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  • Good to hear from you! I've been super busy and not around much, but yes, my oldest daughter is now 8, middle is 5, and I now have one at 4 1/2 months! Can't believe it. That's another reason I haven't been around, I just came back from my maternity leave at the beginning of August and have been so slammed at my job that I just now am starting to feel like I can come up for air.

    Glad to hear that you're retired and able to work for a campaign, I'm assuming doing what you want to do! Yes, I'm still working for the City of Tulsa. My boss just retired on Friday though and he was probably the best boss I've ever had, so I'm fairly upset about that. Hopefully we'll get someone decent to replace him. We'll see.

    My husband isn't competing any longer, although he is still lifting, and will probably always lift. It's too expensive to compete, and travel around everywhere.

    Hope you're doing well and enjoying yourself! Hope to hear from you again soon.
    City of Albuquerque is frustrating. I was in a Trapeze class yesterday and saw a Tulsa database listed on the presenter's sql server list of databases. Do you work with Trapeze? It would be in the Transit area of the City. And Happy Birthday one day late. The second child...a girl or a boy?
    Hubby's workouts are going OK but he no longer lifts competitively. Still a big guy though, he'll never give up workouts completely. In fact, he still probably works out as much as he did before when he was competing, he's just changed his styles up.

    Yes, my "baby" is now 4, and I've got another now that is 17 months old. Quite a handful, both of them.

    Glad to hear you're doing well. I remember when you were planning to quit your job and then didn't hear from you for a long time. Hope your job working at the City of Albuquerque is less frustrating than my job working at the City of Tulsa. :rolleyes:
    I did a detour in my career. I quit my job and went hiking for a few months to see where I was heading. An acquaintance of mine found out I was out of work and requested that I come to work with the City of Albuquerque. (we went to college together). I came in and though my title is Systems Administrator II, I had never worked servers in my life. I have now built them and have learned a lot. What I was really brought on for was project management. I have written contracts, and RFB, and accomplished things I haven't done since I left the military. It's been a lot of fun but a lot of stress. I come back to this site about once a month and read primarily the water cooler which seems to have been very hot in the last month. I have worked a little helping people with access. Currently I am working toward being a sql server administrator and trying to learn more about server theory and application.

    Thank you for asking. How are your husband, the weight lifter if I recall, and your baby girl (past the toddler stage by now? Are you still working Access?
    If you ever come back around these parts, you can accept my friendship request thingy. Where have you been anyway? :confused:
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