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  1. S

    Confused with relating tables

    I really don't care about line item cost per se. I may have lead you to believe this and this is my fault. What I care about is what you described further into your most recent reply. I am interested in knowing what each supplier has quoted for each line item. I envision in the beginning...
  2. S

    Confused with relating tables

    Any other thoughts?
  3. S

    Confused with relating tables

    Great feedback, continued thanks! Believe me, no criticism taken on anything you may wish to offer. Like I indicated before, being new and self taught I'm prime for breaking conventions until otherwise told. Given this, I have made corrections to my foreign key field names. Now, regarding...
  4. S

    Confused with relating tables

    Whoa! After reading the normalization links I realize how much I do not know. Regardless I am not disheartened and will attempt to stay the course. The db structure I gave in an earlier post is a truncated verison of what I eventually intend to use and I decided to pare it down futher just to...
  5. S

    Confused with relating tables

    Doc_Man, You put a lot of thought into your response and I appreciate it very much. You seem to have a pretty good idea of my process so I will make a few comments and try to answer a few of your questions. I am setting up the application with the assumption that Situation 1: "Supplier can...
  6. S

    Confused with relating tables

    This is all very confusing to me so bear with me. Since I want to create an RFQ where I select multiple suppliers and also want to add multiple items for the suppliers to quote wouldn't it make more sense to use the tblRFQ as the junction table rather than the tblRFQLine. I am looking down...
  7. S

    Confused with relating tables

    So now I have the table structure as follows: tblRFQ RFQID Date Buyer DueDate Originator ProjectName tblRFQLine RFQLineID RFQID RFQLineNumber PartNumber DrawingNumber Quantity Price tblSupplier SupplierID RFQID SupplierName Salesperson I have created a one:many relationships between the...
  8. S

    Confused with relating tables

    WIS, I think you are understanding, 1 RFQ can have many lines and many suppliers. I have never worked with many to many tables but will play around with it and post back if (when) I run into more help needed. I am pretty much only able to access at work so my responses may be slow in coming...
  9. S

    Confused with relating tables

    I am a buyer in a small purchasing department and in the process of creating a database to use to track RFQ's (Requests for Quote) that we send to our suppliers. Describing the process; When we need to get a quote for an item or items we need to purchase we create a RFQ that has information like...
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