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  1. Mylton

    SQLITE and Access

    Goodnight If my FE is access and the BE is SQLite, what would I need to know? What is the advantage disadvantage? It's possible? If so, how do I make the connection? Do I have to install ALL SQLote where it will run? Thank you to anyone who can inform. Thanks
  2. Mylton

    Questions Modern on/Off

    Good afternoon everybody. I noticed this code developed by author Mike Wolfe at and am trying to adapt it. I would like the option I chose on Form1 in the Toggle22 control (Yes or no) to be stored in Tbl_Test in the Txt_01 field. How I do? Could anyone...
  3. Mylton

    Solved How do I create and use a global variable later?

    Good morning This function performs 'The GenerateLicense function receives the processor and motherboard numbers as input, 'calculate a SHA-256 hash from the concatenation of these numbers ' and returns the last 10 digits of that hash as a license. 'Used to generate a one-time license based on...
  4. Mylton

    Helps in limiting registrations as a form of licensing

    Good afternoon I'm trying to create a way to limit records associated with App license generation. I know there are examples. But I managed to implement a search for what I believe to be the motherboard and processor number. In this routine I remove the letters, concatenate the numbers of both...
  5. Mylton

    Solved Is it possible for Microsoft access to work on an Asustor AS3202T NAS?

    Good morning After a long search I found an ASUSTOR NAS that, in addition to its usefulness, allows all these Apps I thought… Which back end would you recommend? So that it can run front of access? And what is the necessary learning...
  6. Mylton

    Automatically calculate date of birth

    Inglês good morning Could anyone help me create an age calculation in Word? I'm trying and catching a little. I've already tried several formulas I saw on the internet, I've tried putting in an Excel table, but this loses the "function" of the calculation. I attached a doc with a table. I...
  7. Mylton

    Difficulties in encrypting keys.

    Good morning. I have a table named TblRegistro. and two modules (ModCriptografarSHA256 + Mod_geral). One generates encryption in SHA256 and the other generates three keys (registry + machine + user). When I click on the Generate button in the "FrmClientes" form, the registration key is not...
  8. Mylton

    Solved Doubt with navigation form

    Good afternoon In a navigation form (attachment) there is the possibility of placing buttons on the left and above. How could I make each button on the left have all the buttons above exclusive to that button? and so on. Example - Name of the Buttons on the left A, B, C, D and E. Name of...
  9. Mylton

    Solved Difficulty with login and permission

    Good afternoon I'm starting this study of login associated with permission by group to later implement the permission to execute or not the tasks by user action in the form. There are two questions: 1) The login system for Admin and test 01 users opens and shows the name of the logged-in person...
  10. Mylton

    two colors on one page?

    goodnight Is there any way to put two colors on a page? in order to choose the size of each color? any supplements? thanks
  11. Mylton

    Solved Help to build a treeview

    Bom dia. Primeiramente peço desculpas pela linguagem. Como alguns de vocês sabem, sou médico e estou tentando desenvolver um APP em MS access para o meu dia a dia. Existem duas classificações em nosso meio, que são: 1) a Classificação Internacional de Doenças versão 11 (...
  12. Mylton

    Doubts with access security

    Góis morning These doubts became more evident to me from the need to learn, to look for literature and/or “more basic” examples. These doubts became more evident to me from the need to learn, to look for literature and/or “more basic” examples. Essas dúvidas ficaram mais evidentes para mim...
  13. Mylton

    Error querying Empty List Box

    Good afternoon I have 01 table called Tbl_Cadastro_Menu With Id_Cadastro_Menu (automatic key) Menu_Grupo (short text) Menu_Grupo (short text) Menu_Descricao (short text) In the form I put two list Boxes 1) ListOptions 2) ListSelectOption in the form in 01 ListBox as source Menu_Group in...
  14. Mylton

    Tab Controls

    Good Morning In the form we have tab controls, is there any way for the tabs to stay vertically and not horizontally (on top)? If not, what is the suggestion to replicate this? Without being form navigation. Thanks
  15. Mylton

    Unlinked Forms - Unbound Forms

    Good Morning I'm trying to start studies on unlinked forms. where could I get articles, books or texts on the subject? Thanks
  16. Mylton

    Solved Write Optionbox value as text

    Good afternoon Sorry for the language, but I don't speak English well. I know that it is necessary to create a decoupled option group for this value to be written as text. I even found a topic, but the example was no longer present. In doubt I have 1 form and 1 table I would like the value...
  17. Mylton

    Solved Visual Pain Scale

    Good afternoon Sorry for the language. I'm trying to develop an improvement in an APP (MS Access 365) in the health area. So that you can understand, I made a small example, where I would like a different presentation, something more modern. However, my programming limitation doesn't let me go...
  18. Mylton


    Estou aqui para aprender c vcs. Obrigado.
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