Recent content by Kroghr

  1. K

    If Then Statement Based on Combobox

    Can someone please tell me why this will not work? Me.Destination is a combobox with values of KWA ROI MAJ WAK TxtTOTALWEIGHT is Unbound Calculated field Me.TxtMAXWEIGHT is Unbound Text box Private Sub TxtTOTALWEIGHT_AfterUpdate() If Me.Destination = "KWA" Or Me.Destination = "ROI" Then...
  2. K

    Limiting Combobox Values based on Selection in previous subform record???

    I have a subform called FrmPassengerManifest, in the subform there is a combobox called SeatID. SeatID contains values; 2A 2C 3A 3C etc.. I'm trying to figure out a way to limit the SeatID combobox values bases on the prevoius records in the parameter query based subform. Any help would be...
  3. K

    Access newbi here

    I have a database with a table named TblAcftLog. The table has on field named logdate I have a form with the RecordSet of TblAcftLog. When I enter a date on the form in the logdate field abot 10 subforms are synced to allow me to enter unrleated to each other data in datasheet format. This...
  4. K

    Flight Reservation Database Ideas?

    Thanks for the idea. I'll work on creating a table with passenger details. Not sure how to do th eupdate query, but i'll search and find out Thanks again
  5. K

    Flight Reservation Database Ideas?

    A little more explanation. What I'm trying to do is; If Ryan fly's every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday on the 0600 flight and the 1505 flight. any ideas on how would I tell the database to automatically create records for Ryan on every Tue Wed & Thur on the 0600 and 1505 flight. And I'm...
  6. K

    Flight Reservation Database Ideas?

    I manage a flight operation on a military base that moves contractor employees from one island where living quarters are, to another island where work centers are. Both in the morning and in the evening. For years I have had an excel base reservation system that consist of a Commuter master list...
  7. K

    Day of the week VBA Help

    Does anyone have any idea why this code will not work. FlightDate is a bound control, in which a Date is entered and Formateed as DDDD to display the day of the week. In the code, I've tried: If Me!FlightDate = Sunday , If Me!FlightDate = "Sunday" , & If Me!FlightDate = 1 Nothing seems to...
  8. K

    day of week - help

    I have a field named FlightDate on a form. The field is formatted for short date. I also have 6 unbound text boxes names KWACO1, KWACO2, KWACO3 etc etc I need a code that determines if Me.FlightDate is a Tuesday, then Me.KWACO1 = 0600, Me.KWACO2 = 0710, Me.KWACO3 = 1430 Wednesday, then...
  9. K

    SendObject Help please!

    DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, , , , Me.StartDate & " through " & Me.EndDate & " From " & Me.LstOrigin & " To " & Me.LstDestination LstOrigin and LstDestination are both list boxes populated form a table. The values in both boxes are PKWA PKRO PKMJ PWAK. How can i make the...
  10. K

    Strange read-only problem when moved to shared drive

    When i place my newley created database onto a shared server. 1 of my end-users can only open the file in Read-only. The other 2 users can open it fine. The IT group at my company says there is not funding to support user created databases and wont help. Has anyone had any read-only to just 1...
  11. K

    Code for Default text Value, Help?

    I have a bound field on a reprot named "ON". The field is formated for Short Time. Whenever there is no ON Time. I would like the field to display the text Originate. I've tried If Me!On = null Then Me.On = Originate End if Does not work. I've also tried to set the default value as...
  12. K

    Please help with sum on Form or advise if a better way

    I have 19 combo box's with choices from 1 though 9 in all of them. I need to be able to count how many 1's 2's 3's etc etc there are under a single record Combox Names are 2ACat, 2CCat, 3ACat, 3CCat..... I'm using this code in the after update of the form If Me!Txt2ACat = Null Then...
  13. K

    If / Then code help. Please

    Thank you all so much for your advice. I'm learning as i go here. I'll start reaserching how to create a function next. Again, thank you all for the advice.
  14. K

    If / Then code help. Please

    I'm trying to come up with a way to populate 5 unbound text boxes from on calculated controls value. Placing this on the Form under OnCurrent is not working for me. Will someone ttel me where I'm going wrong? IF Me!TOWeight < 11000 Then Me.V1 = 100 Me.VR = 100 Me.V2 = 111...
  15. K

    Excel Formula to Access Expression????

    Will someone please help me translate this excel formula =IF(D35<11000,257,((D35-11000)*0.001)+257) Into a Access expression? Cell D35 would be Unbound Field TxtZFW, and the filed that would be manipulted would be TxtLowerCG with a Value 257. My understanding of the Formula is IF the...
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