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  1. J

    Backup and WinZip

    Problem solved I had tried quotes but I did not enter them correctly. A big thank you for your help.
  2. J

    Backup and WinZip

    Still having WinZip problems Many thanks namliam, a silly mistake. You can copy the open database, honest that bit does work. My problem is still with WinZip not reading the directory path correctly. This is the error message WinZip throws at me. Action: Add (and replace) files Include...
  3. J

    Backup and WinZip

    The following code copies the current database and zips it up. However this does not work if the directory name has spaces in it, e.g. ...Documents and Settings\Desktop... Dim fs Dim strSource 'As String Dim strTarget 'As String Dim strLocation As String ‘MAKE COPY OF DATABASE Set fs =...
  4. J

    MUlti-user custom counter

    Agreed, it is difficult to generate duplicate the custom counter. The unfortunate thing is that I am up against some big guns in the company who want everything absolutely bullet-proof. Perhaps we need a new forum, 'designing/coping with company politics'. This is my first attempt at a custom...
  5. J

    MUlti-user custom counter

    I am trying to create a rather unusual custom counter. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. I have already tried ideas based on the Microsoft Article 210194 (Formerly (Q210194) and I can't get it to work. The process is this: 1. Someone creates a record that is essentially details of a...
  6. J

    Auto increment a field in new record

    ...And in a Multiuser environment? I have a similar situation to NachoMan. Only in my case there is Project Log 1, Project Log 2 and so on. As the database becomes populated the users will create their own Project Logs: Project log 1, 2, 3 etc. The first record in Project Log 1 becomes Record...
  7. J

    combo box: access can't read its value when ....?

    I think I have answered my own question Many thanks for this indesisiv. The code you suggest is very similar to the code I already had (only neater) but the code wasn't working. I hadn't realised I could use IsNull (Me.comb) I always thought one had use the .Value also, i.e. [IsNull...
  8. J

    combo box: access can't read its value when ....?

    I have found an interesting occurrence where Access doesn't seem to be able to read a null value in a combo box. The operation is: one makes a selection in a combo box and then clicks a button to open a form and find a record based on the value in the combo box. However if someone opens the...
  9. J

    Disable Mouse Wheel

    Disable Mouse wheel (and other apps.) Yet more questions about disabling the retched mouse wheel. 1) This is a question about Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 278379, the one about turning off the mouse wheel in Access 2000. If anyone knows how this affects other applications, i.e...
  10. J

    Database locking

    Sorry for taking so long to reply, I have been off-line and then on holiday for a few days. Thanks for your reply, I had an idea my problem was something to do with how I have set the record locking but I was not sure. I am investigating my options. :D
  11. J

    Database locking

    :confused: I have a database called 'Central.mdb'. This database contains a table called 'tblEmployees' and every employees name is stored in it. 'tblEmployees' is linked into other databases using the linked table manager. In the other databases combo boxes use the tblEmployees as their...
  12. J

    Combo box closes when another control is clicked.

    Acknowledged, but this code is not trying to trap null entries. It is just looking for null entries and depending on whether or not there are null entries one of 2 message boxes appears. The code works if I delete the line: rst.Open "DailyCheck", CurrentProject.Connection and replace the line...
  13. J

    Combo box closes when another control is clicked.

    How about checking a record set Many, many thanks for all your help. All useful answers that will be useful to me. My original question was about combo boxes. My full dilema is this. I think for my database to fully comply with specs I need to make it check all entries when the days inputting...
  14. J

    Combo box closes when another control is clicked.

    :eek: I have a database that is used to log working hours. There are 4 fields: Project, Task and the start and end time fields. The task and project fields are combo boxes. I have made it so when someone selects a project only the relevent tasks for that project are available in the task...
  15. J

    exclude weekend in Query

    RE. Exclude days of week in a query I hope I can explain myself a bit better. 1. Create a new query and make your query the records source; i.e. the query that doesn't take out Saturday and Sunday needs to be the record source. 2. In this new query include all the fields that are in your...
  16. J

    exclude weekend in Query

    Exclude days of the week in a query. In the query design grid in the field row of a new column enter Format([Dates]![Date],"ddd") The date field is in the dates table in my example). In the criteria row (same column) <>"Sat" And <>"Sun" The table row should be blank.
  17. J

    Numbering records in a subform

    I have an orders database. The main form gives the order numb., supplier, etc. The subform gives the order lines: quantity required, part number, cost, etc. The subform is linked to the main form on the order numb. field, and it is a continuous subform. I want add an unbound text box that gives...
  18. J

    Send Object Broken

    I have also had similar problems with SendObject. I have found it doesn't work if you cancel the email and then try to sned it again. I also had a form that required the user to send emails to different people at different stages of completing the form. I found I could send the first but not...
  19. J

    Exporting E-mail text with Returns

    I've just noticed jwindon posted a topic on 5/16/02. There is a good example of how to use vbCR demonstrated.
  20. J

    Exporting E-mail text with Returns

    Try using ANSII character codes in the subject text: DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "ReportName", acFormatRTF, "", , , "This email sends a form as an RTF doc", "Try putting some text in like this." & (Chr(13)) & "This text should be on a new line." Lists of character...
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