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  • Morning burrina :)

    Gina's method seems to suit my needs, but I am always open to suggestions. Password protection isn't really an issue, in fact it is almost certainly better without as some of my guys are less than comfortable with using PC's, and have a tendency to get a bit muddled up :D

    Copyright wouldn't be an issue either - I am not doing this to gain brownie points anywhere, or to move on to doing this anywhere else. It is for the company that I work for, specific to the departments that I am responsible for, and the main thing that is driving me on is simply to make something that works for us, and is easy to use for my staff. On the other hand however, on a personal level I am trying to build my own understanding too.

    I must confess that I haven't looked at the login demo's, but will make an effort to do so. Thanks for your patience and suggestions - whether I use them or not, they are all appreciated.
    If you have decided to go with Gina's methodology then that's fine. This is NOT a contest for me, almost every developer has their own way of handling Logins according to their or their Clients needs. If however you want a password protected login form then I would supply one privately. It is Copyrighted so if that's a problem then were done. Is this for a company? Also, there are many login demo's in the sample database section, have you looked at them? Let me know.
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