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  • Hi Mike,
    I hope you are enjoying a happy life, may God bless you and keep you safe and sound, Amin. But, it seems very strange you are still alive because, you were on Skype.

    Eagerly waiting for your reply, please.
    I appreciate greatly for your tremendous help with building the database for me. Thank you for all your help
    Hi Mike,

    I need some help. The guy who was helping me has bailed and decided not to help me anymore and I don't understand coding at all. Do you have an email I could email my db to?
    Mike were you in Hong Kong in the eighties , and was your wife called Liz.? My wife Truus remembers a Liz Smart. Truus is from Holland and My name is Bob Fortune I was serving with 248 Gurkha Sig Sqn . If not you my apologies .
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