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  1. GSTEEL320

    SQL integration into MS Dynamics CRM

    Hello all, I've had a quick look over the forum and appreciate that this has been asked before. We are introducing MS Dynamics (CRM) into the business this year. My plan is to have a read/write access between our SQL server and CRM. We will incorporate a read-only link to the server...
  2. GSTEEL320

    Protecting the Back End via Windows Folder Permissions

    Hello All, I've taken a look at similar threads, but I'm not sure I've found the right answer. I have a DB, split, with the front and Backend within the same (Shared) network Folder. Can I use any of the settings on the network folder to continue to let users read and write to the DB, without...
  3. GSTEEL320

    Removing Non printable characters

    I've come across these for the first time recently. It would appear I import an excel sheet with several of these type of characters, which is causing issues when joining the data within that particular field. I have seen a few vba solutions, which can be hit and miss if the characters are not...
  4. GSTEEL320

    Legal Ownership of Database if I'm not a developer

    Hi, I've developed a database as a side project. I'm not a developer, nor do I work in an IT dept. This was purely a feasibility project. It turns out that the database worked, was adopted by work, and now seems to be taking a bit of a life of its own. I was called into a meeting today...
  5. GSTEEL320

    Belated Welcome from the UK

    Hi All, I've been a serial "lurker" on the forum for 2 years now, mainly due to work projects. I thought the least I can do it register and acknowledge the help you guys have given me throughout that period. I'm not a programmer, I don't even work in IT, but your forum has enabled a bodger...
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