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  1. T

    Error VBA?

    even the old one is saying the same? i dont understand why it keeps getting corrupted
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    Error VBA?

    Tried opening this DB yesterday and it worked just fine. Tried this morning and got this??
  3. T

    View report selector error?

    Yeah i cant speak on the person that made it, it was probably 15-20 years ago.. i like what you did there already..
  4. T

    View report selector error? here is it before when the switchboard was inoperable maybe that has the code? i havent used the DB at all this week as i figured i would holdoff until i can get it somewhat fixed so we should be OK
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    View report selector error?

    From Switchboard to Database editor - Locked - Edit Cable Segment Data there's the view report button... it does not work.. when it should this is the view report button that should post a popup so we can select the proper Cable for the report
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    View report selector error?

    only known back up i have the others were all corrupt. no idea what MDB is.. I can send it to you if you think it will help
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    View report selector error?

    That's the problem, i have no idea, other than knowing what the database is supposed to do... i have a guide i can email you for reference
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    View report selector error?

    This is exactly what i would like to do.. the database has been converted through 3 versions of access.. i inherited it from someone that retired last year and am supposed to maintain it.. i have no problem paying someone to make it work properly as i have very little experience with Access...
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    View report selector error?

    Sorry 1H is this cable which is the first one.. i should be able to search the report by cable# and i cant...
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    View report selector error?

    So i dont get the error anymore but when i click view the report it should pop up a box to select the specific table in that report and it is not, its going to the default 1H report...?
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    View report selector error?

    Heres the DB. you would go to switch board then 'view reports' and click any report type they all have the same error....
  12. T

    View report selector error?

    When i click on view reports it should pop up with a prompt for me to select the correct report page.. instead it does this 'There was an error executing the command.' anyone know/want to fix this for me? $
  13. T

    Code Help needed

    Hi, Inherited a Database for a department I run at a new job. Old DB keeper retired, it was a very old db converted to 2007 I believe. aeverything on every switch board is linked together 😬. I had an issue with the switchboard which then was corrupted when the switch board was brought back to...
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    Drop down selector code not working?

    Thank you @Gasman !
  15. T

    Drop down selector code not working?

    Hello, I Inherited a database at my new job. From a retiree long story short the switchboard was malfunctioning and not opening. now when i get the SB opened and go to use the 'Find ID' Drop down menu it does nothing (cant click on anything) I believe there is something with the code that is an...
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    Solved Database Help

    Uh Oh how do i fix that
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    Solved Database Help

    The first picture above where it is circled in highlighter that says OBS you should be able to click that drop down, unfortunately it does not work. Any idea why? if you log in to the Data base editor using SB then use 'locked' > edit manhole data > the find ID box does not work although the...
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    Solved Database Help

    Yes thats exactly what i should see !
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    Solved Database Help

    Heres the entire thing Zipped. I also have a guide on how to use the data if it doesn't make sense on the SB
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    Solved Database Help

    When i open the db i get this message ^
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