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  1. S

    General Speed Question

    Sorry for probably a pretty entry level question, I have looked a little but couldn't find a black or white answer and I was hoping for some quick feedback before I did the work. Currently, I have a subform that holds times slots and 5 days, there are 115 textboxes on the subform. There are...
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    Too many controls

    Hello all, I am looking for some basic suggestions on how to increase the speed in which my form and subforms load in my particular scenario. Attached is a screenshot of the form I am using to bring in a drivers work schedule for each day. I already query just the records from the rides...
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    Sync Scrolling on subforms

    Hello all, I am creating a 5-day calendar, much like outlook, for driver jobs and times. I find the best way to do this an achievement an "endless" horizontal scroll past the 22-inch limit is to build 4 subforms and have each hold a driver rides for the day. This way certain regions that have...
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    Visible by Tag

    Hello all, I am wondering if I may have something set wrong in Access as setting the visible property is not working correctly. I have used this method in other DBs but is giving me issues, it is not setting the controls to visible. Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In Me.Controls If...
  5. S

    Run SQL for each listbox item

    Hello, bare with me on this as I am still new to running recordset in VBA, which is where I suspect this will end up.... Quick Setup: I have a Work Order maintenance process where when a work van needs repairs we generate a work order and list all the issues wrong. Then I go to another form...
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    Dlookup with SQL String

    Hello, I am looking to try to eliminate creating stored queries as often as possible so I have been creating them in VBA. I am having an issue with referencing them with Dlookup though so any tips would be great. I am getting a run-time error 3163 the field is too small to accept the amount of...
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    Keep firing the click event with mouse down

    Hello, I wanted to see if there was a way to keep firing the click event on a button when I am holding the mouse down. I have a series of images maybe 25 that I show 8 at a time. I have an advance button that when clicked it shows one new image and takes the 8th image away. I want to keep...
  8. S

    Resizing stacked controls

    Hello, I have several labels, text boxes and list boxes on a form all arranged stacked. This is a filter form. I have all the labels where if you click + button then that category's filters grow from a height of 0.0007 to 0.20 and when you hit - shrink back to 0.0007. The code is working ok to...
  9. S

    Calling Active Screen Module on a Subform

    Hello, I have a module created that uses the screen.activeform property to look up a series of integers to color each form to a user's custom preferences (i.e Header backcolor, text, buttons, etc.) My module works great when a form is a parent form, but I get an error that the form needs to...
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    Total Row messing up count unique values

    Hello all, I am sure this is a simple oversight but it is driving me crazy. I have a query that counts the number of users following a project. the table is: (with autonumber ID) User-------Project 14-----------24 7 ----------24 2 ----------24 14 ----------24 if I create the query...
  11. S

    More than 2 backcolors in a report??

    Hello all, I was wondering if it was possible to set each group of a report a different back color. I have a report that will run one "project" and each project could have a different "category", some projects with only 1 category and some with a dozen. I don't want to use the alternate rows...
  12. S

    Different Alignment of controls on Reports

    Hello, I am not sure if this is possible, but what i am looking for is a control on each line item on a report to align differently based on a rule. What i am trying to accomplish is separating notes out based on the user. So any notes from myself i want to align on the left side of the...
  13. S

    Query Criteria using a form field with In()

    Hello all, I have a form that has multiselect listboxes that on the click event will update a strWhere text field that is used when opening a report to pass in the where clause. that part works fine. (example of strWhereVanID In(1,4,5)) However, i want to use part of that same field the...
  14. S

    24+ Hour Time

    Hello, I have a SQL table that stores time as Time(0). I have a report that list all the employees hours for each day during the week as HH:MM. i need to find a way to total that time for the week so that for example 8:00+8:00+9:15 = 25:15. I have tried to add a field in the report and take...
  15. S

    Autonumber not visible

    Hello, I have a form that should generate and autonumber when a record is started. As soon as i start typing in the first field, the auto number field goes from (New) to blank. Even if i add an me.ID.requery or an me.ID.SetFocus on the AfterUpdate event it does not bring in the number. In...
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    Sort Multi-select lbx

    Hello, I have been looking for a solution and haven't found quite what i need. I have a multi select lbx that filters another multi select lbx. the SQL that i wrote work great up the the point when i am trying to sort by one of the columns in the lbx. Once i add the ORDER BY statement the lbx...
  17. S

    Event for all controls on form

    Hello, I have a form that has a lot of textboxes on it. I have two Public Subs (cOn and cOff) that when the control in On Enter it highlights the control and bolds the label and On Exit turns that control back to normal. My question is rather than going through each control on the form and...
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    Set control source to table record

    Hello, I am trying to set the control source of a textbox to a line of code in a table. I have a cbx that has "dates" like yesterday, tomorrow, last quarter etc. on the after update i want two hidden text boxes to update with the correct formula that i stored in the table. I have the control...
  19. S

    Union query not calculating IIF

    Hello all, I am building a union query and it is not calculating an IIF statement correctly. I have three name fields, Last, First and Prefered, so if William prefers Bill then the prefered field states Bill, otherwise that field is left null. When i build a query for just the name this...
  20. S

    Runtime 2100 - the control or subform is too large for this location

    Hello, I have a form with a width of 19" that has several textboxes and command buttons that start Left = 1". the total width of all of these controls next to each other does not extend past a width of 9" and are all tagged "Move" I have a command button that when hit needs to move all the...
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