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  1. S

    User Accounts for Access 2007

    Good Morning All, I'm sure this has been asked in various levels but I haven't been able to find an answer suitable for my needs. I have created three databases and until now I have managed them by disabling options within the "Access Options" menu and subsequently entered the databases by...
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    Count number of times a field has been selected

    Hopefully this will make sense. I'm compiling a monthly report based on data from my table "JobSheet" I want to count how many times last month a specific field was entered, it's a drop down list which is formed from it's own table "Problem" Is there a simple way of doing this?
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    Locking Row Source?

    Dear All I'm having problems with my split form. (I know that is already causing some to scream no!) Is there a way to lock the row source fields in the properties menu as currently it keeps creating exceptions (WHERE) onto the end of the SQL this is subsequently causing me major issues in the...
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    Open & Filter a form using cbo in a different form!

    Hi Guys I'll try and get to the point carefully. I have a form designed with only a combobox called 'cboTechnician' Once a value is selected from that box I then want it to open a form called modJobSheet and filter the records to only show the ones with the technician that was selected via...
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    Split Form

    Is it possible to filter the table view of a split form based on both the date value on the form and the value of a cbo? Thank you
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    Please Help - Need Advice

    Ok guys, So I'm trying to create a new database which would replace a system that we (team) are currently using excel for. At the end of every day each team member (upto 10 people) have to complete a daily job sheet. This needs to contain the following... Technician Name Date Shift/Role Room...
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    Refresh cbo after import?

    I've made some changes to the why my form displays data and as a result the form is currently showing blank on two of the cbo i have changed. The data is correctly in the table though. Is there a way of telling the form to refresh to display that data from the same field in the table or do I...
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    Two databases with same coding but different results!

    As some on here may know now I've been working on several DBs recently. I've an issue where I'm using a combo box linked with MS address book that is used in many of there templates. My issue is in my table one DB shows ID and the other shows the text. The properties are exactly the same. I...
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    Carrying Previous Value into next Record

    Hi All, I've attached my DB in a hope to make things clearer. I want the "Technician" & "Date" Field's to remember the last value when a new record is started. i.e If John has 20 jobs to input he doesn't need to set his name and date every time? The reason for this database is to improve...
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    Export not exporting all text into excel

    I have a field set to Memo and when I try and export my report to excel it only copies a set amount of text. Is there a way to export everything within the field?
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    Multiple Queries

    Hi All I need to run a report containing several rules. I need to have all records with the field as "Open/Reopened" and "Pending" displayed in my report and the I want to select the date of which "Closed" records to display. I currently have a form which allows me to search by date and...
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    Future Dates but also Todays!!

    Hi All I know how to create a filter for past dates, I also know how to do one for Future dates but how on earth do you do it for todays date as well. I.e I only want to show records for today and the future, not the past Everytime I try and just cancel everything out and no records show. Thanks
  13. S

    Creating Filter based on at least two criterias

    I have a report which is needs to be sent off to management once a month it needs to contain all [Status] = "open" records regardless of age and then the Recrods from the previous month with status's [Status] = "Pending" & "Closed" Is there a simple way of doing this? Also is it possible to...
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    Can I create a query to display within my form

    Hi All, I'd like to have a text box (locked) in form view that can give me a live status on how many forms contain "open" within there field is this possible?
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    One input to output to two sources

    Dear All, I'm aware that this is bad practice but I need to have the follow code Private Sub butSubmit_Click() If Me.cboCommentby.ListIndex = -1 Then Call MsgBox("You need to select a Staff member", vbInformation) Exit Sub End If If...
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    Creating status monitor

    Hi All, Again I don't know if this is possible and if so how simple it is. I've got the "now" command setup to stamp the date when a record is created but I'm trying to find out two things... Can I display on that record how long it has been "Open" for (I also have a combobox simply...
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    Create own Auto ticket number

    Hi All I've searched the net for whether this is possible and I'm still a little unsure, I want to create an Auto generated ticket number along the lines of AV13****(obviously the * would be the incrementing number) It's for a Fault Log that I'm creating. Kind Regards
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    User, Date and Time stamp to textbox

    I'm really sorry if this has already been discussed but I can't find the whole answer. I currently have some code in my db form where I can create time/date stamped comments (I found the code else where) Private Sub IndirectDataInput_Click() If IndirectDataInput.Caption = "Click to Add New...
  19. S

    Display image depending on combo box value

    Hi All I want to display a certain image based on a certain selection from a combobox for example if "No1"was selected in cbo then I would want imgNo1 to display. I have a total of 4 values and images. I'm trying to piece together code at the moment but I'm not getting anywhere fast. I can...
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    Drop down list - Missing Text

    Dear All, I've created three cascading combo boxes using a method elsewhere and all works brilliantly except for the fact that the text does not show when you drop down a list, the about of rows that display are correct dependent on selection, you just can't see any text. Also if you guess at...
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