Hello Friends
I have to create a Transmittal to send some drawings to our Subcontractor. Now what I do.... when I press AddNew Button, it work like this....
Main form open with fields.....
User.... = by selecting from combo box
Today's Date = Automatically toddays
Receiving Department = By selecting Combo Box
Job Completion Date = Automatically Date + 30 days
Now I have a subform and I select Drawings by Checkbox.... Then Save this record and Print... This every thing is OK...
Now I want to create an other record.... and I press Addnew button.... previously selected records still selected...
I want when I press AddNew button.... the selected records in Subform should be Uncheck / Clear...
Kindly help me how to do this.... Checkbox name is "ForPrint"
I have to create a Transmittal to send some drawings to our Subcontractor. Now what I do.... when I press AddNew Button, it work like this....
Main form open with fields.....
User.... = by selecting from combo box
Today's Date = Automatically toddays
Receiving Department = By selecting Combo Box
Job Completion Date = Automatically Date + 30 days
Now I have a subform and I select Drawings by Checkbox.... Then Save this record and Print... This every thing is OK...
Now I want to create an other record.... and I press Addnew button.... previously selected records still selected...
I want when I press AddNew button.... the selected records in Subform should be Uncheck / Clear...
Kindly help me how to do this.... Checkbox name is "ForPrint"