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  1. M

    Sending Attachment fields to Email as Attachments

    You can do this: With objMailItem .To = "EMAIL ADDRESS HERE" .Subject = "Site Inspection for " & [Area] & "At " & [Date] .Body = "Some text here" if isnull(rstAttachment.Fields("Filename")) = false then .Attachments.Add (strAttachementPath) End if .Display End With
  2. M

    Drag and Drop .msg file

    I used Cdo to strip the attachment from the email and save the email to A share drive. I then placed the path in an attachments table. No too Smooth, but effect
  3. M

    Built-in Search Function with Combobox

    That control is "Unbound", meaning that it isn't tied to data in the recordset, that it why it isn't changing. Make sure that the database is trusted.
  4. M

    Complex Left Outer Join Query

    With that in mind you can have the charatoristics table that houses what the detail is about (project, AMS, IP) and the description, and still ink that to the Project table. CharID (PK) ProecjtID (FK) CharTYpe (Project, AMS, IP, IF) Char Description
  5. M

    Built-in Search Function with Combobox

    you had the recordsource of the form tied to the value in the combo box. When a value was selected, it showed that 1 record. I placed a show all button on the form for you to redefine the forms dataset.
  6. M

    Complex Left Outer Join Query

    In a normalized database this can be accomplished in a listbox that is requeried. So everything start at the product. Lets start there. Lets start to redefine the data a bit, how about "Charactoristics"? So we have a charactoristics table. THe Charactoristics of the Product are FLEX, AMS...
  7. M

    Built-in Search Function with Combobox

    Yes. can you post the DB so I can have a look at it?
  8. M

    Help! append multiple data with update Query

    Sorry. I read the post again. Just to be clear you want to add ALL records from Table A to Table B except where the revision numbers are the same?
  9. M

    Built-in Search Function with Combobox

    I believe that the combo box in question is filtering the form. If you are in Access 2007, then the "Filtered" down at the bottom glows orange. You can toggle that by pressing the "Filtered" button on the navigation bar.
  10. M

    Help! append multiple data with update Query

    I see that "Is not Null" is in quotes. Remove the quotes for a result. in the Revision Criteria Put <> [PMDL_MR757].[revMR]
  11. M

    Complex Left Outer Join Query

    I agree with boblarson. We need some details about the process and what you are tracking. Looking that the AMS_IP_Table table the data in the IP Iniside AMS IP violates the first normal form. To be in 1NF, each column must contain only a single value and each row must contain the same...
  12. M

    Put password to open a tab in Access 2010

    Set the visibility to no in design view.
  13. M

    Search Button on Navation Form

    Look at this articel about INF (First Normal Form)
  14. M

    Search Button on Navation Form

    I created a student table and joined it to the Craft table. Did you look at the normalization article? Attached is the update. I would also look up relationships in help to guide you in the database design. When looking at the tables, ask yourself, "is the data in the Students table ONLY...
  15. M

    Normalisation Problem?

    You can then drag that table into the QBE 2 times and Outer Join the Parent to the PersonID to get all relavent information. Allen Browne has a great explaination here:
  16. M

    Normalisation Problem?

    So you have michaeljryan78 as a personID, lets say. The parent is also listined in the table with a PersonID of Majhl. If Majhl is the parent of Michaeljhryan78 then the michaeljryan78 record looks like: PersonID: Michaeljryan78 First: Michael Last: Ryan Parent : Majhl Majhl Looks like...
  17. M

    Error 1004 Copying Excel Workshtee from Access

    the xlLastCell is an integer value. I have to look it up. xlWS.Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(11)).Select
  18. M

    Force update of field before record is saved

    you can add: If IsNull(mycontrol) Or mycontrol = "" Then Me.mycontrol.SetFocus Me.mycontrol.BackColor = vbYellow MsgBox "Please enter a value in the highlighted box" Exit Sub Else Me.mycontrol.BackColor = vbWhite End If
  19. M

    Error 1004 Copying Excel Workshtee from Access

    xlwb.Sheets(1).Copy Before:=xlwb.Sheets(1) with late binding you may have to reference the owrkbook object you created. See if that works.
  20. M

    Normalisation Problem?

    You may be able to just have a table with personID, first, last, parent (where the parent is the personID of another user in the same table). You can self join that table to gather the hierarchy.
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