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  1. M

    combobox problem

    I've been searching these forums but couldn't find what I'm looking for. Here's what I need - maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. I have a table called Customers. For each customer (custid) there can be multiple contacts - contact1, contact2, etc. each with their own phone, e-mail, etc. I...
  2. M

    Insert Date at beginning of text field

    Rod - thanks for the quick reply. I am trying that right now - I can see what you are doing and it looks like it will work. Thanks.
  3. M

    Insert Date at beginning of text field

    I don't want to be a nag an bump up my own question - but I'm getting hammered to get this done this morning and I haven't figured out a solution yet. Anyone have any ideas or experience with this? Thanks again, J
  4. M

    Insert Date at beginning of text field

    I have a text field called Notes - where we will add notes about the particular job. What I want to do is have it a locked field with a button 'Add Notes'. When clicked it will insert the date and the user name of the person and then let them type the notes. When they move to the next record - I...
  5. M

    Use SQL stored procedure or Access query?

    We are using an Access front end and connecting via OBDC to SQL Server 2000. My question is this - currently all of our queries are in Access and hitting the SQL database for data. Should I be using stored procedures via SQL Server or keep doing what we're doing? It seems like we are moving...
  6. M

    On change event - Access to SQL

    That worked like a charm! Thanks so much for your help.
  7. M

    On change event - Access to SQL

    We have moved our database from Access to a SQL back-end still using an Access front-end. For the most part everything has went really well. I have some code that checks to see if a serial number is in the system when it's entered on the New Jobs screen. In our old Access database it searched...
  8. M

    Query not updateable?!?

    Thanks for the replies. There was no primary key removed or changed. I still don't know what caused the problem. I was able to work around it but I'm still curious as to what happened.
  9. M

    On change event in form

    This database was set up before me, so I'm not sure. The thing I don't understand is that it never did this before - everything had been fine for a few years. I know we wanted to flag it as we were checking the part in so we would know if it was a warranty or not. Any other ideas?
  10. M

    On change event in form

    I have a field (AR#) that has an "on change" event. This is supposed to check through the database and see if that number has been here before (it's like a job # / serial #). It had always worked fine - now suddenly this field, and this field only, reacts VERY, VERY slowly when you type a number...
  11. M

    Query not updateable?!?

    I have a form that is based on a query that has all of the sudden become non-updateable. After searching this site for a while - I found someone who had a similar problem, it was reccomended to check the query the form is based on to see if it could be updated. I did that with mine and the query...
  12. M

    Return without GoSub error on every button on one form

    I tried that and did not find any MISSING references. What I did that worked - and I have no idea why - is I created a new close document button. I used it to close the form, didn't save it, reopened the form and then all the buttons worked fine. Go figure.
  13. M

    Return without GoSub error on every button on one form

    As the title says - I am getting a Return without GoSub error for every button on a particular form. Nothing has changed (that I'm aware of anyway) and now it is happening. The only possible thought I had is I have one user using 2003 and all others using 2000 - could that have anything to do...
  14. M

    Rounding and decimal problem...sort of

    I will give that a try today - thanks for the responses.
  15. M

    Rounding and decimal problem...sort of

    I have tried to search previous posts for my solution but have been unsuccessful. In a query I have date field (datequoted) that I use in a formula (currentweek) to see how many weeks an order has been quoted for. This is what I currently have: DateDiff("y",
  16. M

    Custom function currency getting # Error

    That worked beautifully! Thanks for all your help. maacky
  17. M

    Custom function currency getting # Error

    Thanks for the quick reply - but let me clairfy the issue a bit. Parts is the cost of the parts to do a job (from the estimates table). The main table we use is the repairs table - they are joined by a repair number. Nulls exist because we can have an entry in the repairs table (created when...
  18. M

    Custom function currency getting # Error

    Thanks for your help izy! The function itself worked great and is much easier and smaller the the one I came up with. However I am a bit confused on the part about addressing nulls. When you say to check for it before calling the function - do I do that in the module or the query that I am...
  19. M

    Custom function currency getting # Error

    I have a custom function for a sliding scale markup on parts. If I make it As Currency I get an #error if PARTS is null or 0. If I make it As Variant, I can't get it to show as currency. Here's the function: Public Function partsmarkup(parts As Variant) As Variant If IsNull(parts) Then...
  20. M

    Running Average Quote based on Part number

    I gave that a try and it didn't work. I get the #name? error. I'm looking at the code and now that I see how you went about it I understand your thinking and it looks good. Now I'm really stumped.
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