Recent content by Sleekmac

  1. Sleekmac

    PLEASE HELP with me.move,, me.left not working

    To clarify - I can view all of the properties of the form object in the VB window and there is no Top or Left property to the form. It has BorderStyle, TimerInterval, Visible, etc but no Top or Left, which is all I need. It also has all of the methods it should EXCEPT for the Move one, which is...
  2. Sleekmac

    PLEASE HELP with me.move,, me.left not working

    I've been googling this for days and everybody says me.move 0,0 should work in a form_load event, but IT DOES NOT WORK. Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Move 100, 100 End Sub Everybody seems to think that this is an easy way to move a form to a fixed screen position on load, but when I try to do...
  3. Sleekmac

    xth weekday of the month

    Don't know if anyone but me will find this useful but I had to write a function to calculate what the third Wednesday of the month of a date argument is. For example, if the argValue=8/2/07, the function returns the date of the third Wed of August, which is 8/15/07. Function thirdWedofMonth(dte...
  4. Sleekmac

    function to return the day that is the third Wednesday of a given month

    Don't know if anybody but me will find this useful, but here it is. You can change it to any weekday on any interval by changing the values 15-21. (The logic is based on the fact that the third Wed of every month must necessarily be between the 15th and 21st inclusive.) Function...
  5. Sleekmac

    ComboBox choices won't select?

    It sounds like the problem is that you don't really want this to be bound. You can still have it populate with the data from a table/query even if it is unbound. You just put an SQL query in the RowSource field of the combobox.
  6. Sleekmac

    issue identifying a field in webbrowser

    Hi all...trying to add functionality to my custom browser to link directly to the results of a serach in this very forum's search page. For some reason it's not working, I am thinking it's either because it's PHP code, or because the target input field has an illegal name. My form that has the...
  7. Sleekmac

    Form Search?

    Jackie - Try this instead: Me.frmsubClients.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM jobsheetquery '" & BuildFilter & "'" Note - you need to put single quotes "around" the variable you are concatenating with your string, in order for the result to be a string. To see what I mean, try this: dim x as...
  8. Sleekmac

    Webbrowser control size

    The user probably figured this out already, but the answer to this is as follows: when you place a new webbrowser control on a form and size it, and then save, the size is permanently set. So after saving, the only way to change the size is to delete the control, recreate it, name it the same as...
  9. Sleekmac

    activeX webbrowser in Access97

    The user probably figured this out already, but the answer to this is as follows: when you place a new webbrowser control on a form and size it, and then save, the size is permanently set. So after saving, the only way to change the size is to delete the control, recreate it, name it the same as...
  10. Sleekmac

    Webbrowser ActiveElement question

    Answer I finally got it! Dim mySel As Object Dim myText As String Set mySel = Me.mainBrowser.Document.selection.createRange myText = mySel.Text If myText <> "" Then Me.mainBrowser.Navigate "" & myText Me.mainBrowser.Visible = True Else MsgBox...
  11. Sleekmac

    Webbrowser ActiveElement question

    In case my description was unclear, this is what I am doing: For example on the google search results page, I am told there are no frames. Visual Basic(Microsoft) WebClasses - HTML DOM and Objects Library... Document.frames.inputscreen.Document.Forms.datacollectionform.selectboxname The...
  12. Sleekmac

    Webbrowser ActiveElement question

    Hi again all! I have a form in Access with an ActiveX WebBrowser control in it. What I want is for the user to select some text within the browser, and for that text to be captured in a string variable. I've been scouring the web all day for a clue as to how to do this, and this is all I could...
  13. Sleekmac

    progress bar question

    Got it Thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately there's just no way to get the form to display first and then make visual updates based on an open_form event. What I did to get around it is there is no open_form procedure, but instead an on_timer procedure which starts after .1 seconds. As...
  14. Sleekmac

    progress bar question

    Hi again all! Before I ask my question let me just say you folks have always been kind and helpful, and I appreciate your time. I did search this site and several others via google and I found some progressbar code that I Frankensteined onto my own Access project. It works...the problem is the...
  15. Sleekmac

    Automate Mail Merge from Access

    Alex - You're in luck because I recently had to go through figuring out exactly what you're trying to do. Not a lot of information out there regarding vba mail merge, either. Here's what to do: **Make sure you set wordDoc to nothing at the end, or your computer will start behaving badly**...
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