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  1. B

    Need help with code logic/consolidation

    I am trying to calculate load factor for a data table that changes monthly in access. For those who are unfamaliar with calculating Load Factor, the formula is: kwh/(kw*(days in month) *24) My data is rolling over 24 months and I calculate the data quarterly. For the first quarter this is my...
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    Multiple range query

    Perfect thanks pbaldy and SOS
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    Multiple range query

    How do you put multiple ranges in a query or can you even do this. example I want values between 1400 and 1599 as well as values 1800 and 1870 I was thiking something like Between "1400" And "1599" and Between "1800" And "1870" but no go. Any help?
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    Next Page in Print Preview via Form Buttons

    Its a little too big and I want the user to see the print preview of the report. The frmConrtols is a small form just with those buttons on it so it can be visible and still show the report.
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    Next Page in Print Preview via Form Buttons

    Well I have a form (frmControls) that opens up after the user presses a button on a different form(frmSelectCustomer) to launch the report. frmControls seems to have the focus and i cant press any other buttons in access without closing the form. The frmControls has buttons to print to pdf, or...
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    Next Page in Print Preview via Form Buttons

    Is it possible to use vba cmd buttons on a form to mimic the first,prev,next,last buttons that will change the print preview page of a report. I will only have 1 report open at a time. any ideas?
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    Previous 12 Month Rolling Query (Attached Files)

    I got it working, thanks, the union query helped.
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    One Chart - 2 Queries as Series

    Please can anyone help, please see the attached image, I am trying to create these graphs, but this question is about the top graphs
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    One Chart - 2 Queries as Series

    I am trying to graph 2 series of data the each pull from different queries onto one chart. Access makes it difficult to have two different queries as two different series on the same graph. Is there a way I can combine these two different criterias for on the same query. So for each month...
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    Previous 12 Month Rolling Query (Attached Files)

    I figured it out, I added this expression to my query DateDiff("m",[theMonth],Date()) and I made it a WHERE based expression, with my criteria for Months 1-12 be "<=12", and for Months 13-24 I had to create a seperate query with the criteria ">12". The next problem is that I just found out you...
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    Previous 12 Month Rolling Query (Attached Files)

    I am trying to create 2 sets of graphs from my database to display in a report. I have 24 months worth of data and I need to create a bar graph that has one series for months 1-12, and a second series for months 13-24. These series should be side by side for each month. Please see the...
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    updating complete table with excel file

    Well, i am trying to this programatically (vba) so i am using this in my vba to delete the content of my staging table DoCmd.RunSQL ("DELETE * FROM CUSTOMER_TABLE") I am not sure how to then create this staging table and append via vba. Also if i import the raw spreadsheet there are like 286...
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    updating complete table with excel file

    I am not sure how to write the delete and load queries, and how do i import only the required fields from the unaltered excel spreadsheet.
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    updating complete table with excel file

    I am trying to update a complete table with an excel file. Each month the table data gets updated and I do not want to append any data. I simply want to replace everything in the table with certain columns from the excel file. I do not use any keys as they each have different account numbers...
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    Access Reports - Charts for each record in query

    Attached in the zip file is a mock database and the graphs I want to create in access. The report format is in Reports "qworkingeachcustquery". The excel spreadsheet shows how the data needs to be formatted and the actual graphs i want to have on the access report. I am not sure if its...
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    Access Reports - Charts for each record in query

    Access Reports - Charts for each record in query - Files attached I am trying to create an automated report that will have a bit of information in it. Basically I have a table full of customers energy and revenue on a 24 month period. The values on the table are horizontal, rev1-rev24...
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    Expression Too Complex - Passing 29 Parameters, is that too much

    Thanks for everyone's help, DALeffler's solution worked great for me, thanks for your time and effort in helping someone you don't even know, thanks again my friend, and thanks to all who helped.
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    Expression Too Complex - Passing 29 Parameters, is that too much

    DALeffler, I will try out what you posted, but in the mean time, I just attached a mock sampling of my database, thanks for your help.
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    Expression Too Complex - Passing 29 Parameters, is that too much

    Thanks team for your help thus far. Just so everyone know the values in the table are repeating values but thats how its formatted in the table thats updated once a month. Is it possible to write a vba function that will split this out into child tables when you update the master table each...
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    Expression Too Complex - Passing 29 Parameters, is that too much

    hey wayne, sent you pm
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