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  1. D

    Inserting Autonumber Field to Query

    Hi I have a qryResults which I would like to add an autonumber field to but have not managed this with any success. Please look at attached DB and qryResults, any assistance with this is much appreciated. Thanks Darth
  2. D

    Inserting New Records

    I’m trying to create an append query where a new round is added to each ActID where the Round Vote is greater than or equal to 3. I know this query will only add 1 record in the form of RoundNum, RoundDate and Round Description to the bottom of the table. Please help! please look at the attached...
  3. D

    Hiding parts of a form or making them greyed out

    Hi I need help hiding parts of a form if a option button is selected. There are two option buttons and two parts to the form. I would like each part of the form greyed out or made invisible depending on which radio option button is selected. Can anyone tell me how I can achieve this...
  4. D

    Comparison Query???

    Hi I have a table containing: Job Type------ NumberNeeded---------- NumberAssigned Office-----------10 ------------------------------10 Manager------- 1-------------------------------- 0 CEO-------------- 1-------------------------------- 1 Diner------------...
  5. D

    Leading Zero missing

    Hi I have a query where I am geting the last 4 digits from an id. However my query when it returns the results misses out the leading zero from the results. For instance if I had an id of 12340567 the query should return 0567 but instead it returns 567. This is what I am using...
  6. D

    Form and query

    Hi The databse I am trying to develop is based on a theatre showing two productions (wizard of oz & charlie and the chocolate factory). I am having problems with a form(Activity 2). The last three combo boxes on the form select a production, Production job and character name. What I also...
  7. D

    Append Query Error

    Hi I am having problems adding details from StudentForm to student table. When I click on the add student button it throws back an error Microsoft Access cant append all the records in the append query. I have attached the error as a pdf and the database for info. Your kind help would be...
  8. D

    Append Query For Form

    Hi I am having a problem with my append query on my student form. When I add in the details on the form and run the append query it throws back a dialogue box saying Enter parameter value... I have attached my database and would be gratefull for anny assistance. Many Thanks Darth
  9. D

    Subform Update Query

    Hi Please see attached documents. What I am trying to do is book students to a particular role for a play. In tblRoles I have two roles which can be booked role id 1 = Winged Monkeys and role id 2 = Dorothy. On the form(activity 2) when I assign a role id to a student and save it I want it...
  10. D

    Tables & Relationships

    Hi I have attached a Scenario that I am looking at devising a prototype database for. What I am interested in is how many tables would be needed and the relationships based on the scenario attached. Also, what type of keys/compound keys etc Scenario Vicky Wilkinson is the performing...
  11. D

    Count Query

    Hi I have a a table 'Orders' with fields (Order Number, Order Date, CD Number, Card Number). I would like to produce a query in access 2010 that would allow me to count how many times the CD Number 'Diab190617' has been purchased. I would like to store the results of this count and...
  12. D

    2 search criteria on same field

    Hi I need to be able to print records for certain students showing their best and worst results for each exercise. Must be printed in portrait A4. Each student must be on a new page. I am trying to create a query which will find the results for studentID AA111 and DS1119. For each student: ·...
  13. D

    Form (Converting month to a value)

    Hi I have a txt box on a form in which I type the month of the year e.g January, February etc. What I am having problems with is in another field I need to convert this month to it's corresponding value e.g. January will be 1, February will be 2 and so on. I have hit a brick wall, please...
  14. D

    Append Queries on Form

    Hi I have a form(frmNewTest) that generates a fitness test id when you enter the month and year (you do not need to enter anything in the Fitness test id field which is greyed out). This data on the form should then append to the tblFitnessTest. However, when I select the button to add...
  15. D

    Add New Customer Form

    Hi I am having problems with my frmAddCustomers. I have a qryNewUserNumber which works. I want the number generated by this query to appear in my unbound text field(txtNewNumber) on the form. Nomatter what I try it does not seem to work. I have attached my database for any suggestions...
  16. D

    DLookUp not displaying value in form

    Hi I've attached the database I'm working on. The problem I have relates to the DLookUp I have on the form frmFindSeats. I have a query for the Combo box 'available seats' which finds all the free seats for you to select one from. The normal price field should display the price for this seat...
  17. D

    Darth Sidious

    Hi I'm a complete newbie and have just started to play around with access 2010. Don't let my name scare you off, I can assure you I'm a pretty easy going guy. I'm hoping to get lots of help and assistance through this forum so please feel free to contribute ideas to any problems I list as...
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