Recent content by tehNellie

  1. T

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Oh god, what have I unleashed?
  2. T

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Might as well ruin any chance of a "nice to see you again" with this one. A Query walks into a bar and sees two Columns sitting at a table. It wanders up and says... Wait for it... "Mind if I JOIN you?" No? I'll get my coat.
  3. T

    Second Normal Form a Massive Table

    No idea, had no contact after the last post in here that I can recall.
  4. T

    Second Normal Form a Massive Table

    Some of us are still here :)
  5. T

    Hello from Istanbul

    Hi Hakan, welcome to the forum. I got married in Istanbul, beautiful city,
  6. T

    Can’t get the first record.

    You can do it, the wider question is perhaps whether you should be able, or need, to. I'm not trying to suggest some fancy Dan solution, I'm suggesting a practical approach to your development that will help you develop and bug fix your solutions moving forwards. DIm strSQL as string strSQL...
  7. T


    Oh boy. On the plus side there is a database trying to get out here. Lets try and start with the low hanging fruit. 1) Don't call the primary key in more than one table "ID" if it's an inorganic (auto number) key; call it tablenameID or at least something specific. When more than one column...
  8. T

    how to calculate this function ?

    You can achieve this in a number of different ways. You could perhaps extend your existing table to include a "category" (id) column so that your "price" column accommodates positive and negative values. I.e if you have a category of "deposit" and another category of "withdrawal" you can...
  9. T

    Import data from website

    off the top of my head, you don't need to use VBA, Excel can interrogate a website periodically and store that data in a tabular format which could then be imported into a database. This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but might at least give you some ideas...
  10. T

    Can’t get the first record.

    with due respect, you are a novice, you're generating dynamic SQL in code rather than creating a query and passing parameters to it which would at least let you debug your SQL independently from your code and vice versa and, when it comes to passing those parameters, identify more explicitly...
  11. T

    Gun laws do they work

    Not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's Obama's fault :p.
  12. T

    Why does Why not begin with a Y?

    because it's pronounced with a "wh" at the beginning?
  13. T

    SQL Update and Nulls

    Use a query rather than build SQL in code and pass the relevant parameters to it. You can test the query in isolation to your code and your ability to extract data from your form in isolation to your query. Plus if you're passing a string to the parameter that only accepts a Long you'll get a...
  14. T

    Please help me out (Football DB)

    You're not getting much in the way of replies because you're essentially asking the question "Will you design my database for me?" You've set out a framework that covers that the basics of what you want a database to track for you in terms of both basic information and rules. What next?
  15. T

    Gun laws do they work

    Oh come on. If you're going to mix up your urban myths at least get it right. It's very hard to mix up metric and imperial, at least make it a signed and unsigned integer if you aren't going to quote a source. While I make it a general policy to try and not get involved in the finer details of...
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