Recent content by Xx_TownDawg_xX

  1. X

    There has to be an easier way to code this

    This is really "ugly code" but it works. AuditorType: IIf([tblDataEntry]![AuditorClock]="0000",[tblAuditors]![AuditorType],IIf([tblDataEntry]![OverRide]<>1,[tblOverRide]![SwapID],IIf([tblAuditors]![AuditorDept]<>[tblSeries]![Department_ID],"QA",[tblAuditors]![AuditorType])))The problem is...
  2. X

    Deciding WHICH field to display based on form control.

    I'm looking.. not sure I have enough experience to figure out how to use this yet.
  3. X

    Deciding WHICH field to display based on form control.

    Let's suppose for a minute that I have several different fields in a table, and they are ABC1, DEF1, GHI1, JKL1, etc.. Now let's suppose that based on a form entry, I would like for a query to display the particular field I'm looking for.. For example if I entered ABC in the form, I'd want...
  4. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    Everything is fixed. I don't completely understand why?.. but when I started with a blank dbase, and imported the tables/queries etc all over again.. it works like it's supposed to.
  5. X

    ENABLE a field based another field.

    Well duh. Private Sub Auditor_ID_AfterUpdate() If Not IsNull(Me.Auditor_ID.Value) Then Auditor_ID.DefaultValue = """" & Me.Auditor_ID.Value & """" End If If Me.Auditor_ID.Value = "LR" Then Me.cboSeries_Master.Enabled = True End If End Sub The "Auditor_ID" was...
  6. X

    ENABLE a field based another field.

    Auditor_ID is the combo box. Auditor_ID_Label is the label. (yes I know.. cboAuditor_ID would have been preferred. ;)) It's got to be simple if I provide you with all the information you need.
  7. X

    ENABLE a field based another field.

    The event procedure is "after update".. and I added the missing "end if" Private Sub Auditor_ID_AfterUpdate() If Not IsNull(Me.Auditor_ID.Value) Then Auditor_ID.DefaultValue = """" & Me.Auditor_ID.Value & """" End If If Me.Auditor_ID.Value = "LR" Then...
  8. X

    ENABLE a field based another field.

    Basically, I'm trying to ENABLE a field based another field. If Me.Auditor_ID.Value = "LR" Then Me.Series_Master.Enabled = TrueI'm close, but no cigar. What am I doing wrong?
  9. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    Thank you thank you thank you.. I was sitting here working on it.. even made a BLANK database and brought over only four of the tables to see if I could change the keys and make it all work.. the database application hates me apparently..
  10. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    SOS -- Can I get the file emailed back that you reviewed (and assuming you corrected)? I just need to study this some more so I can understand exactly how to make all this work. I see, but I can't seem to get it right. By the way, the reason that tblVendors seems linked to nothing.. is cos it...
  11. X

    how to calculate the gpa??

    I get the feeling I just did your "Introduction To Microsoft Access" school assignment?.. but here you go sir.
  12. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    I know what you are saying. Let me see if that works. (a few minutes later.. ) SOS -- pls check your private messages.
  13. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    Maybe this will help. Two attachments. One "doeswork" (from the original dbase), and the other "doesntwork" (from the new modified database).
  14. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize that photobucket was problematic. Better?
  15. X

    Cannot go to specified record..

    I should have said that (in addition to not being able to ad to the form) I also cannot ADD to the query. Sorry. but as far as "add additions" set to yes..
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