Recent content by harra

  1. harra

    I need some artillery against Access haters

    Having had to deal with a strict IT Department or 2, I can tell you this..... The #1 reasoning behind their Nazism is the fact that many corporate IT departments are going to centralized control. A solution such as you are suggesting will punch holes in many corporate infrastructures. It...
  2. harra

    Nz function???

    That's what I suspect as well. I have found that many of the times when a check for NULL doesn't have the results you expect ("Hey, the field is blank, why isn't it getting caught!") it is because the field really isn't NULL, it is blank (nullstring). I still think you need to output what is...
  3. harra

    Nz function???

    I am the last person to talk to about whether or not something is efficient from a performance standpoint. I tend to rely on the findings/research of other Access Guru's I trust. For example, it is well known that the Domain Aggregate functions (i.e. DCOUNT, DLOOKUP, etc) are a bit poor when...
  4. harra

    Nz function???

    Tracy, That's funny. I can't reproduce the problem you are having. I have put a similar function in one of my databases and I don't get the message box unless the value is greater than 0. If the field is NULL then no messagebox. This may be a stupid question, but have you tried stepping...
  5. harra

    how do I comment out a large group of VBA?

    On Access2000, the 'Comment Block' & 'Uncomment Block' buttons are contained on the 'Edit' toolbar. I just went to View->Toolbars and added the Edit bar. They were there to the right of the icon that looks like a hand.
  6. harra

    Error 3061: Too Few Parameters. Expected 2

    I have also had this very annoying error message pop up when I'm calling a query from code. I think I have found that it comes up almost 100% of the time if I have a reference to a form's field in the query. For example, if the criteria of the stored query is [Forms]![FormName]![SomeField]...
  7. harra

    Removing characters

    Maybe AccessXP opened up some more Functions that can be used within a Query. Good to know!
  8. harra

    Removing characters

    Rick, It's not working because stupid me ASSUMED that replace was a function was available to a query. What I did was create a public function in a global module. For simplicity sake I named it ReplaceUQ because you are using the same paramter syntax, but it is a user-defined function...
  9. harra

    Removing characters

    Rick, Just like AncientOne suggested you need to put it on the "Update To" line of the Query Builder. This should be the easiest way to clean up this data.
  10. harra

    Removing characters

    If you are using Access2000 or greater you get the use of the Replace() function. YOu can do something like this: Replace([User],"MT<>PWI<>","") This will replace any instances of MT<>PWI<> with a NullString. Plus, you don't need to worry about executing the Update Query more than once since...
  11. harra

    desperately seeking syntax

    Don't shoot me.... I made an error in the code that I provided (that's what I get for trying to work at the same Dim defectNo As String If Cancel = True Then GoTo StandardExit Else SQL = "SELECT defect_Ref, Asset_ID, Mtce_code " & _...
  12. harra

    desperately seeking syntax

    Luigi, I decided to try and set up a similar situation in one of my databases and discovered that the code doesn't like trying to load a NULL value into the string variable. So the defectNo=Forms![AM_asset_maint_form_EMS].[txtDefectNo] needs to go. Try this: Please See following post for...
  13. harra

    desperately seeking syntax

    Luigi, Could you post the code you are using? Also, is txtDefectNo storing a numeric or alphanumeric value?
  14. harra

    desperately seeking syntax

    Luigi, You got my name right the first time. I am Ray. Harra is my screenname :) Did you get it working or are you still having the same problem. You need to make sure that there is no default value for your textbox. If the user keys something in, that will be used for the "search"...
  15. harra

    Do we need moderators?

    Actually, They are sort of on topic. Moderators often are useful for going in an updating Thread Titles to more meaningful subject text and are used to speak on behalf of the owner of board to help convey ideas about how the members aren't a personal "Help Desk" here to ensure that you can...
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