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  1. C

    Linework on reports

    I suspect they are using a different print driver or they have different output settings e.g resolution etc,. Hope this helps
  2. C


    If my understanding is correct then your MDB to be compacted is still open when you try to compact, irrespective of where the function is started from. Your MDB must be closed befor it can be compacted. I believe that FMS do a tool that allows databases to be compacted when the are still open. I...
  3. C

    Visual Basic Objects in Access

    Visual basic is similar to VBA but it is not the same, although they are getting closer all the time. The access listbox is databound and is therefore much easier to populate than the Visul basic Listbox. In Access you simple link the listbox to a table, Query or SQL statement, therefore you do...
  4. C

    Show when last revised

    The following code will list each form together with when it was last modified. Look up DOCUMENTS in the help file for more specific information. Sub DocumentModified() Dim dbs As Database, ctr As Container, doc As Document ' Return reference to current database. Set dbs =...
  5. C

    "You can't assign a value to this object" error

    Just a though but the field in the subform would not happen to be an indexed field would it, particularly the one you are linking your subform and master form on, if this is the case then you will not be able to assign a value but should either hide the field on the sub form or maje in enabled =...
  6. C

    RecordSets ... Not updating form

    Try a requery on your form The refresh method only works on current data and is intended to update the current data to show any value changes. The requery method will requery your form (or report) and will pick up any new and changed data Hope this helps
  7. C

    Copy listbox selection to second listbox

    There are 2 standard methods, one easy the other more complicted. The easiest method is to add an additional True/False (yes/NO) field to the table containing your listbox source data. When you select an item in Listbox 1 then set this field, in code, to TRUE The listbox 1 should have a query...
  8. C

    Sub-Reports with No Data

    As an add on to the reply from TRAVIS you can achieve the control over the hidden text box by using the ON NODATA event in the report. this saves the complication of counting the records
  9. C

    i need help calculating values in my report...

    Are you doing your calculations in the query or the Report? If you are doing them in the report then the broad principles are: 1 - Group your report on the field you want the breakdown for 2 - Calculate the totals for each group. This can be a little tricky but basically the SUM function works...
  10. C

    Subform Not Updating

    The pragmatic approach to this is to ensure that you always have a valid activities record. You can achieve this by simply putting a dummy default value in one of the activities fields E.G Activity code of XXX or similar
  11. C

    Combo Box

    You need to identify in your code whether any records will be returned BEFOR you open the form. I.E If nomatch (or 0 records) then do not open the form but return to where you came from. Sorry I can not give specific code as the code used very much depends on the way you have designed your...
  12. C

    automatic sizing of forms

    It can be done but it is very messy. If you have the SYBEX ACCCESS DEVELOPERS HANDBOOK you can find details on how to do it. It does require some complicated code which needs to be maintained. The easiest alternative is to use a third party OCX control which will do all the hard work for you. I...
  13. C

    Searching a Table

    Yes this is a very useful technique to learn as it has a great deal of flexibilty. The pricipal behind it is taht you can reference values on forms from query criteria. Example Form name frmMyForm1 Form contains 2 fields txtBEGINdate txtEndDate the query contains 2 fields you want to select on...
  14. C

    Entering Data from a sub-form : Access 97

    First of all make sure that your sub form is NOT linked to the main form on either the Child or Master (This is done the DATA section of the subform displayed on your master form). Next : Using a subform name of 'mySfrm' Main form control = txtUserName sub form control name = txtsfUserName In...
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