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  1. H

    Nested iif for query expression

    Hi Paul, Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this. I can't express enough my appreciation! I shall be poring over this for the next few days and making some concatenations of my own. I'll mark this thread as solved :) Thank you again, Holly :)
  2. H

    Nested iif for query expression

    Hi Paul, It works perfectly of course. Thank you so much! I can read through most of it, but the last two "paragraphs" are not familiar to me. I've written some notes trying to understand what you've created but if you could explain a bit more it would really help. Trying to learn for myself...
  3. H

    Emailing Reports as PDFs - But FileName problem

    Hi Mlister51, I had a similar problem here and in the course of trying to solve it found that the report's caption is used as the pdf name. You should be able to change that to feed a static name through to your reports, although I'm not an expert, it worked for me! If you want to be a bit...
  4. H

    Nested iif for query expression

    Hi Paul, This expression will be used as the first line of an address label but my users don't always fill in all fields. I think it is called concatenating the fields? I call it joining! I've used the condition of the "Title" being null or not to assume if it has contents, then the...
  5. H

    Nested iif for query expression

    Hi All, I am trying to use a six nested iif statements to evaluate to one line of text from three fields. I have made a table of possible outcomes and written each condition and truepart from it, with a seventh line being the falsepart on the end. I use this with the expression builder...
  6. H

    Rename a pdf attached to en e-mail

    Hi Paul, Thank you for your help with this. The report's caption is used as the pdf name so I only wanted to change the caption, not the name of the report. I have used the following code in the report's on open and now it opens with the dynamic name I want :) For some reason it didn't work...
  7. H

    Rename a pdf attached to en e-mail

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with some code, I am quite new to VBA! I have searched the forums and tried a few things myself and cannot find an answer. I'm using 2013. The first version of my code works great. It opens the correct report and attaches it to an e-mail as a pdf with all of my...
  8. H

    EMailDatabaseObject to recipient in a query

    The RptMSXX are Method Statements. Each one I've typed out the "static" text, so MS01 is for dismantling works, MS02 is for carpentry works etc. and they are all bound to a query with all of the details. So each report has a space for [StartDate], [Site] etc. Previously, we had these saved as 15...
  9. H

    EMailDatabaseObject to recipient in a query

    Hehe! It works, and I can understand it! Changing the If to code wasn't as painful as I thought :). I've updated it so that I can add more If's, I used Else if and it seems to be OK. Eventually the MS's will go up to MS15, is it OK to use this many If's in code? Also, could you explain "Me."...
  10. H

    EMailDatabaseObject to recipient in a query

    Don't apologise! It's nice to know the experts miss a colon every now and then ;) It works perfectly, thank you. If you're up for explaining a bit more, I have been a bit ambitious and tried to apply this to a button: The attached "Form" has a print preview button which runs the attached...
  11. H

    EMailDatabaseObject to recipient in a query

    Hi Paul, Thank you for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it and the link is very helpful. I am getting the attached error when I paste this in though; it seems to be the exitOnErr bit causing the problem? (I assume as it highlights it?)
  12. H

    EMailDatabaseObject to recipient in a query

    Hi Gina / All, Thank you for this amazing snippet! I usually use macros but have used this code as there isn't a macro which can do the same thing. I have amended it as follows to suit my need and have attached it to the e-mail address in a text box (no, I couldn't format to hyperlink...
  13. H

    User Selects Data for Report

    Hi plog, Yes, you are right. It has been going around in my head since I typed the problem out earlier. I will work on this from the table angle and post my results. All of the reports (i.e MS01, MS02 etc.) request the same fields but have different static text so it will just be a case of...
  14. H

    User Selects Data for Report

    Hi Experts, I have come across something new to me and wanted some advice on how to proceed and what is the "accepted" version of events. I have created a report, a dynamic method statement actually, and want my user to be able select some data to appear in the report. Let me explain...
  15. H

    Navigation Form Subform - Reference in Macro

    Hi All, I have posed a similar question in the reports forum but as this now appears to be an issue with the Navigation Form I will see if any of you experts have a solution. I am using Access 2013, I am a beginner and don't use VBA but I'm OK with normalisation, some macros and a bit of...
  16. H

    Combobox in Report Header for filter?

    Hi Mihail, Yes I think I'll have to do it as opening separately for now until I work out how to reference the report inside a navigation form. Edit: I am going to pose the question in the forms forum as I believe this issue is to do with the Navigation form.
  17. H

    Hiding Rows based on cell value

    Hi Alleny, I have a similar report for retirement ages and I used this if it helps... You can highlight the entire row using conditional formatting. First, in design view highlight all of the fields/boxes in your row in detail, then apply the conditional format. It sounds like you've already...
  18. H

    Combobox in Report Header for filter?

    Hi Mihail, I understand what you are saying and thank you for the reply. The combo box idea was a little "off" of me. The 2 buttons idea half works, I just need to know how to make it work from the navigation form. I could have the report opening from the navigation form then the preview opening...
  19. H

    Combobox in Report Header for filter?

    Hi Experts, OK, after some thought, I maybe could use two buttons in the report header... The first button uses the ApplyFilter macro set to WHERE [Status]="Current"... all good so far... Then to get the records back, the second button uses the macro RunMenuCommand - RemoveFilterSort...
  20. H

    Combobox in Report Header for filter?

    Hello Experts, I have a report, rptAllCSCS which is based on a query qryCSCS2... One of the fields in qryCSCS2 is Status and each record is either "Current" or "Not Current"... My report is being viewed via a navigation form, so one of the tabs says CSCS and when clicked the user can see...
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