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  1. D

    How to select all addresses that have residents aged both under AND over 18

    I have a table, with each record being a separate person. The fields I have are: Name Age Address I need to write a query that returns all records that have people aged both under 18 AND over 18 living in the same address. Just to clarify, I need the records to have the same address, and to...
  2. D

    Bulk Insert of Addresses into Table

    I've got a spreadsheet full of addresses that I need to put into a table in an Access database, but the problem I've got is that in the spreadsheet the addresses are listed as, for example: | House Number | Street Name | Postcode | | _____________|____________|_________| | 1-30 (all) |...
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    Populating a field in one table based on multiple fields in another

    Posting this in General as I wasn’t sure whether it best fit under Tables, Queries or Forms. In table ‘People’, upon a user entering their house number and postcode (UK zipcode), I need the ‘Area’ field to be populated accordingly based on the addresses stored in the ‘FS_Area’ table. What...
  4. D

    Reason for #Name? errors and any way to prevent them

    Hi, I've got a calculated text box on my main form that has the following control source: ="Currently Selected: " & [MainChild] & " & family" Pretty self explanatory, but basically it displays the value in the [MainChild] field into a text box at the top of the form. It worked absolutely...
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    I want my command button to run a query and then minimise the form in the same action

    I have a command button which runs a query based on the selection from a combo box. The query runs fine, but it appears in the background with the form still blocking the view of the query. I want the button to tell the database to run the query, then minimise the form. I've tried it using VBA...
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    Using a combo box to select which query to run

    I have about 20 queries that a user would need to run, but I want to give them a more user-friendly way of running them, rather than selecting the query manually from the navigation pane. One option I've thought of is to have a combo box that lists all the queries, and when the user selects the...
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    How to use a Command Button to navigate to a tab on my navigation form

    Hi, I've got a navigation form [frmNavigation], and all my other forms appear as tabs (subforms I guess?) going along the top. The tabs I have are: frmConsultations frmFamilies frmIndividuals On the [frmConsultations] tab I want to add a Command Button that will take the user to the...
  8. D

    Question about date parameters in multiple criteria lines in a query

    Hi all, this is my first post so apologies if I don't format this correctly or if I'm not doing things properly. Please give me any tips you think would help! I've got a decent enough working knowledge of Access but I'd still class myself as a bit of a beginner and I'm picking stuff up as I go...
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