Recent content by Bilbo_Baggins_Esq

  1. B

    Very Strange Wi-Fi Problem - Support Forum needed

    I've seen some older laptops with versions of Windows I know for a fact should be supported on that hardware. So I assumed there is some method to force it. Can you tell me please, how is forcing Windows 10 accomplished? Can it also be achieved with Windows 11? My newer laptop (W540 - not...
  2. B

    Very Strange Wi-Fi Problem - Support Forum needed

    OK, well I have some updates here but first, sorry for the lapse. Though I’ve been chasing it for awhile, at the end of the day it’s a somewhat lower priority objective and life being what it is, has no trouble tasking me with higher priority items. I spent another morning on the phone with...
  3. B

    Very Strange Wi-Fi Problem - Support Forum needed

    Thanks for all the effort and details but sadly, I've already been through all of this. Spent an entire morning the phone with AT&T. Yes, this router can provide MAC address blocking. And yes, I'm able to see the router's config page from the W540. However, during testing we confirmed when MAC...
  4. B

    Very Strange Wi-Fi Problem - Support Forum needed

    I'm aware of Windows 7's support (or lack thereof). This laptop won't support Window 10 or 11 so I'm pretty much stuck at this level and it still works well for other uses. That would be a pretty strange way of "making things difficult for Windows 7 users." Plus, I'd expect to see a lot of...
  5. B

    Very Strange Wi-Fi Problem - Support Forum needed

    It's been awhile since I posted here but in the past, all the information I've received here has been top-notch quality and swift. Very professional and very useful site. However, now I've encountered a very odd problem, not with Access, but rather with regard to Wi-Fi networking. I've already...
  6. B

    VBA to switch between Navigation Subforms associated with a Navigation Control

    Thanks but I don't really have a choice. I'm upgrading (fixing a different problem) in an existing database.
  7. B

    VBA to switch between Navigation Subforms associated with a Navigation Control

    Access 2013 x86 running on Windows 10 I have a form ("Front") which contains a NavigationControl ("NavigationControl0") "NavigationControl0" contains buttons to select (load) between 3 different subforms: "Welcome" "ImportData" "ExportData" When the "Front" form is opened, the default view of...
  8. B

    How to Refer to Navigation Subforms and Their Associated Controls

    Hmmm, I'll try it in the morning. I'm pooped out.
  9. B

    How to Refer to Navigation Subforms and Their Associated Controls

    All the controls are unbound. In your above example, is the context of Me. as the form "Front?" The form "ImportData" is a navigation subform of the control "NavigationControl0" on the main form "Front". I've been able to successfully trigger the OnLoad Event when the "ImportData" button on...
  10. B

    How to Refer to Navigation Subforms and Their Associated Controls

    Access 2013 x86 running in Windows 10. I'm working on an unbound form named, "Front" The Front form contains a Navigation Control with 4 Navigation buttons. Welcome (click activates the unbound "Welcome" Navigation Subform) Import (click activates the unbound "ImportData" Navigation Subform)...
  11. B

    phpMyAdmin (MySQL) Connection string(s) for OLEDB Connection

    Thanks for the replies! Sorry for the slow responses. Apparently I wasn't receiving, or haven't seen, notifications for this thread. Since this is for a club, all my time is volunteer and on an as-available basis. I'll go through this and respond back later as or if needed. Thanks Again!
  12. B

    Use a string to refer to a defined recordset object

    As an FYI, to the MVPs and Mods, the responses to this ask have been very informative and helpful. Though I apparently can't do 100% of what I'd have liked to do, the insights offered are still very helpful and accomplish 90% of my goal. My suggestion would be that if someone seeks this in the...
  13. B

    Use a string to refer to a defined recordset object

    Thanks! I'll take a look at this. My initial hope was to manage the recordsets before being Set by reference from a string. Apparently that aspect isn't possible. But still, the post-Set recordset actions can be managed by use of the Collection or Array options. Thanks again!
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