Search results for query: dlookup with multiple criteria

  1. E

    Solved DLOOKUP and multiple criteria and concatenate

    Hi All, I'm doing a database whereby I'm taking some Manufacturing order details and adding them so we can look quality pass / fail rates and details. One MO might have anything from 1 to 20 components. I have linked tour data warehouse to the access file instead of calling it in through SQL...
  2. P

    Dlookup problem

    There is no need for a timer event. Do not use timers unless you absolutely need to. Add the If statement to the Open event of the menu. If there are people to contact, it will open the Contact form automatically. Otherwise, the menu will just open showing the buttons. If you have multiple...
  3. T

    Dlookup Multiple Criteria

    Still Struggling with another Dlookup for multiple criteria. My current code which works is WhoCharge = Nz(DLookup("Processor", "TblQCPreRetailSuppliers", "Supp_Code='" & Nz(tbSup_Code.Value, "") & "'"), "") and i want to add another criteria to check if the supplier is live, so tried this...
  4. Gasman

    number of record from query and two combo boxes

    This site has a pretty good search function. Might want to start using it, as a lot of newbie questions will have been asked before? The criteria for Domain functions is the same.
  5. A

    DLOOKUP with multiple AND, and OR Criteria

    Hi, I am struggling to return a record using DLookup (ELookup, actually, but if I can get it to work with DLookup I am pretty sure I can get it to work with ELookup) and with convoluted Critera. The DLookup line is: DLookup ("Name", "tableCreatures", strCriteria) The strCriteria logic is...
  6. S

    Solved Can I use Dlookup/DMIN lookups within VBA where part of the criteria is looking for a 'null' value in a field?

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to set up a lookup on a table that logs some serial numbers for a little side project of mine. I log the serial numbers of items into a table called tbl_serialnumbers. However, I've been implementing the option of allowing Part Numbers to be used when a serial doesn't...
  7. S

    Solved DLookup in form with multiple criteria not returning expected value

    I am trying to display information in a form using DLookup based on multiple (in this case two) criteria. The form is linked to an event table but is referencing a related table (in this case, a junction table it shares with a customer table). For the purposes of troubleshooting, I'm using...
  8. B

    Dlookup problem

    Thanks Pat, Think I get you, what I have done whether right or not I do not know. Is when I open the database a welcome form opens first with which I plan to add buttons to. Then a timer event occurs to check the followupdate criteria if some match then it opens a Notice form which I have...
  9. T

    Dsum multiple criteria

    Dear guys, Need help please with attached file , i have tried Dsum but did not get any value. jus getting " #Name?" I need the form "Data_list" where Field " Price1" Dlookup the ([Buy Rate], from Table " Rate_report" where "item code" match with " New Code" Text153 = DSum([Quantity],"...
  10. Uldis007

    Solved How to find out the ID of the record to which I am trying to add a duplicate

    Thanks for the reply! I had that idea but don't understand how to use Dlookup with multiple search criteria? ,. The customer table has three columns, Customer ID (Primary Key), Customer First Name, Customer Second Name, and Number.
  11. Eugene-LS

    Solved How to find out the ID of the record to which I am trying to add a duplicate

    Dim sVal As String, vVal sVal = "[Customer ID] = " & Me![Customer ID] & " AND [Customer First Name] = '" & Me![Customer First Name] & "'" vVal = DLookup("[Customer ID]", "[Your Table Name]", sVal) If vVal > 0 Then 'Found ... ' ... Else ' ... End If
  12. M

    Solved Get a value from a Table based on multiple fields criteria

    I have a set of Skills in a Skills Table named "tbl_Skill_Groups". And I have Team Details in a table called "TMT_TeamDetails". There is a Junction table created (tbl_TeamSkills_Junction") to track the scores of each Employee for each Skill. Now I want to create a form where I would select the...
  13. C

    Query Read Only

    dlookup on a query will be slower than dsum on a table In my experience, presenting the user with a list of several thousand quotes for them to subsequently filter is the slowest way of doing things. That is an excel way of thinking. Enable them to choose some parameters before seeing a list...
  14. M

    DLookup Multiple Criteria Help Needed

    Hi, I have been trying for hours to get the following DLookup to work. I've read forum after forum and help pages to no avail. Problem : DLookUp("[DIFFRERENCE]","qrySubUsage","MeterID=" & [Sub1MeterID] And "CURRENT_READ_DATE=#" & [CURRENT_READ_DATE] & "#") Source Query "qrySubUsage" has the...
  15. C

    Solved #Error

    You can return multiple fields in a dlookup providing they are strung together as a single string the nz function needs to be applied to the form references in the criteria, not the dlookup although you could still use it to display a message like ‘no record’ Ensure you substitute a value...
  16. C

    dlookup with multiple criteria

    Hello, I do have this Dlookup function that works, in case that [win] is a control in my form : =Nz(Dlookup("[apostaid]";"tblApostasTemp";"[bookieID]=" & [Forms]![frmApostas]![bookerID] & " AND [jogo]= '" & [jogo] & "'" & " AND [resultado]= '" & [win] & "'");"X") I want to change it because...
  17. S

    Solved Dlookup with multiple NUMBER/Integer Criteria.

    Hey all! Hopefully something simple, I think i'm just brainfarting this code, i'm trying to use a Variable to store a Dlookup value. I want to look up the "Unit Price" of the selected item from my Purchase Orders Details table. CurrentBuyPrice = DLookup("[Unit Price]"...
  18. S

    DLookUp with multiple criteria

    I have queries like this is it possible to lookup the price base on the date and product ???
  19. Sam Summers

    Inserting subform/Table data into specific fields in Excel

    Hi, I had this working but now need to insert multiple rows for an item (Description) into either one record in Excel or each row into their own row while keeping PONumber, Supplier, SiteID, Date and Ordered for the same. The main form - frmPO has the continuous subform - StoresTempSubFrm on it...
  20. S

    Main Report Textbox Displays Correct Value in Report View, But Displays Zero in Print Preview

    The short answer is no. The sub-report is based on a query where I pull all the fields I need to generate the invoice details, but the calculations are done at the report level. This was because I needed to pull multiple values from previous records to use for the new records (ie. the...
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