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  1. J

    Charts and Graphs on report / forms

    Young people of the universe... I have a query which produce 3 varibles: one of them is country code which refer to a list of countries and the other are numbers (so say Countries, x and y). i.e. each country got 2 varibles. I need to make a scatter gram form the data set using X and Y as...
  2. J

    I am turning into a question dude

    Young people of the universe, indeed, I have another question... I am at the moment playing with msgbox-es. and just wondering, given I dun want to create new forms, can I customise the buttons for the message box?? Say that combining IF statement and Message box is cool but I tried to read...
  3. J

    Another Issue

    Dear young people of the universe... I have another problem which I believe is VBA related... Sometime ago my PC at work explosed (with a bang) and my boss kindly up graded my PC, which have the all-new-WinXP. Access remained as 97... Since then some times after I run modules and tried to...
  4. J

    looking for more visual effects

    Dear young people of the universe, I am working on some creative tasks, i.e. making interface with ACCESS for clients, and would like to learn more about visual effect with VBA-Access. Can any one point me to some resources in the net?? The kind of stuff I seen before is using lable as...
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