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  1. R

    Display negative number as HH:MM

    Hi, I'm converting minutes to display as HH:MM but have an issue when the number is negative. Anyone know how to write this so I don't end up with a negative in front of the minutes? Format([Variance]\60,"00") & ":" & Format(([Variance] Mod 60),"00") i.e. -193 gives me -03:-13...
  2. R

    New to Dlookup

    Hello, I just started using Dlookup but seemed to have hit a snag and not sure how to fix it. I have a form with a text box for the date and a subform datasheet. The subform shows data that corresponds to the date in the text box. I wanted the textbox to show the next date that was greater...
  3. R

    Sum of two fields from seperate queries

    I have a sign up form where people select their name for the time slot they want, there are 2 spots open per time slot, so I have Interviewer A and Interviewer B. Records can then either just be a name in A or a name in A and B. I would like to run a report that shows how many times all the...
  4. R

    Navigation subform combo box afterupdate

    Hi, looking for some help on this. I have a navigation form [Main] with a subform [NavigationSubform]. The subform has 2 combo boxes [cboAgent] [cboProject]. Ultimately, I would like my selection in cboAgent to requery cboProject after update. I have done this before outside a navigation...
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    Filter query to calculate sum of fields in date range

    Hello, I'm looking for some guidance on this one. I have a table, tblDailyCalls, that contains agent_name, date, calls_ answered, and talk_time. Ideally on a form, the user will select an agent, enter the date range in txtStartDate and txtEndDate and a report opens to show what the total...
  6. R

    Multiple combo boxes as where conditions with Docmd.BrowseTo

    Hello, I'm using docmd.browseto to populate a subform that is filtered to a date range and combo box selection. DoCmd.BrowseTo acReport, "Master_Report", "Main.NavigationSubform>ReportCenter.sfrReportPage", "[Activity_Date]>[TempVars]![tmpStartDate]-1 And...
  7. R

    Using Dcount with combo box and date range

    Hi, I would like to have a text box display the number of records for a selected title that fall within a selected date range. Been looking around for a while and have this so far; =DCount("Discussion_Title","Discussions","[Discussion_Title]='" & [cboType] & "' And [Discussion_Date] =...
  8. R

    Distinct values in Combo box

    Hello, I have a combo box that I want to display titles of discussion that fall within a date range. I set up the query as such; SELECT DISTINCT Discussions.Discussion_Title, Discussions.Discussion_Date FROM Discussions WHERE (((Discussions.Discussion_Date) Between...
  9. R

    Displaying record number

    Hi, Wondering how to make a text box on a form display the record number so it can be seen along side record selector buttons. I'd rather have my own then use the record selector option that displays at the bottom of the form when enabled. Thanks, Ryan
  10. R

    Update query to replace number with text

    Hi, I've made a simple form to Login/Logout with radio buttons but the buttons only allow me to push a number as a value, in my case 1 or 2 for Login or Logout. How would I make an update query to change those numbers to the equivalent text? Or is that not possible in the same field...
  11. R

    Sum of time fields

    Hi, I have a form generated from infopath where users enter the amount of time it took them to complete a task. It is set up right now in time format, so a user would enter Task A-0:15 (to show 15 minutes). Users have multiple tasks with different times and I would like to be able to show a...
  12. R

    Getting a number to display text

    Hello, A quick summary would be that I'm trying to change a 1,2,3 in a table to display NA, Yes, No on a form. I have an Infopath form with a n/a,yes,no drop down that is dumped into Access. Infopath requires a value be tied to them so it is 1,2,3. So in Access, my table shows the numbers...
  13. R

    Clearing a combo box based on another combox

    Hi, I have a combo box (cbodate) and it's based on another combo box (cboagent). Right now when I select and agent, the date box shows the dates specific to that person and when I select one, I open a form with the info. The issue is when I want to select a new agent, the date box shows the...
  14. R

    How to load blank form before combo box selection

    Hi, I have a form that I populate after making selections in two combo boxes but when I load the form the text boxes are already filled in with the first record. The combo boxes load blank, which is what I want. How do I get the rest of the form to be blank on load? It is made up of text...
  15. R

    Opening report to unique date

    Hi, I want to tweak an existing form that currently allows me to generate a report based on a name and date selected. The issue now is that there are some records that have the same date and I want to be able to generate a report on them seperately. i.e. Jane has 2 records for December 5...
  16. R

    Opening report to specific record

    Hi, I can open a report right with a wherecondition that opens a report based on an agent name.. DoCmd.OpenReport "SelectPSReport", acViewPreview, , "[PS_Agent]='" & Me.CboAgt & "'" But it returns every record for that agent and I want to be able to specify the date that goes with the...
  17. R

    Report max length

    Hi, I'm trying to create a report in Access 2010 but I've reached the maxium 22"" length on my sheet. It's a training feedback form that gets filled out on InfoPath then dumped into Access. It has the Agents name, date, and projects followed by 10 different evaluation sections. Each...
  18. R

    Blank query after setting criteria

    Hello, I've set up a form with a button to open a report based on the current name on the form. The idea is that as you look through the different pages on the form you can open a report for whatever one you're on and print it. In my query I have a name field where I put the criteria...
  19. R

    Hello Access World

    An Access newcomer here from Canada. I've been learning with videos and forums over the last month and have reached a few stumbling blocks, so here I am!
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