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  1. S

    Maximize Internet Explorer Window with VBA

    try something like this: At the top of the code window (outside any subs) enter Declare Function apiShowWindow Lib "user32" Alias "ShowWindow" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long Global Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3 Global Const SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2 Global Const...
  2. S

    Display data when certain data is entered

    The problem is in your if test. The test will only return true if oControl is null, which it will never be, because oControl is a combo box. You should be testing oControl.Text, which returns the text that is displayed in the combo box. Also, don't test it for being Null, test for an empty string.
  3. S

    Merging Excel Information to Access Table

    You'll need to check through the tables in the current database. Perhaps you could try this, totally untested, code. Function ImportTable(bpath As String) Dim db As Database Dim tdf As TableDef Dim rdfCur As TableDef Dim TableExists As Boolean Dim obj As AccessObject...
  4. S

    Hide #Name error in a text box

    Me![subformCONTAINERname]![controlname].Value but the easier way to do it is to use the Expression Builder: in the Data Source property of the control on the main form, click on the ellipsis (the ...).
  5. S

    Add Record with Subforms

    First off let me say there is some terrific info here on this site, great job! Also, let me state that I'm designing my first database so I'll likely be asking some really stupid questions. I'm designing a database which will allow customer work orders to be entered. The main form is pretty big...
  6. S

    How to set textbox.enable = true in another form?

    <script language="javascript"> function enableField() { document.form1.address2.disabled=false; } </script> <a href="javascript:enableField()">Click here to enable the element<a/>
  7. S

    need alittle help with a check box

    if Me.step205.Locked = Not IsNull(Me.step205) = true then lock the field else end if
  8. S

    Please support these forums

    This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free.
  9. S

    Tip The Ten Commandments of Access

    I really enjoy to read this nice discussion about the The Ten Commandments of Acces.
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