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  1. 2

    Front page fields

    So I am not well versed with Word other than your standard usage. I want to create a document that we use frequently to create a graduation script. We have multiple classes, and other bits of information such as guest speaker, emcee and of course names of graduates, but most of it is standard...
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    Correct Syntax?

    I am trying to open a report using this code: DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCustom", acPreview, , "IIf(IsNull([Forms]![frmChooseFields]![chooseflight], ,[Flight] = [Forms]![frmChooseFields]![chooseflight])" The form has a combobox with 4 different options for flights. When you select one and click the...
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    Need help figuring this out

    I have one table with training dates, names, courses etc in it. Another has dates when training should be completed, which is different for everyone. Training has to be done 1 year prior to entering their time frame. Training Table: Name, LastCompletionDate, CourseName TimingTable...
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    Open/Save As and Close Excel

    My database consists of importing excel spreadsheets from another source. I have no control over the source but they export spreadsheets that don't seem to work right away. I have to open them up. Then i get "The file you are trying to open, [Filepath].xls, is in a different format than...
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    Update Query

    I'm sure this has been asked before but I am trying to combine the fields from several different tables into one with the same key field. Can't figure out the criteria for it to update using the names I have the update query set up Field: Training Table: permpartytraining Update To...
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    wildcard in url, before and after

    I'm trying to add a spreadsheet from a folder using wildcards by just looking for a number in the file name. strPath = "C:\Training\" strFile = strPath & "*" + "(ZZ131008)" + "*.xls" DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "Training1", strFile, , "" I get a response saying it cannot find the...
  7. 2

    Import from Excel, Date, Text to Date

    Hello, I 'm trying to import a excel spreadsheet which includes a date column and some of those fields show "not attempted" ie Text. When I import them into access, i originally had them going into a text field, but I need to show the ones that are due in 60 days so I need to query using that...
  8. 2

    up on dir in FilePath

    FilePath = CurrentProject.path I am currently using this path, but I moved my database folder into another folder so people won't mess with it. I still need to create files to the original directory. How can I make the FilePath still relative but up one folder from CurrentProject.path?
  9. 2

    Filtering Question

    So I am using the following code to the the userid: Function GetUserName() As String Dim LUserName As String Const lpnLength As Integer = 255 Dim status As Integer Dim lpName ' Assign the buffer size constant to lpUserName. LUserName = Space$(lpnLength + 1) ' Get the...
  10. 2

    Simpler Find as you type

    I have been using the following tutorial to find as you type. It works great, but I don't like that I have two comboboxes, I just want to search one static field (name). How can I rework this so I only have have one field to search, or even just to...
  11. 2

    Error "on the fly" report

    I've followed this PDF to create reports on the fly. The process is what i am looking for atleast to start out. Problem is i've done this in my project and tried to do it on its own and I get an error both ways. "Application-defined or object-defined error"...
  12. 2

    Google Maps (Calculate Shortest Route)

    I'm trying to create an automated way of making a way to contact our personnel in case phones cannot be used. I have a list of all the address and currently seperated by cities. I want to step it up a bit and with the use of google maps create a shortest route map. So one representative from one...
  13. 2

    Design and Layout Views

    Am I the only one with this issue? Everytime I need to update something like a combobox with a new list value or maybe the default input I have to do that multiple times since each time I switch between design and layout views the change or update did not take. :banghead: It is frustrating...
  14. 2

    FindAsUType Help

    I've been using the Allen Browne FindAsUType function with some success. The fuction allows you to filter your tables as you type. What I've been trying to figure out without success is how I can just limit them filtering a certain column of data. Right now they can select name, cell phone, etc...
  15. 2

    Records from now until end of next month

    I am using the following code to get results from next month, Month([ptdate])=Month(Now())+1 which works great to get next months results. I try to get what is left of this month by adding the code: Between Now() And Month([ptdate])=Month(Now())+1 This actually gives me results from...
  16. 2

    Run a Function

    I am getting kind of lost. I try to run a function off of a button click. The code is Private Sub Command_Click() Run fuctionname() End Sub The code is ran, but then I get a msg box: Run-time error '2517': Microsoft Office Access can't find the procedure '.' What am I missing?
  17. 2

    New row to two related tables with one form

    So I have a form, it has a few fields from a related table in it, related by the name. I click 'new' on the form, but when I click save Access complains about the related table does not have a matching record. How do I have it create a new record?
  18. 2

    Just getting one return, want multiple

    So I am exporting my data to PowerPoint. All is working well except I am stuck on probably a simple issue. :banghead: Dim pttestdue As String pttestdue = DLookup("persName", "Top 5 PT Status") Dim ptmonth As String ptmonth = Format(Date, "mmmm")...
  19. 2

    Export to PDF

    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Breakdown Hourly", acFormatPDF, "Hourly Breakdown - " & Format(Now, "hh:mm") & ".pdf", True, "", acExportQualityPrint What is wrong with this code? Each time I push the button it shows the popup for microseconds, then does nothing. If I reduce it to...
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    Database Access List

    So I am using the following code: Declare Function WNetGetUser Lib "mpr.dll" _ Alias "WNetGetUserA" (ByVal lpName As String, _ ByVal lpUserName As String, lpnLength As Long) As Long Const NoError = 0 'The Function call was successful Function GetUserName() As String Dim...
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