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  • Hello Friends

    I have to create a Transmittal to send some drawings to our Subcontractor. Now what I do.... when I press AddNew Button, it work like this....

    Main form open with fields.....

    User.... = by selecting from combo box
    Today's Date = Automatically toddays
    Receiving Department = By selecting Combo Box
    Job Completion Date = Automatically Date + 30 days

    Now I have a subform and I select Drawings by Checkbox.... Then Save this record and Print... This every thing is OK...

    Now I want to create an other record.... and I press Addnew button.... previously selected records still selected...

    I want when I press AddNew button.... the selected records in Subform should be Uncheck / Clear...

    Kindly help me how to do this.... Checkbox name is "ForPrint"
    Hello Friends.........
    In the Data Entry Form..... I am using following fields by using Combo Box
    Company Name.......... Combo Box .. and get Company ID by using DLookup
    Region Name ............ Combo Box .. and get RegionID by using Dlookup
    Area Name................ Combo Box ... and get AreaID by using Dlookup...
    This is working OK....

    I want to store the values I got from Dlookup........ plz some one guide me how to do it.....

    Irshad Ahmed
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