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  1. mike60smart

    Requery Subform

    Hi Everyone For some reason I cannot get the following to work. I have a Main Form named "frmQuotes" On the Main Form I have Sub1 named "frmQuoteElementsSubform" When I run an On Click Event from Sub1 I need to refresh Sub2 on the Main Form The name of Sub2 is "frmProfileOrdersSubform" I have...
  2. mike60smart

    Error 2501

    Hi Everyone I am trying to attach a PDF file as an attachment to an EMail but when I run the Code I get the following Error. The Report opens just fine but no EMail is generated. Any help appreciated. Private Sub cmdPreview_Click() 10 If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False 20 On...
  3. mike60smart

    Dim a Field

    I have 2 Controls whose datatypes are set as Double in the table and display values like 2.1 and 0.35 When I create an OnClick Event and need to Dim these 2 fields how would I correctly Dim these Controls? I currently have :- Dim varSquareMeters As Long Dim varTotalSquareMeters As Long When...
  4. mike60smart


    Hi I cannot get a DCount of the number of times the same Date is entered into a Table. My latest attempt is as follows with no Joy, it displays 0 Any help appreciated. =DCount("BatchDate","tblBatchData","BatchDate = " & [Forms]![frmBatchDates]![frmBatchData].[Form]![BatchDate])
  5. mike60smart


    Hi Everyone I have crossposted this question but not understanding Doug's answer. I have a Continuous Form that displays a list of all students with their current StudentID, ClassID, GradeID and DateFrom as shown in the attached Current...
  6. mike60smart

    Export to Excel

    Hi Everyone I have a Continuous Form with an Unbound Textbox to Filter for specific records. How can I then export just the filtered list to Excel? If I just use the following Code it exports all records. DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "frmActiveClaims", acFormatXLSX, True Any help appreciated
  7. mike60smart


    Hi Everyone I have a Continuous Form where I need to validate just 1 Control named "AchievementLevel" I have tried adding the following Code to the On Click Event for Closing the Form. When I try to run the Code Access Locks up? Is there a better way to achieve this? Any help appreciated...
  8. mike60smart

    Syntax Error

    Hi Everyone What is wrong with the following please:- strSQL = "UPDATE Order SET DateOrdered = Date() WHERE [Shopping Cart] = 0 And [PO]= 0;"
  9. mike60smart

    Date Diff

    Hi Everyone I need to calculate the number of Days between 2 dates. StartDate and TermDate I know how to use the DateDiff Function =DateDiff("d",[StartDate],[TermDate]) How would I cater for the TermDate being Black and If it is Blank then use the Current Date. Any help appreciated.
  10. mike60smart

    Check for Duplicates

    Hi I appear to have a mental block on checking for Duplicates for a Members Data Entry Form. The 2 fields are Forenames and Surname. How would I code the AfterUpdate of the Surname Control to display the Duplicate warning? Your help appreciated
  11. mike60smart

    Choose a Folder

    I have an On Click Event which saves a PDF file of a Report which is being sent as an Attachment in an Email Message. Is it possible to use the following code provided by Carda Consultants Inc. to browse to a folder to store the PDF? Any help appreciated. 'FSBrowse (File System Browse) allows...
  12. mike60smart

    Inserting Field on Calendar

    Hi Everyone In the attached when you double click on a Date it opens up the Appointments Form When I add a Location is it possible to have this Location display on the Actual Calendar? Any help appreciated
  13. mike60smart

    Body of EMail

    Hi Everyone Is it possible to have a table named "tblAgentEmailDefaults" with a specific field named "MsgBody" Then in the on Click Event to send the email, be able insert into the Code this specific field by using a DLookup or anything similar? Any help appreciated
  14. mike60smart

    Cannot Find PDF File

    Hi Everyone Vlad gave me what I thought was a solution in the following Link, however I now find I am getting the following error. Link The Code I am using is as follows. Any help appreciated. Private Sub cmdPreview_Click() 10 On Error GoTo cmdPreview_Click_Error 20 If...
  15. mike60smart

    PDF Attachments

    Hi Everyone Can someone tell me where I an going wrong with the following Code to add an attachment to an email. The Code creates a PDF file in the Folder as required It displays the Report But it does not Display the Email in Outlook ? The code is as follows:- Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()...
  16. mike60smart

    Auto display a Value

    Hi Everyone I have a Combobox named "cboDriver" has the following :- Row Source: SELECT DriverT.DriverID, [DriverFName] & " " & [DriverLName] AS Driver, DriverT.TruckNumber, DriverT.TrailerNumber FROM DriverT; with an after And an Update Event as follows:- sSource = "SELECT...
  17. mike60smart

    CarriageReturns & LineFeed

    Hi Everyone I have the following MsgBox :- MsgBox "An Advance has already been issued to " & [Driver] _ & " on " & [AD] _ & " for the amount of $" & [AA] How can I add CrLf so that the MsgBox displays as follows:- An Advance has already been issued to John Smith on 03/03/2023...
  18. mike60smart

    Before Update

    Hi Everyone This is a follow on from a previous thread Here I have Main Form which is Unbound named "Dispatch" With a Subform named "frmCurrentLoadListsubform" On the Subform I have a Combobox named "cboStatus" What I want to be able to do is as follows:- If the user tries to select a...
  19. mike60smart


    Hi Everyone I had the following in an OnClick Event for a Subform Private Sub cmdMask_Click() 10 On Error GoTo cmdMask_Click_Error Dim x 20 x = InputBoxDK("Password Required", "Password Required") 30 If x = "" Then End 40 If x = "SCtb0825" Then 50...
  20. mike60smart

    Solved Error 2447

    Hi Everyone I am trying to use the following Code in the OnCurrent Event of the Form 40 If Me.txtStatus = "Billed" Then 50 Me.cboRateType.Enabled = False 60 Else 70 Me.cboRateType.Enabled = True 80 End If When the Form opens I get the following error:- Any help...
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