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  1. JMongi

    The Northwind 2 Project

    Our own personal thought, needs and opinions aside, what a great accomplishment! Kudos to you and everyone else involved and let me say thank you very much!
  2. JMongi

    Event Order Reference that includes VBA exceptions or differences

    @Pat Hartman - Thank you. It seemed like it should be universal, I just couldn't find any MS documentation stating such. Also, I'm not trying to accomplish anything specific at the moment. Just looking for official reference material similar to the link in the first post.
  3. JMongi

    Event Order Reference that includes VBA exceptions or differences

    @Pat Hartman - Is that universally true? Meaning there is precisely 0 form control event procedures that can be triggered via VBA data change? Edit: Just to head things off at the pass, I am NOT meaning you can't use various tricks and work arounds to get Access to do what you want. I am...
  4. JMongi

    Event Order Reference that includes VBA exceptions or differences

    @The_Doc_Man - Quite true! Which is why I would like a nice reference that explicitly spells that out for me. :D Microsoft and I don't always agree on what makes "sense". That's fine. It's their ball afterall. I just am looking for a nice copy of the rules of the game.
  5. JMongi

    Event Order Reference that includes VBA exceptions or differences

    I have the following page bookmarked: Is there a similar type of reference which incorporates the exceptions or differences when data is modified via VBA? (Edited for typos...
  6. JMongi

    Outline of textbox isn't showing thickness correctly

    Well, enough posts and the similar threads algorithm worked its magic!
  7. JMongi

    Outline of textbox isn't showing thickness correctly

    Interesting. But, I don't think we are dealing with that type of fine detail. Plus, I have two monitors and it does the same thing. If you look at the control in design mode with a background fill color assigned, you can clearly see the thickness where the border is SUPPOSED to be. It just...
  8. JMongi

    Outline of textbox isn't showing thickness correctly

    @The_Doc_Man - Good info! In this case, I don't think it applies only because it works correctly with all other colors I've tried except for black (#000000).
  9. JMongi

    Outline of textbox isn't showing thickness correctly

    Well, that's weird. So, I created a new one. It did the same thing. But.... I discovered this only is happening when I set the border color to black (#000000). This basically makes it transparent (if I set a background color to the box, it fills it but leave the appropriately spaced border...
  10. JMongi

    Outline of textbox isn't showing thickness correctly

    When the border thickness is 2pt or less it just shows a thin light gray line. When the border thickness is 3pt it definitely shows a 3pt line, all thick and black like it's set to. Any idea what is going on? I've tried changing things back and forth numerous times. Only thing I haven't done...
  11. JMongi

    Trouble getting Textbox as Checkbox to function

    I think I solved it. My invisible tetxbox for focus shifting is called txtFocus. The pseudo check box is txtRunning. Here's what I did: In the DblClick Event Procedure txtFocus.SetFocus 'To prevent unwanted textbox editing In the MouseDown Event Procedure txtFocus.SetFocus 'To prevent unwanted...
  12. JMongi

    Trouble getting Textbox as Checkbox to function

    Ok, so I'm back. I've mainly figured out the fonts (still don't understand how to specify a 4 digit unicode character but that isn't directly important anymore). Now, I'm trying to get the VBA code to work correctly and cleanly. The bound field is now an integer field instead of yes/no...
  13. JMongi

    Solved have wingding characters changed?

    So, does that mean my form is corrupted too? Weird that our was corrupted in exactly the same way. Thanks for the investigation.
  14. JMongi

    Excel VBA Declarations

    I knew that "Compare Database" wouldn't be applicable. But, there is no counterpart to this declaration in Excel? I should have specified I was already going to use Option Explicit and was more asking about the the other declaration. Thanks for the response.
  15. JMongi

    Excel VBA Declarations

    I'm used to putting "Option Explicit" and "Compare Database" at the top of my VBA. What is the comparable declarations for Excel VBA.
  16. JMongi

    Trouble getting Textbox as Checkbox to function

    Thanks to all the replies. I have to take care of some other responsibilities and will come back to this later. So, I don't have time to review all the linked information right now. @The_Doc_Man - I tried to sort some things out using CharMap and I don't understand the character codes or how...
  17. JMongi

    Trouble getting Textbox as Checkbox to function

    So, I broke some things down to troubleshoot. We can worry about wingdings later. I focused on having the textbox display a standard text based on the MS help file above and @Pat Hartman first comment and setting the default value to True/False/Null. I arrived at the following conclusion...
  18. JMongi

    Trouble getting Textbox as Checkbox to function

    To muddy the waters is the MS post on this idea:
  19. JMongi

    Showing list of subrecords tied to the main record

    Probably :) I think I've already figured out a bit more of what I need to do. But, before I can further this conversation I need to have a few more basic forms working so I can add data more easily for testing. Should be soon.
  20. JMongi

    Trouble getting Textbox as Checkbox to function

    So, I might be missing something obvous here. Am I supposed to set the text value via VBA on a click? Is that supposed to happen automatically? I'm not sure what your format string is doing so it makes it a little tougher for me to take educated guesses to try and troubleshoot.
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