subscript out of range (1 Viewer)

John Sh

Local time
Tomorrow, 03:37
Feb 8, 2021
I have an array with 3 elements.
Using the code below, if I call getargs(Args, 4), the code runs through the "if /else/end if" section error free but returns "subscript out of range" when it encounters the "IIf() statement.
Is this a peculiarity of arrays, that they don't like the iif() statement or is there something else at play here?

Private Sub Command100_Click()
    Dim Args As String
    Dim str As String
    Args = "tablelegs~Windows~letter box"
    str = getArgs(Args, 4)
End Sub

Private Function getArgs(Args As String, nNum As Integer) As String
    Dim aArgs() As String
    nNum = nNum - 1
    aArgs() = Split(Args, "~")
    If nNum > UBound(aArgs) Then
        getArgs = "xxx"
    Else: getArgs = aArgs(nNum)
    End If
MsgBox getArgs
    getArgs = IIf(nNum > UBound(aArgs), "", aArgs(nNum))
End Function


Local time
Today, 09:37
Mar 9, 2014
Arrays are zero-based by default. If array has 3 elements their index values are 0 - 2.

Why are you passing 4 to the nNum argument?

This line errors:

getArgs = IIf(nNum > UBound(aArgs), "", aArgs(nNum))

because both parts of IIf() must be able to evaluate, aArgs(nNum) fails when it gets index 3.
Last edited:

John Sh

Local time
Tomorrow, 03:37
Feb 8, 2021
because both parts of IIf() must be able to evaluate, aArgs(nNum) fails when it gets index 3.
I thought it might be something like that.
I am testing out a bit of code to parse out openargs and the 4 was to see what happened when the number - 1 exceeded the element count.
I'll just stick with the if - end if construct.
Thank you for a swift reply.


Local time
Today, 09:37
Mar 9, 2014
Will there always be 3 parts to this string separated by ~ character? If you only want 3rd element, don't need an array.

John Sh

Local time
Tomorrow, 03:37
Feb 8, 2021
Will there always be 3 parts to this string separated by ~ character? If you only want 3rd element, don't need an array.
The number of elements will vary from 1 to 3 and possibly more as I develop the code, so an array is the most versatile way to go.


Active member
Local time
Tomorrow, 03:37
Apr 27, 2020
You may find this function a generalised useful method to handle/construct arrays from strings - it is easy to adapt - both the delimiter and the max size of the array.

Public Function getOpenArgsArray(StrOpenArgs As String)

'   To pass more than one value to a form or report using the openargs parameter
'   Sample: from the form/button to open a report or form:
'   Dim strOpenArgs as string
'   Define the string (the pipe char can be any char not passed in the openarg values: set in this routine -
'   strOpenArgs = Me.ctlname + "|" + me.ctlname2 or any other string value that needs to be passed
'   Numeric and dates need to be coerced to strings to be passed as strings
'   use the command to pass strOpenArgs in the commandline
'       DoCmd.OpenReport "rptname", acViewPreview, , strWhere, , strOpenArgs
'   In the Load procedure of the Report or Form
'   Dim strOpenArgs as string
'   Dim strValues() As String
'   strOpenArgs = Me.OpenArgs
'   strValues = getOpenArgsArray(strOpenArgs)   'call function to parse the string
'   Values passed to this report/form: Value for RecordId for FinYr (for eg), SQL for Where clause
'   eg Me!SelectFinYr.Caption = strValues(0) - reference values from the Array (0..6) as currently set
'   eg Me!SelectCriteria.Caption = "Criteria: " + strValues(1)  etc. as needed

On Error GoTo myError
     Dim strInput As String
' Allows up to 7 values to be passed - increase if needed

     Dim StrArgs(7) As String
     Dim strBuildString As String
     Dim i As Integer
     Dim argCounter As Integer
     argCounter = 0
     'Iterate through input string:
         For i = 1 To Len(StrOpenArgs)
             Dim strChr As String
             strChr = Mid(StrOpenArgs, i, 1)
             'Build sub string of input string: | is used as the delimiter
             If Not strChr = "|" Then
                 strBuildString = strBuildString + strChr
                 'Save completed substring to array element:
                 StrArgs(argCounter) = strBuildString
                 strBuildString = ""
                 argCounter = argCounter + 1
             End If
         Next i
    'Save the final substring to the last array element:
    StrArgs(argCounter) = strBuildString
    getOpenArgsArray = StrArgs
    Exit Function
    MsgBox Error$
    Resume leave
End Function

John Sh

Local time
Tomorrow, 03:37
Feb 8, 2021
You may find this function a generalised useful method to handle/construct arrays from strings - it is easy to adapt - both the delimiter and the max size of the array.
Thanks for that but I think what I have does the job.
I will never have cause to alter the code as the array is self limiting and as long as I use the same delimiters it will continue to work. Also the error checking is built in.

Public Function getArgs(Args As String, nNum As Integer) As String
    Dim aArgs() As String
    nNum = nNum - 1
    aArgs() = Split(Args, "~")
    If nNum > UBound(aArgs) Then
        getArgs = ""
    Else: getArgs = aArgs(nNum)
    End If
End Function

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