Search results

  1. Adrianna

    ADP - variables to pass to Stored Proc

    Okay, I've searched and found a lot of unasnwered questions. I've been using DAO and not ADO forever, so bare with me here (also been away from VBA for a while). I've created an adp file (access 2003) linked to a SQL 2005 database. I would like to loop through tTableNames and pass the...
  2. Adrianna

    ODBC - Security

    I'm using Access to run VBA scripts in order to generate reports for my coworkers. I've been doing this all from my desk, but would like to be able to create a switchboard to allow them to create their own form driven queries and push button reports. The issue is that I'm actually using an MS...
  3. Adrianna

    SendKeys Mouse Click?

    Okay....I'm frustrated with NetViz....what a terrible program. Anyway, I'm try to send a Dbl Click or a right mouse click to the program from access. I can nagivate all the way up to the page that I want to see, but then I can't open it because the program only allows initiation by double left...
  4. Adrianna

    Export Recordsets to Word Bookmarks?

    Okay, I can't seem to figure out how to pull this off and I've used publish to Word and Mail Merge before, but neither seem to provide a good answer... The issue is getting 32 Data Rollup Queries, which provides sums and counts of various different types of assets, into the same word document...
  5. Adrianna

    Listbox/Textbox doesn't refresh on form

    HELP! I have tried using a listbox and a textbox to display table names as they are exported to Excel. At the end of a successful export, the table name is either added to the value list in the listbox, or added to the end of a growing textbox ( I prefer the listbox, but it's not important)...
  6. Adrianna

    query variable in Querydefs

    Should be a quick and easy one...I'm trying to run through several queries to output all of them into excel on different pages. I'm able to do this with tables no problem. I can run queries with the code individually now that I figured in the Parameter pre-declaration. The issue now is...
  7. Adrianna

    Select * Except for ?

    Okay, I've never had a reason to do this before, but like everything else in life, there comes a time when you will need to learn something new (daily for me). I have code right now that runs correctly to allow selection of a parent, determine it's children, and then run through all of the...
  8. Adrianna

    Do Loop not working or passing back variable

    Obviously I have don't something wrong because I'm not getting the number to increment. Doesn't Order By sort in ascending order? If so, then why does this note work and why is the value not being passed back to the form? If IsNull(LocationID) Then MsgBox "You must provide an Location...
  9. Adrianna

    Correcting Primary Key Fields

    Okay, my inital dataset really should have been scrubbed, but the system is up and running and now I've got to go back and fix some serious issues. I have a locationID in the TblLocation that is passed to the same field in all of my TblITAssets which of course have their own primary keys...
  10. Adrianna

    Where statement for Date FieldS

    Okay....I'm usually pretty clear headed about figuring things out, but this has got me all tied up this morning:-o SELECT tblLeave.* FROM tblLeave WHERE ((([Enter Date Slection:]= tblLeave.Depart)OR(([Enter Date Slection:]>tblLeave.Depart))) OR (([Enter Date Slection:]=tblLeave.Return)or[Enter...
  11. Adrianna

    Object required (Error 424)

    I don't know why I'm getting this error. maybe it's because I'm trying to do something last minute. I was just going to shut the warnings off in my Macro, but my brain is to foggy and I can't seem to remember how to get that to work. I thought I could just RunCode (DoCmd.SetWarnings = False)...
  12. Adrianna

    Close, exits out of Application

    I have a simple form where the user enters the Department which selects a list of account on file. The user enters the justification for archiving the selected file then uses a control button. The control button runs an SQL statement that appends the record to the ArchiveTbl and Deletes the...
  13. Adrianna

    Design - Best Practices

    I'm getting ready to head a pretty large database consolidation effort. I don't know much about data warehousing but I'm about to have to learn. Anyway, I have many many spreadsheets and databases that need to be consolidated to eliminate user redundancy. Many of the tables and spreadsheets...
  14. Adrianna

    First Time Use....form will be blank

    Okay...I'm trying to cover all pitfalls or possible complaints that I could receive when launching this new database. From the switchboard the clients can enter the master form in add or edit mode, BUT If for some reason they click on Edit an Existing Form before clicking on Add a New Form...
  15. Adrianna

    Conditional Removal from another statement

    Okay... I have a field that Checks whether or not a certain situation needs evaluation. If the evaluation is not needed, then the related DATE field becomes irrelevant, so DATE.visible = False blah...blah The problem starts here..... All of the feilds on this one form are relevant to the...
  16. Adrianna

    Encrypting SendObject database works in a decentralized fashion. I don't want to make the data accessible over the internet and unfortunately not all of your remote offices have access to our intranet, from the remote lacations is transferred via SendObject, table, xls format. Problem is...
  17. Adrianna

    Need additional Event Solution

    Okay....I'm trying to provide refferencial data for my clients that will provide a description of the fields that they are filling in. The ControlTip provides them with a brief description of what they need to fill in the field (I'm put into place input masks, formatting, and validation where...
  18. Adrianna

    Different Form Names OnOpen

    Okay I'm maintaining a database that has one from which can be opened in Edit mode or Add mode from the switchboard. The users have requested that the Form Name in the title bar coincide with the MODE that they have opened the form in. So, I want to be able to have the title bar read Adding...
  19. Adrianna

    Verifying Records

    Yeah...I always have questions as deadlines approach! I have an archive form that allows the manager to archive records and recover them in the future. At the moment, the records are archive to an archive table within the same database that the current records are held in. I was going to just...
  20. Adrianna

    Multiple Input Mask Placeholders

    Okay..this should be simple. I'm using the short date input mask, but because some of our customers use dd/mm/yyyy and others use mm/dd/yyyy, our home office has chosen to stick with the standard of mm/dd/yyyy for the civilian sector. My question is....I would like to be able to use: 99/;0;m...
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