Recent content by DinkyDon

  1. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    Can this be done in the same combo box, or would it require a new combo box?
  2. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    I've given this a little go with my proper data, and although I can start typing in the combo box and it will auto fill any client in the data table in the combo box, the full selection of clients is minimal. Having closed the Homepage form, this now seems fine, so seemingly a random problem, do...
  3. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    Yeah I have, just deleted the records and made some new data
  4. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    I've enclosed my database with some fake data in. Some of the clients do have multiple objects, so I hope the problem is evident. I've left my messing around with combo boxes, but have deleted a query which wasn't going anywhere.
  5. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    How would this be achieved? I'm unsure that the failed requery problem would be sorted with the list box, as it would still need to requery following the selection in the combo box. Also, how would you make the combo box show only Client A one time? As it stands Client A's name appears multiple...
  6. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    W I've had a little play around with this, and this doesn't seem appropriate for me, as in my data table, I have multiple records for each client (owing to multiple pieces of equipment they own) and this method only shows me the client name, so when editing a record I can't differentiate...
  7. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    The ClientDatabaseSearch is a Query based on the data table. In the list box, the results I can see are already sorted alphabetically. However there is no change after searching for a specific record. I've tried changing the column(0) to column(1), and this hasn't had any effect. You...
  8. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    SELECT [ClientDatabaseSearch].[ID], [ClientDatabaseSearch].[Client], [ClientDatabaseSearch].[Hardware], [ClientDatabaseSearch].[Software] FROM ClientDatabaseSearch ORDER BY [ID], [Client], [Hardware], [Software]; This is what the row source was as default. I tried changing it to both the query...
  9. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    It is a listbox yeah. I know, quite a clunky naming scheme!
  10. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    This hasn't had any effect. I think the problem lies with the requery VBA, as there is no change in the list box when I search something in the text box
  11. D

    Problems with code when using SP List

    Hi all, I've been trying to move my database into a public space so everyone in the company has access to the database, and after having some trouble getting certain elements to work, I decided to try building a new database front end around the pre-existing database now held in SP list. I...
  12. D

    SharePoint List/Table Problem

    Hi all, I've been having a recurring issue with using SharePoint Lists as the data source for my database. I'm trying to get it to a stage where everyone in our organisation can use it, and SP lists seems to be a good way to do it, with the back end tables uploaded. However, I've come across...
  13. D

    Problem with Query when using SP Lists

    Thanks for sending me this vid! I think it's fairly similar to what I was doing, but I've followed this methodology and it seems to be working fine for editing pre-existing records/fields. However, I have the problem of no ID Number being autogenerated, although this happens as standard when...
  14. D

    Problem with Query when using SP Lists

    Hi all, I've been trying a few things to take the database I have built online so that people in the office can use it. I have a suitable number of backups so I'm ready to go crazy with any method under the sun (with no further cost implications), and one I have been trying is using SharePoint...
  15. D

    Solved Problem with list box selecting individual records

    Amazing that has sorted it, thank you so much! I've been banging my head against a wall for a while about this one!
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