Recent content by lpapad

  1. L

    Creating a website

    Check, I think it is easier than wordpress.
  2. L

    Is a favicon important for a website?

    You need marketing advisor, for your business, if you don't understand marketing concepts.
  3. L

    Moving my database to the next acadimic year

    New academic year has to be created by a simple add form to academic year table from the administrator.
  4. L

    Moving my database to the next acadimic year

    Select the academic year in the main form, and filter all queries on the subsequent forms based on this selection.
  5. L

    Moving my database to the next acadimic year

    Another approach is to organise tables in tree schema, if possible, and make academic year root of tree - I am referring to relationships here. Each root branch then would specify distinct academic year.
  6. L

    Date Function returning wrong date

    What about timezone?
  7. L

    Access Query Returning 95,000 results You might find some answers...
  8. L

    Runtime error 3061 Too Few parameters, Expected 1

    It seems SQL is not properly defined. Try to debug runtime SQL query expression.
  9. L

    Runtime error 3061 Too Few parameters, Expected 1

    Just a simple advice, try first simple arguments, then replace them gradually by complex expressions, so that error can be spotted.
  10. L

    Form AfterUpdate and setting the current record

    Check the Cycle property of the form. It might provide some solution in helping you staying at the current record.
  11. L

    Using Form to update multiple records in a table simultaneously

    Follow the steps from the video:
  12. L

    Using Form to update multiple records in a table simultaneously

    You should try splitting the table into two tables with one to many relationship.
  13. L

    Forms customization

    I believe the arrows at comboboxes are custom, also custom seems to me the form minimize button.
  14. L

    Forms customization

    How is it possible to modify forms even to the point of custom arrows in combobox and actually to customize every attribute of any control ?? sample screens HERE
  15. L

    Multi-tier application

    I believe all SaaS solutions use a common database for all customers. I do not know for sure, I guess they do that.
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