Site suggestions poll

Please vote for the site improvements that you most want

  • Link with list of unanswered topics

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Update allowed file attachments to include docx, xlsx; zipx

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Automatically mark posts as CLOSED after 30 days inactivity

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Add option to save subscribed threads (CSV / TXT / XML)

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Add warning before navigating to another page when writing a thread

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Add list of moderators to the site

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Add code button to the quick reply pane

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Make advanced post editor the default

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Local time
Today, 02:08
Jan 14, 2017
I like this site a lot & spend far too much time on it.
However like any site its not perfect and various users have suggested improvements

Currently it appears that suggestions for improving the site sit there without getting taken up for a long time (or ever?)

Normally I'm not a fan of online polls
However, I thought it could be useful here as a way of prompting changes that are most requested by users.

I've gone through the first couple of pages in the site suggestions and added items that still seem relevant to the poll.
I've deliberately omitted the frequent request to restrict adverts - we all hate them but they do help pay for the site.

I would be grateful if lots of you could vote for things that matter to you..

If an item's not on the list, specify it in your reply & I'll add it later (10 items max) if I can edit the list after posting this

The poll list is:

Link with list of unanswered topics
Update allowed file attachments to include docx, xlsx; zipx
Automatically mark posts as CLOSED after 30 days inactivity
Add option to save subscribed threads (CSV / TXT / XML)
Add warning before navigating to another page when writing a thread to prevent losing the post
Add list of moderators to the site
Add code button to the quick reply pane
Make advanced post editor the default

NOTE You can vote for as many of these as you want
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I thought I should mention that if you want to find unanswered topics there is a method available, although it doesn't return "All" the unanswered threads, you have to go to the specific forum you are interested in.

Click on "Site Suggestions" then go to the replies column. Click on the "Replies List" then Click the little down arrow, it reverses to an up arrow and you'll see all the replies which have got "Zero" against them. Please find attached YouTube video for a Demo...

AWF - See Zero Replies
Hi Tony

Thanks for posting how you do this. In fact something similar was suggested when this idea was first suggested by another user. However its several steps when it could just be one as on the UA forum.
If an item's not on the list, specify it in your reply & I'll add it later (10 items max) if I can edit the list after posting this
Thanks for the poll, ridders.

One thing I would like to see (if it's not already an option I haven't found) is an instant pop-up notification when someone replies on a thread I'm subscribed to, like the pop-up for Private Messages.

Also, not necessarily for the poll, but just a comment: as a single-parent living of off coding piecework & odd-jobs, I can't readily afford any of the membership options, but if there were another less-expensive option, or perhaps "Diamond Supporter billed over 12months" I think more people would be able to contribute to this great site -- and help funding improvement!
Just checked - I can't add extra items to the poll which is I suppose perfectly logical.

So please just add any extra requests in a reply to this message (as was done in the last post)
Hi Colin,
Thanks for doing this. I've noticed people are bad at marking posts as "Solved" even when they clearly have been solved. I did my own site suggestion on this but it didn't attract much response, probably because the solution I suggested wasn't that good. But perhaps what might work better would be an automated email reminder to post originators after, say, 14 days, asking them if their query was solved and if so to please mark it up. The Solved flag is pretty pointless if people don't use it.
Sounds a good idea to me... maybe others will respond to support it.
Regarding the suggestion that the site needs a list of moderators, Re:- "Add list of moderators to the site" I found this:-

Which serves the purpose.

I'm wondering if some of the other suggestions might already have answers available.

Have a dig around the site, and/or search the VBbulletin Forum... There may be useful information there...
I'm not a fan of closing threads. We often see new suggestions well after 30 days or new related problems well after 30 days that would apply. I've never been a fan of forced "solve" threads either. That may just be me, but often there are multiple answers and someone may provide a better one.
@Tony/ Uncle G
I had searched all over for the moderators list but was unsuccessful
Perhaps the list of paid up members shouldn't be part of this list though
Otherwise, its perfect but just needs to be easy to access
- e.g add to Quick Links.

Similarly, that's an ideal place for 'Unanswered Threads'

Before setting up the poll, I looked for 'easy' ways of doing everything suggested - some things are certainly possible but would take too many steps to be worth the effort

As I said previously, I checked the most recent list of site suggestions in order to compile the poll.
Some are my suggestions but most came from other users.

Personally I agree with you but others seem keen to find a way of indicating when a thread is no longer active
I like the idea that @Orthodox Dave suggested earlier in this thread

Now its early days with this poll - its open for a month.
I'm hoping it will get lots of responses in that time.

When it does close, I'm happy to collate the results & any additional suggestions.

My suggestion is to send them to the 2 site admins - Jon & Vassago.
What do you think?
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Jon would be the one to implement any changes to the board structure as the sole owner and coder for the forum. I don't make any changes there. My powers are rather limited to just above a moderator in that I can make additional changes to user profiles and forum layouts, but nothing so far as coding requirements.
Thanks for the support Colin.
I agree with Vassago about not closing threads. After 30 days there's little activity likely anyway. I also agree with him about "forced solved" threads, which are toxic timewasters to anyone googling for an answer - as I have found with other help sites. I used this site for years before joining up (along with,,, pcreview etc etc - anyone who could answer my questions). We mustn't forget this site is a public service not just for us!
Hi Dave

Sounds like you've just voted against your own idea....
Hi Colin (LOL!)

Not so - I agree about not marking threads as "Closed" automatically, but I still think solved threads should be marked as "Solved", and for there to be a reminder. But not falsely marked "Solved".

Additionally it would be helpful to be able to mark a thread as "Closed" (voluntarily, not automatically) if it wasn't solved but there was no solution. Like my recent Combo Box post - Minty provided an excellent workaround, but it wasn't a solution to my original post and I now believe there is no solution so I would like to close the thread. Perhaps we need more options in the Thread Tools than SOLVED or nothing?

Hi all

Just giving this a 'bump' so it appears in the new posts list again.

It would be greeat if lots of forum users contributed to this thread / poll.
The more who respond, the more it will reflect everyone's views

Just giving this another bump to encourage more forum users to contribute their views on improving the site so it becomes EVEN better.

You can vote for as many of the suggestions as you want.
The poll closes at lunchtime on Sun 23 July (UK time)

If you don't vote, your views cannot be taken into account.
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I have added docx, xlsx and zipx as possible file uploads.
Jon - you are a star - thank you.

Hadn't realised you were following this

Somehow doubt there will be many more responses before the deadline
Do any of the other suggestions look easy to implement?
Hard to tell. But do we have a consensus on anything? Can some of these things already be done?
None can be done easily

The only point that seems to not have a consensus is automatically closing a thread after a period of inactivity

List of unanswered topics is possible to get but requires four or so steps.
On UA forum its available on 1 click.

With regards to a list of moderators - it exists IF you know where to find it - Search didn't work for me

You can't save a list of subscribed threads at the moment - though you can do this for private messages

Currently, there is obviously no way of getting a warning before navigating away from current page - we've all lost posts by doing that without thinking

I can't see any disadvantage of making the advanced editor the default - and that obviates the need to add the code button to the basic editor.

The poll closes on 23 July.
I was going to give it a final 'bump' in a day or so

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