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    mysql Export To Excel with Images

    i have a column called "image url" in mysql which has the absolute url for the image. If i were to export this to excel, is it possible for the images to show in excel if the absolute url is included? How can i achieve this. Thanks
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    MySQL Group by except nulls or blanks?

    SELECT * FROM `coupons_coupons` group by `group` I need blanks or nulls NOT to be distinct from column `group` is there anyway to make an exception like SELECT * FROM `coupons_coupons` group by `group` except "" or NULL Thanks!
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    Auto Populating a form FROM a table

    I have a table with Employee Name's lets say ID | Name I also have a table that also has a form to show if the employee has checked in or not. ID | Name Reference | checked in Everyday I go into that form and plug in every employee's name manually and check if they have checked in or not. Is...
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    Adding Totals for Year Sold on Item Number

    I need Year Sold Totals for the Item Number for example, 42AG, 42AP, 42BO, 42MG = 126 4204AC, 4204AG, 4204AP, 4204BO, 4204LAG, 4204LAS, 4204MG, 4204MS, 4204RAW = 475 I'm not sure how crystal reports would group them together and add them up depending just on the item number range. Thanks for...
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    filter over filter?

    I'm using allen browne's findasutype filter but i cannot incorporate my own vba filter according that filter
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    filter over filter?

    lets say i filtered someone's last name manually. and i use vba to filter the date of birth the filter for the last name will break and shows everyone's date of birth is there anyway vba knows how to "continue on with the filter" instead of toogleing it? Thanks
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    searching from ranges start date and end date

    hey bobs works great and thanks for the heads up! is there any difference between docmd.applyfilter and me.filter?
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    searching from ranges start date and end date

    start = "#" & textbox1 & "#" end = "#" & textbox2 & "#" docmd.applyfilter , ">=" & [start] docmd.applyfilter , "<=" & [end] when user clicks on button, this code is applied. Is there anyway to make this easier or more simplified?
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    checklist report

    anyone? :(
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    checklist report

    I need my report to display all the test results of the patient including ones that are not done. patient birben has just a sonogram test. but has not done any other test. (HSV 1/2 IGM, ETC, ETC) I need the report to be generated like this TEST...
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    Loop not working

    Table 1 is actually a calculator I made. Our CSR receives the call and service quotes are made on the fly Let's say client wants the (2 records) living room - walls painted, floors cleaned kitchen - cabinet painted, floors waxed Checks are made to walls painted, floors cleaned Checks are made...
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    Loop not working

    the checkbox field is a field from Table1 This isn't the actual table or form. But answering the question helps me use it on the actual table and form. Thanks ________ Launch box
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    Loop not working

    Thanks for the input Bob~ The checkbox is a field is there a way to get around this? Thanks~ ________ R25
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    Loop not working

    If you can see from the picture, even when the checkbox is checked. Run value would still be 2. Not 1. perhaps im using a wrong loop? ________ Tsd Competition Grade Plastic Airsoft 0 28G
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    Loop not working

    Private Sub Text8_AfterUpdate() Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone rst.MoveFirst Do While Not (rst.BOF Or rst.EOF) rst.Edit rst![Run] = IIf(Me.checkbox = True, "1", "2") rst.Update rst.MoveNext Loop Me.Requery Set rst = Nothing End Sub...
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    Totals from Subforms According to Yes/No Boxes

    Thanks pblady! Design isn't flawed. i just made it alot simplier to understand what I want Do I have to make another textbox (Total_checked) in the subform if i have to get the totals in the mainform from the subform? Thanks again ________ Mercedes-Benz W125 Rekordwagen
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    Totals from Subforms According to Yes/No Boxes

    Been scratching my head with this one... How can I get the Total from the SubForm According to the Yes/No Boxes The Totals for ID's 1, 2, 3 would be ID 1 = $2.00 ID 2 = $4.00 + $5.00 ID 3 = $5 TOTAL would be $16.00 Thanks! Danielle ________ DODGE...
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    what's wrong with my code? Me.frmLastUpdated.Form.Recordset.AddNew

    Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate() Me.frmLastUpdated.Form.Recordset.AddNew "Comp_Name", "Daniel" End Sub Im inserting new data to a subform named frmLastUpdated which gives me lastest name that was changed to the form ________ Volcano Vaporizer Review
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    filter current date?

    yes does # mean current date? thanks ________ Mercedes-benz ocean drive specifications
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    filter current date?

    sorry really bad at vba thanks Private Sub Command8_Click() Dim mystr As String mystr = "curDate=Date()" DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEncounterPage" DoCmd.ApplyFilter "mystr" End Sub ________ Honda Nr500
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