’ of what to expect from future meetings
The session will also provide an opportunity for those attending to suggest possible topics of interest for subsequent meetings.
We hope you will join us for our first meeting and help ensure the new Access Europe chapter is a success

We already have an exciting range of speakers and topics booked for the coming months, starting on Wed 6 April with Chris Arnold (a name that should be familiar to many AWF members) who will be demonstrating his new and very powerful Access Studio application.
Please sign up to get notified about details of future events
Just a reminder that the first Access Europe session is tomorrow - Wed 2 March @ 18:00 UK time (UTC)

The meetings will be held on Zoom. You can connect using:

If you are asked:
Meeting ID: 924 3129 5683
Passcode: 661210

I hope you will be able to join us!
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Just a reminder that the first Access Europe session is tomorrow - Wed 2 March @ 18:00 UK time (UTC)

The meetings will be held on Zoom. You can connect using:

If you are asked:
Meeting ID: 924 3129 5683
Passcode: 661210

I hope you will be able to join us!
Is there any special gifts given to us yanks who stay up wake up spend their lunch breaks to participate??
Thanks for the kind words & to all who attended the first AUG Europe meeting. (AEU)
Almost 20 people from a wide variety of locations including Germany, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Canada as well as several from both the UK & USA. A very pleasing start.
Hopefully, the audience will build still further in coming months.

The session was recorded and after editing will be uploaded to YouTube. I'll post a link when that happens

Next month, we will be pleased to have Chris Arnold presenting his new & very powerful Access Studio application.
Details are available on the AUG website
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The video of the first meeting has now been published on YouTube:

Please register if you want to be notified about future events.

Next meeting: Wed 6 April @ 18:00 UK time (UTC+1). Chris Arnold will be demonstrating his Access Studio app
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Hi @Jon, can the forum have a calendar feature so that members can from here set reminders for approved meetings e.g access user group Europe?
Hi @Jon, can the forum have a calendar feature so that members can from here set reminders for approved meetings e.g access user group Europe?
What did you have in mind? Who gets the reminders? Where do they appear?
Who gets the reminders?
E.g Me , if I indicate interest to attend an approved meeting.
Where do they appear?
The reminder can come in under notifications, the same way a member is notified of replies to threads, likes etc.

What did you have in mind?
E.g An organizer of a meeting(who is a member of this forum) will inform a super moderator of this forum of the event, then if approved, it can come up as a thread under(any section name agreed by members). Any member who opens the thread, can then book a space for the meeting.

The calendar will have a default reminder period for all participants, e.g 1 day before, 2 hours before the event etc. When the time set for reminder comes up, e.g a day before the event, an email will be sent to all intending participants who register via the thread for the program.
How many people go to these events?
Not sure, @isladogs and @strive4peace might be able to answer that,but I think such a feature will further push some members of this forum to the fore front of the best among the best in their fields globally.

It will also ensure a minimum participation (I.e number of participants) for such events.
How many people go to these events?
The actual attendance is not large. However, AUG records our meetings. We upload those videos to YouTube, where anyone can watch the presentation when they have time. Some videos--particularly those in Spanish--get thousands of views, others two or three hundred.

I would post the URL to the AUG YouTube channel, but I'm not sure of the etiquette here at AWF.

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