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  1. R

    Subtracting dates

    I would like to Substract one date from another using dao.recodset and get format "dd hh:mm:ss" My fields in table e.g. strDate = 17.10.2016 08:17:45 endDate = 18.10.2016 09:23:36 the problem is, if trying rst!endDate - rst!strDate then result is "31 01:05:31" I tried various combination e.g...
  2. R

    Can't update query

    Why below query is not updatable? sql = "Update Tbl_Raport_hd_sumyTys " & _ "set tbl_raport_hd_Sumytys.SI_MAxxx = (select sum([Tbl_Raport_hd_iloczynyJedn].[I_MAxxx]) from Tbl_Raport_hd_iloczynyJedn where [Tbl_Raport_hd_iloczynyJedn].[nr_wyc] = [Tbl_Raport_hd_sumyTys].[nr_wyc] and...
  3. R

    Ms Access and Microsoft Azure SQL Database

    I would like to ask if someone working with Access and linked base on Azure? How it's runnig? There's no problem with performance? I think it's matter of time when we all will have to use it in our organization instead of local base. So it's time to go to Azure:)? Or maybe there are some problem...
  4. R

    Encryption base and row level locking

    I have application with linked base (*accdb) on LAN NAS storage for few users, designed with row level locking, but since I've made encryption my database, MS Access disabled my row protection and now i have problem with users "I can't edit my box because someone use it" - None use it:/. I...
  5. R

    The Future of MS Access

    Some guy told me that Power Apps is the future, Ms Access will be past. What do You think about that? Do you earn from developing Ms Access? Are there programmer earning only in vba?
  6. R

    Format property

    In my form: If I want to have cubic meter format of my control, then I type &" m³" if I want to have thousands separator then I type # ### How should format look like for cubic meter control and thousands separator. In addition, this control should has three decimal places, but only when...
  7. R

    changefileaccess xlreadwrite

    I try to open Excel file from Ms Access do some changes and quit. The problem is, I can't open in readwrite mode:/. my code is Dim mojexcel As Object Set mojexcel = CreateObject("Excel.application") mojexcel.Visible = True Set wb = mojexcel.workbooks.Open("C:\Users\xw\Desktop\Robocza\ww.xlsx")...
  8. R

    Check whether someone is currently blocking records

    I'm using sql string to delete some data from tables. When someone locking rows then Ms Access generates error. So is there some code which could I use before running delete query, to check whether someone is currently blocking records which I want to delete?
  9. R

    DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport with several queries

    I have a several queries to export in another accdb file. code below works great, BUT in every query MS Access shows pop up message about security with macros. It's annoying when I'm using RunTime. I know how to disabled it through regedit. But i need to send this file to my friedns and them...
  10. R

    Filter in msoFileDialogSaveAs

    have a function that shows me the saving path choosen by user The problem is I can't set filter to *accdb. If I work with msoFileDialogFilePicker then .filter property works. What should I do to set filter *accdb in msoFileDialogSaveAs? Function Plik(TytulOkna As String, TytulPrzycisku As...
  11. R

    External date

    I'm using dao.recordset (know sql) to work with my internal data, because in the past someone in this forum show me how to work with sample. So now I need to import from xls some date to my database in Ms Access. But Ado.recordset is unknown for me (I was traying to understand it:/). So I made...
  12. R

    Error Message "Reserved Error ( -1104); there are no message fot this error."

    Error Message "Reserved Error ( -1104); there are no message fot this error." I get this error when I will open 8-10 forms. -compiled my code -used compact and rapair database button still the same error. only when I will open more than 8-10 form. in every event:/ Maybe it's because, when I...
  13. R

    DateDiff function

    I try to use datediff function with format() to count difference between now() and starting time my activity -tblProcesyZleceniaSzczegoly.datarozpoczecia I want to use format 00h and 00min e.g. now - 19:06 starting activity time 20:00 result shoudl be 00h and 54min but when I try to use...
  14. R

    SQL string syntax problem

    I have problem to implement "short date" in format to sqlstring (syntax) what's wrong with my sqlstring? Ms Access shows me that is something wrong with "short date" part strsqLy = "select datarozpoczecia, datazakonczenia from " & _ "tblPRocesyZleceniaSzczegoly inner join...
  15. R

    Order by in a form

    I have "order by" in a form: nz([kolejnosc], 9999]) - to have null field a the end not at the top. kolejnosc it's a long field. form based on query (union all) If I have records with (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) everything is ok but when I have "10" number then my sequence is (1,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)...
  16. R

    Order by in query

    I have a query with "order by LP asc" (lp is a number) but the problem is when the lp is null (has no value) then these rows are on top. What should I do to have rows with no value at the bottom?
  17. R

    checking whether records are locked or not

    Is there any possibilities to check before Currentdb.execute or editing record in recordset, whether record is locked by another user?
  18. R

    Fastest way to to achieve results from query

    I need to check, is some duplicated records or not (by column which is text) in my table before do my code. so I wrote the query which is working fine but slow:/ - that's the problem. Is there any fastest way to check that what my query do? strSQL = "Select count(nazwa) " & _ "from...
  19. R

    SQL string syntax problem

    What is wrong with syntax of this query:/? strsql = "Select id_poprzednie, kopiamontazu, kopiaplikow from tblPoprzednieZlecenia where id_poprzednie = select max(id_poprzednie) from tblPoprzednieZlecenia where id_tblOffset=" & Forms!frmZlecenieMarzena!Id_tblOffset & ")& " id_tblOffset is a long...
  20. R

    Insert Into string

    I always have problem with the end of the string what is wrong in this string? strSQL = "Insert into tblGoraZleceniaNowa (Naklad_pracy, IloscStron, KoloryP, KoloryT, FormatX, FormatY, id_zlecenia, nazwa_id) values (" & Nz(Me.Naklad_pracy, "") & ", " & Nz(Me.IloscStron, "") & ", '" &...
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