What should Biden do after he wins? (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 18:46
Feb 19, 2002
Trump is a jerk but not the devil incarnate.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 18:46
Dec 26, 2002
For sure. That was likely just a really stupid decision on his part knowing he would be up for re-election eventually and that state loves McCain.


Local time
Today, 18:46
Jan 11, 2013
What I find unbelieveable is that some of the areas that were hardest hit with the virus voted for him.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 18:46
Jul 5, 2006
What I find unbelieveable is that some of the areas that were hardest hit with the virus voted for him.
The voting results are unbelievable. Look at the voting implications of the Senate remaining in Republican hands and the Republicans picking up a few seats in the House. (Along with positive economic recovery and foreign policy accomplishments.) Logically, Trump should easily have one re-election, but he hasn't (looks bleak). Democrats and the complacent media successfully crafted (over a sustained period of 4 years) a false narrative that Trump was unable to over-come.


Super Moderator
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Local time
Tomorrow, 08:46
Jan 20, 2009
How did a "drop" of 200,000 "found" ballots not contain any votes for Trump. Really? Do you believe that? Is it even close to being statistically possible?
Maybe you should have asked yourself the same question before you slotted in as another cog in Trump's misinformation machine.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 18:46
Dec 26, 2002
Maybe you should have asked yourself the same question before you slotted in as another cog in Trump's misinformation machine.
I pretty much already answered the question, too. Both candidates votes went up. You could watch it. I have been. Philadelphia % for Biden actually decreased over time. Just not at a fast enough rate to not allow Biden to overtake the lead.

Trump and his supporters are the group of "find any reason or person to blame." They never look within themselves to see where they went wrong or point out any flaws in their own system or logic. You're out of luck if you expect it.

I had to have the same arguments with Democrat friends of mine who were upset about Clinton losing. They blamed independent voters over their own voters not showing up or writing Sanders in in protest. It's always someone else's fault.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 18:46
Jul 5, 2006
Unlike Trump (who was very politically naive when he assumed office and was then slow to clean house), Biden will immediately have all those who serve at the pleasure of the President fired.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:46
Feb 19, 2002
What I find unbelieveable is that some of the areas that were hardest hit with the virus voted for him.
So now he's responsible for causing the virus? Please let me remind you when early on Trump shut down travel from parts of China, Biden called him a racist and accused him of overreacting. Nancy Pelosi led her posse on a walk through China Town telling everyone that there's no problem with interacting with people just back from China. In NY, the mayor told everyone to go out to the St. Patrick's day parade. That's what you're getting if the recounts don't prevail. Hope you're happy.
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Local time
Today, 18:46
Jan 11, 2013


Local time
Today, 18:46
Jan 11, 2013
Nancy Pelosi lead her posse on a walk through China Town telling everyone that there's no problem with interacting with people just back from China.
Not what she said. She was addressing the racism that people were focusing on asians, not people just back from China.As Pelosi walked from the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory to lunch at a dim sum restaurant, she hugged friends and waved to onlookers. She downplayed the racism issue, saying she understands people are concerned about China – the epicenter of the novel coronavirus."But that shouldn’t be carried over to Chinatown in San Francisco," she said. "I hope that it’s not that. But all I can say is, 'I’m here.' We feel safe and sound, so many of us coming here."
Please let me remind you when early on Trump shut down travel from parts of China, Biden called him a racist and accused him of overreacting.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 18:46
Jul 5, 2006
Joe Biden is projected winner of 2020 election: 'It's time for America to unite'
“With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation,” he said. “It’s time for America to unite. And to heal. We are the United States of America. And there’s nothing we can’t do, if we do it together.”
Biden's (dishonest) claims for supporting: "healing", "unity", and saving "soul of America", are a travesty. The Democrats, along with the complicit media, have been vilifying Trump for four years. Democrats boycotted Trumps inauguration four years ago. On the very day of his inauguration, the Washington Post ran an opinion article calling for Trump's impeachment. This initial obstructionism morphed into an active "resistance movement". One person commenting, on the article above, wrote: "Biden deserves all the respect, cooperation and unity behind him as the Democrats showed to President Trump."

Another person wrote: "Unite? Joe Biden does not know how to unite. Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and every other Democrat spent 4 years bad mouthing President Trump and doing their best to stop anything he tried to do. Joe Biden spent the whole 2020 election cycle telling the nation what bad people the Trump supporters were. Now Joe wants us to unite? NEVER, we will fight the Biden administration as hard as we possibly can. So glad that we now have the SCOTUS on our side. Unchecked legislating from the bench will take a serous dive. Too bad we will not have a loving press with us, they will be with the Biden administration protecting him, promoting him and still calling anyone who opposes the Biden administration a "Racist.""

Since early this year, the Democrats and the complicit news media, have abandoned all restraint concerning "ethics" and the "truth" to denigrate conservatives and the Trump administration. This all-out repugnant coordinated assault seems to have finally succeeded. These abusive tactics and raw display of power (the ends justify the means) to win an election have severely damaged our political system. To repeat this often quoted quip attributed to Ben Franklin: "A republic, if you can keep it"
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:46
Feb 19, 2002
I have seen the videos with my own eyes of Biden calling Trump xenophobic and accusing him of overreacting. I have seen the video of Biden trading money (mine by the way as well as yours unless you're one of the 47% who don't pay income tax) for favors as he threatened to withhold 1.5 billion dollars of US aid from the Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma who just by chance was paying Hunter over 3 million per year. Hum. I have seen the video of Obama whispering to the Russian sitting next to him at a press conference when he thought the mic was off asking him to "tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election?. What happened after the election? Russia invaded the Ukraine and guess what? Obama was "flexible" and looked the other way. I have seen the video of Trump's now famous "Charlottesville" remarks. Have you? Do you care that to this day, the media misquotes him? Apparently the "fact" checkers didn't look far enough. Fact checkers who play favorites cannot be believed about anything. Remember, unless YOU PERSONALLY watch the video or read the transcript, you are hearing someone else's opinion of what transpired. So, if the fact check doesn't provide links and sources to the original statement, it is just bull****.

Don't forget, Biden is in the pocket of China. The proof of that is in Hunter's emails and those of Hunter's former business partners (word to the wise, don't screw your business partners if you are engaging in illegal activity). We even know Joe's cut for some of the deals. We just don't have a money trail at this time. That's what the maze of Biden's LLCs was designed to hide. Our campaign finance laws control only what the candidate and spouse do. Children and other family members are not restricted. So, as long as Hunter paid his taxes, he's clean. However, selling favors is illegal. Unlike the fact that there was never any evidence of Russian collusion by the Trump campaign and still the Obama administration, with the knowledge of Biden spied on Trump before and after he took office, there is evidence of Joe's corruption. Hunter could only sell access to Joe if Joe actually put out and he has put out and he will continue to do so. Sadly, the investigation into Joe will die on the vine because you don't care how corrupt the Biden family is. All you care about is that he isn't Trump. Too bad the "news" you listen to doesn't actually provide facts. It provides opinion because the public is either too stupid to form their own opinions or they might form a different opinion and since we have now officially entered 1984, that cannot happen. Big Brother is watching:) and listening. Hi Alexa:)

I give Biden 6 months before Kamala gets rid of him. He's a figurehead now and he knows it. The squad talk publicly about how they will manipulate him to do their bidding. I'm pretty sure that Kamala never got to 2% of the polling vote so she didn't even make it to the first real voting. We are going to end up with a president that less than 2% of registered Democrats said they would vote for. There were ~150,000,000 votes cast in this election and Kamala got NONE of them. She was so unpopular, she dropped out before the primary. WOW! Not a single American voted for her but she will be president. Joe picked her because her immutable characteristics checked the boxes he said would make for a good vice president such as sex and race. Experience, knowledge, accomplishments be dammed. BLACK and FEMALE that works for me. Who cares that she hasn't had an original idea in her life or that she's the most progressive member of Congress based on her actual voting record - not my opinion. There were Democrats in the primary that I would have considered voting for in a different election. They got no traction because they were rational and weren't all about free stuff and open borders and free healthcare for the world. I hope they run again.

To be fair, why aren't Lyme Disease, German Measles, Ebola, Hong Hong Flu, etc. RACIST? We frequently name diseases after where they were first identified so technically, this should be called the Wuhan virus and would have been if China didn't have such a huge influence on members of congress and the press. Racism is in the eye of the beholder. I don't hate people from Lyme. In fact, I have a friend who has a summer home there. It's a lovely town. I've been to Germany. It was beautiful and incredibly clean. Of course my impression of cleanliness was influenced by the fact that I was coming from Kuwait which is incredibly dirty. China has always been on my dream trip list and we've been friends with the owner of our neighborhood Chinese restaurant for 40 years. Only racist people would think that naming the virus after the location where it was identified is racist.
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:46
Sep 28, 1999
Do you think Pfizer deliberately released the Covid vaccine information after the election for political reasons, preventing Trump from benefiting from a surge of excitement and feely good before Nov 3rd?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 18:46
Jul 5, 2006
Do you think Pfizer deliberately released the Covid vaccine information after the election for political reasons, preventing Trump from benefiting from a surge of excitement and feely good before Nov 3rd?
Good question. See my post: Election Do-Over!!!

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:46
Feb 19, 2002
Do you think Pfizer deliberately released the Covid vaccine information after the election for political reasons, preventing Trump from benefiting from a surge of excitement and feely good before Nov 3rd?
Trump has been talking about the imminent release of the vaccine for weeks because that's what the companies making them have been telling him. It is the media that was suppressing the good news. Governor Cuomo is opining on how it is too bad that the Trump administration will get to make the distribution plan when the Biden administration would be able to do a much better job. Trump has them stockpiling millions of doses and has the army ready to start distribution as soon as someone gives the word.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 18:46
Jul 5, 2006
Just passed the two minute mark, Trump "predicates" an announcement of an anticipated Covid-19 vaccine around the election date. Note, that Trump acknowledges that the announcement may be susceptible to political influence. This video does not resolve the question of whether Pfizer "held" release of this announcement for political reasons as the video was made before the election.
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Steve R.

Local time
Today, 18:46
Jul 5, 2006
Do you think Pfizer deliberately released the Covid vaccine information after the election for political reasons, preventing Trump from benefiting from a surge of excitement and feely good before Nov 3rd?
Eventually someone would report. Here Tucker Carlson's take, this is an abbreviated version:
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