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  1. EraserveAP

    Calling public sub from another form

    Appreciate the input. Myself I never had an issue, but should the need arise again will use your method going forward.
  2. EraserveAP

    Calling public sub from another form

    You are welcome. Though I would suggest you go with ChrisO's usage if you use it.
  3. EraserveAP

    Calling public sub from another form

    Better late than never :P You are welcome.
  4. EraserveAP

    Launch Access using VBA

    Well if you have access open you could import and Append via a query to your table like so: INSERT INTO ExistingTable SELECT YourTable.* FROM YourTable IN 'C:\SomePath\DB1.mdb'[MS ACCESS;]; One step further and using VBA you could loop through several DBs making the Table names, file names...
  5. EraserveAP

    Dynamic number in a TOP clause

    Sure. If you are using vba you could change this: "SELECT TOP 10 TABLE1.* INTO 1SAMPLE FROM TABLE1 ORDER BY TABLE1.ZIP;" To this: "SELECT TOP " & VariableHere & " TABLE1.* INTO 1SAMPLE FROM TABLE1 ORDER BY TABLE1.ZIP;" "VariableHere" would be your dynamic number from your textbox.
  6. EraserveAP

    un-autotrim textbox

    I do not believe there is a way to prevent the "Trimming". You may be able work around it though. For instance you could use the Change event and encapsulate the text in brackets thereby keeping the trailing space. To make this appear seamless to the user you could use Text1.SelStart =...
  7. EraserveAP

    Access table

    To get to the "visual table designer" simply Right click the table in question and select Design View.
  8. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    As I understand it you are not able to Sum a calculated field like yours in the way you want. If this is in error then please let a more experienced member correct me. This gives you a few choices: You can repeat the calculations for the calculated...
  9. EraserveAP

    Welcome to my profile.

    Welcome to my profile.
  10. EraserveAP

    access 2007 very dumb question

    Aren't you able to right click on the Tab of an open table in Access 2007 and close it that way? I could be wrong of course but I think it is possible. I do not have it here at home to test out...
  11. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    I am glad I was able to help. A calculated field calculated on the fly? For example adding and subtracting individual transactions based on a customer? If so my suggestion would be to make an update to a new field or perhaps a new table and field that includes a customers Record number and...
  12. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    You will need to insert code to carry over the details to the subforms. In the ShowIdentity function you can re-use some of the code for this purpose or not. If you do not want to adapt a new function you should be able to use the LstID variable prety much anywhere the WorkOrderID is needed...
  13. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    Yes, because when you append to the WorkOrder table it creates the new WorkorderID at that time. You would have to move the code that grabs the new WorkorderID up before the second and third Appends to be able to have the new WorkorderID for use with them. I did not make the Second two appends...
  14. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    I have added your two appends and a brief timed disable Button code to the new version. Essentially the button is disabled after it is clicked, then after a short period in a do loop it re-enables itself thus preventing un-intentional dblClicks. It may not be the slickest code but it seems...
  15. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    Certainly. We shall see.
  16. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    I will look at it when I get to work again tomorrow.
  17. EraserveAP

    Access rookie...need help separating a field...

    raskew I am not re-inventing anything; I simply made suggestion in Post#2 which pre-ceded Post #5 and I even said in Post #2 it would probably break if used past splitting on the comma in different wording of course. Given the later suggestions, such as Post #5, I certainly do not suggest that...
  18. EraserveAP

    Access rookie...need help separating a field...

    No argument there. My thoughts in my original post with the split function were to avoid such traps in the names. Thus I thought splitting on the comma would alleviate any issues with the Last Name and leave the hard work for where it can not be avoided.
  19. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    Yes, I tried to stay true to the original function you posted.
  20. EraserveAP

    Call up Module Function

    You mean the textbox I set to the WorkOrderID's last value? It was simply easier for me to set its value while unbound and was personal preference, be that right or wrong. If you can bind it and get it to display the value you wish, when you wish, then by all means go ahead and do so. That may...
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