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  1. S

    Access sorts wrong!

    I have a field which is a lookup field with three fields attached to it. The actual data is a number, but I don't want to sort it by that number, rather by the other column'd number. But it just wont. Any ideas? :confused: this is how it looks like: Number Priority 6 3/8 1 6...
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    Expand this code to be more usefull

    I have two listboxes inorder to append a list of names. Then i discovered this pice of working code on this site. However, there are a few problems with it. One, It will create duplicates. (fixable with an index, but I want to set them to hide after selecting them) Two, if I open the form again...
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    Append through list box

    I have two forms, and I want a way to select names from one table, and move them to the second one. The easiest way i saw was through two lsitboxes from this example from here However, it only seems to flag it and I don't know what to do next.
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    Close and reopen same form

    Is there a way to close the form, and reopen it again? Since I am sure when I were to open the same form again, and then use the close command, it would close the last one I made, so it wouldn't help me. Nor would a VBA code help since after the close, it would prevent the open code from...
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    Create table based on criteria

    Is there a way to use the Make Table query as a generator to create tables based on certain criterias that input myself? What I am trying to do is create a roster for an event, and that event has a varying amount of days. So I would like to create a form from where I can input the days for the...
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    Hide column problem

    I have a split form where I have an option group. In the frame i have 3 buttons. One button displays all columns, while the others remove some. The problem is I can get the columns to hide with this Code: Me.Controls("field").ColumnHidden = True But, I have to click design view, and then form...
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    Why use select queries for a form?

    While looking up examples of databases, i have come across a pattern that people are making a table, and an "extended table" with a query, and then make a form. Is there a benefit of doing that over directly using the table :confused:
  8. S

    List box item delete,edit, and new.

    I have no idea how to use list boxes. But what i have is a list of the fields from a table. And i want to add a record, and edit or delete the selected field from the list box. How do i do that?
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    Change validation rule with option group

    I have a field which is supposed to have a minimum time, however, i have weekdays, and weekends. Both times are different, how do i change the validation rule according to my selection in an option group?
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    Append query without duplicates

    In my database i have three tables in a many to many relation ship. From there i have a query that pulls the person from table A and then places then in table B where it assigns the person with each event from table C. However, if i add a new person in table A, and run the query again, it adds...
  11. S

    Append query help

    I need some help with an append query. I found a website, which solves the exact problem i am trying to solve here. But, for some odd reason, it just does not seem to work. Could there be a problem with my database? I had posted this in the other category, but as it turns out this is actually...
  12. S

    Generate report from form

    hey, another one of "those" questions. I have a split form, from there i am filtering one field through a combo box. How do i generate a report from the resulting list? And how do I do open that report through a button after that? any help would be appreciated.
  13. S

    Having two autonumbers in form

    I have a form where I combine two tables. And, I can't update it with out putting the primary key inside the form. It works, but it is more of a hinderance to insert something in the second half first, click the ID textbox, then the other ID text box, to finally save. Is there a way around this...
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