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  • Hiii. I am trying to calculate the grand total in my subform, however it is not showing. The subform is in datasheet view, and the calculation is in the footer of the subform. How come it is not showing up? :( Please help! :(
    Disregard the last message haha - I managed to validate it and stuff :p Could you give me some help with reports? I want to display all appointments in one week for one solicitor. I'd also like to make another report that just calculates monthly income (so all bookings in one month to calculate the total revenue) Completely confused at the moment :/ Could really do with your super help :P How can I send you my database for you to have a look?

    Many thanks! (Oh and I'm sorry for harassing you :P)
    Hey man, thank you for replying. She told me to just change the field names so that the exam board don't be funny about it :p Btw, could you help me with a few other things? I'd like to wrap this database up pretty soon :) I realised that I need to validate my database, and I've done it but the forms don't get updated - do I have to redo the forms? Thanks Kiwi! :)
    Hello Kiwi. I just wanted to tell you that my teacher said that the subform was right so thanks - she still tried telling me its duplicate data though o_0 I'm trying to do another calculation on the form that adds up the cost of all bookings? How would I go about doing that?
    Hey buddy! You wouldn't happen to know how to create a login in Access? I know you can make a query and apply that to an IF macro event thing, or is it best to do it in Visual Basic?

    Only found this message when I was back tracking looking for something a few minutes ago.

    Well its good to be away but good to get back as well. I had about 17 yrs away. worked in UK, Canada (briefly), Australia but prefer NZ to any of them!

    I've use Access for a long time in a very superficial way but now that I've combined a number of DBs into one big one and have to set it up for ease of use by others its a whole new ball game. So I'm having to get into VBA and it is a lot of fun.

    I agree about the forum. I've learned heaps.

    All the best - I'm sure I'll see you round.
    Just a quick "Hi" from the right side of the ditch.

    Thank you very much for the assistance. Although I stuck to the code nearest to my own on in order to same time I was very interested in the totally different way in which you approached the problem. Will look at it in detail as soon as I have an hour or so to spare.

    Kind regards

    Brian Mahoney (Christchuch NZ)
    Good Afternoon, Kiwiman,

    I was very happy and surprised by the quick and absolutely perfect solution to my problem - which I only posted this morning.
    Please accept my sincere thanks for your help.

    Best regards (from Melbourne, Australia)
    Irmgard Wesselbaum
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