A great loss.. (1 Viewer)

Wow. He became a security consultant after he died?
A great Loss...
For whom? The hackers community or security consultants?
Does it make him better than someone who robs a bank, just because he could sit in a chair and steal credit cards and confidential data?

I've almost wondered why people behave different when it comes to a cyber criminal.
If I rob a bank or ATM or break into someone's house, I'm a criminal and I'm a vermin of the society
But if I have the ability to hack into another system, oh my, I'm a celebrity. And my death would be a loss for humanity.
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For whom? The hackers community or security consultants?
Does it make him better than someone who robs a bank, just because he could sit in a chair and steal credit cards and confidential data?

I've almost wondered why people behave different when it comes to a cyber criminal.
If I rob a bank or ATM or break into someone's house, I'm a criminal and I'm a vermin of the society
But if I have the ability to hack into another system, oh my, I'm a celebrity. And my death would be a loss for humanity.

Any death is a loss; especially to his family... Your comment simply demonstraights ignorance to what he achieved in the cyber community. You don't have to like him to recognise what he achieved. Sure; some of his antics were illigal and immoral in his younger days but he went on to use his skill set for greater good.

I was one of the first to clone sky cards in the UK, I also hacked the Phillips savvy mobile phone to offer infinite credit and was the first to bypass security of the PS1 under the Paradox banner.

Why did I do it you may ask?

Because of the challenge, it was never for financial gain even though that came with it...

We all make bad decisions in life but like Kevin I was able to transfer my skull set to the UK Armed Forces and have been protecting against cyber attacks for many years...

Knowing how to attack a system means I know how to defend it better...
Why did I do it you may ask?
Because of the challenge, it was never for financial gain even though that came with it...
Is it only a financial gain that makes a crime look bad? Or is it what has been done? no matter of the gain?
I've read a lot about the life of several international cons.
They never did what they did for money. It was for the challenge. Does it make it any better?

you don't have to like him to recognise what he achieved
It's not a matter of liking someone or not. I don't like myself more than anything else.
I only don't understand people who try to legitimize a hacker because he got arrested and then became a security whatever.
There are a lot of security genius experts who never go that criminal root. I choose to pay my respect to them.

I was able to transfer my skull set to the UK Armed Forces and have been protecting against cyber attacks
To me, you're justifying your wrong doings by what you did later.
You could be what you became later without hacking mobiles.
If It was me, I would keep it a secret all my life, not going spreading it in an open forum. For me, it would be a shame that should be kept in my closet full of other skeletons.
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Any death is a loss; especially to his family...
So Adolph Hitler's death was a loss? Vladimir Putin? How about serial murderers, rapists and pedophiles?

I celebrated when my paternal grandfather died. The world became a better place without him. There are a lot of people we would be better off without.
So Adolph Hitler's death was a loss? Vladimir Putin? How about serial murderers, rapists and pedophiles?

I celebrated when my paternal grandfather died. The world became a better place without him. There are a lot of people we would be better off without.
So your comparing Kevin to those people... Thats just rediculous...
Is it only a financial gain that makes a crime look bad? Or is it what has been done? no matter of the gain?
I've read a lot about the life of several international cons.
They never did what they did for money. It was for the challenge. Does it make it any better?

It's not a matter of liking someone or not. I don't like myself more than anything else.
I only don't understand people who try to legitimize a hacker because he got arrested and then became a security whatever.
There are a lot of security genius experts who never go that criminal root. I choose to pay my respect to them.

To me, you're justifying your wrong doings by what you did later.
You could be what you became later without hacking mobiles.
If It was me, I would keep it a secret all my life, not going spreading it in an open forum. For me, it would be a shame that should be kept in my closet full of other skeletons.

If you don't like your self how would you expect anyone else to! There are people that can help on that subject...
You can pay your respects to whom ever you choose; because you dont respect someone does not mean others should not!
Black Hat Hacking is used in Government; Law Enforcement, Industry and Business daily; your just not aware of it!
The so called experts who only understand/recognise the ethical side and are ignorant to non ethical procedures will ALWAYS be one step behind!

I'm not for one minute promoting illigal acts; i too was ignorant to the legalaties of what i did in my past being very young and nieve.
My point is that people once educated can and do turn things round for greater good; Kevin is a good example of this...
So Adolph Hitler's death was a loss? Vladimir Putin? How about serial murderers, rapists and pedophiles?

I celebrated when my paternal grandfather died. The world became a better place without him. There are a lot of people we would be better off without.
That says more about you than them...
ANY losss of life is a tragedy...

You celebrate death? Whilst serving i have taken life; do i celebrate that... of course not... It sickens me when i think about it. If there was any other option i would have taken and i have to live with this for the rest of my life...
because you dont respect someone does not mean others should not!
I didn't say Don't respect him. I said I don't understand those who respect hackers.

If you don't like your self how would you expect anyone else to! There are people that can help on that subject...
It's very good to see you don't have any trouble with who you are.
Unfortunately I have. It's not a mental thing to go and visit a shrink. It's how everyone compare himself with a perfect human. Self evaluating...
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That says more about you than them...
ANY losss of life is a tragedy...
Hitler was responsible for the death of millions upon millions of people. The only sad thing about his death was that it didn't happen a lot sooner.

You insistence that his death was a tragedy says a lot about you.

Whilst serving i have taken life
Where did you kill these people? It has obviously affected you in a very big way.
Is it only a financial gain that makes a crime look bad? Or is it what has been done? no matter of the gain?
I've read a lot about the life of several international cons.
They never did what they did for money. It was for the challenge. Does it make it any better?

It's not a matter of liking someone or not. I don't like myself more than anything else.
I only don't understand people who try to legitimize a hacker because he got arrested and then became a security whatever.
There are a lot of security genius experts who never go that criminal root. I choose to pay my respect to them.

To me, you're justifying your wrong doings by what you did later.
You could be what you became later without hacking mobiles.
If It was me, I would keep it a secret all my life, not going spreading it in an open forum. For me, it would be a shame that should be kept in my closet full of other skeletons.

I didn't say Don't respect him. I said I don't understand those who respect hackers.

It's very good to see you don't have any trouble with who you are.
Unfortunately I have. It's not a mental thing to go and visit a shrink. It's how everyone compare himself with a perfect human. Self evaluating...
I think we are simply going to disagree on many thinks; i'm not here to argue with you and i respect your input...
Neither am i here to promote ligality... We are all friends here.... i hope...

I do however respect those that are pioneers pushing forward the boundries to better educate themselves irrespective of ligality.
I did not know Kevin personally; he might be a complete A hole but i'm not judging him on who he was but what he acheived.
As far as hiding the things i did which were illigal; there not secret.. Some projects i work on were covered on calander news...
If it wasnt for the press coverage it's unlikely i would have seen the error of my ways..
Hitler was responsible for the death of millions upon millions of people. The only sad thing about his death was that it didn't happen a lot sooner.

You insistence that his death was a tragedy says a lot about you.

Where did you kill these people? It has obviously affected you in a very big way.

Why are you comparing Hitler to Kevin? You need to keep it in perspective...
As sad as it is Hitles was an acheiver; if only he hadnt have been would be the best outcome...
Hitler was responsible for the death of millions upon millions of people. The only sad thing about his death was that it didn't happen a lot sooner.

You insistence that his death was a tragedy says a lot about you.

Where did you kill these people? It has obviously affected you in a very big way.
EVERY death is a tragedy...

You've compared Kevin and his acheivements to Vladimir Putin, Serial Murderers, Rapists and Pedophiles?
Why would you do this; i suggest its you thats effected in a very big way.

And why the question Where did you kill these people?
Its not about me; its about Kevin...Iraq 2003 if you must know but why would you need to know that?

I personally find you replies very odd; so much so that i'm considering wether i'm replying to an AI chat bot or a victim of a phising attack lol
I didn't say Don't respect him. I said I don't understand those who respect hackers.

It's very good to see you don't have any trouble with who you are.
Unfortunately I have. It's not a mental thing to go and visit a shrink. It's how everyone compare himself with a perfect human. Self evaluating...

There is no such thing as a perfect human... Self-evaluating all the time can have a decremental effect on your wellbeing..
We all, including myself have made mistakes and wrong decisions but thankfully some of us recognise them and learn from it.

Why are hackers respected?

Hackers are respected for their knowledge and thinking out of the box approach.
Many of the good ones including Kevin had no manual/PDF to follow and through determination and perseverance managed to achieve is goals.
It’s the determination and perseverance that i respect most, not for the illigal activity he participated in...
This is why i respect them...

Its the same principle when it comes to coding even in this Access community.
We have seen members push the boundaries of what can be achieved in MS Access.
They have little help from Microsoft at best sometimes yet they keep chipping away until they achieve something exceptional.
We have seen only recently the Better Charting topic & Gantt Charting which come to mind where determination and perseverance have won.
You've compared Kevin and his acheivements to Vladimir Putin, Serial Murderers, Rapists and Pedophiles?
Why would you do this; i suggest its you thats effected in a very big way.
I wasn't comparing Kevin to them. I was responding to you strange claim.

ANY losss of life is a tragedy...
Sounds like a mindless religious belief held in denial of reality.
EVERY death is a tragedy...

You've compared Kevin and his acheivements to Vladimir Putin, Serial Murderers, Rapists and Pedophiles?
Why would you do this; i suggest its you thats effected in a very big way.

And why the question Where did you kill these people?
Its not about me; its about Kevin...Iraq 2003 if you must know but why would you need to know that?

I personally find you replies very odd; so much so that i'm considering wether i'm replying to an AI chat bot or a victim of a phising attack lol
I support your view. Every single death is a tragedy to someone. Those people had a mother, a father, a sibling, other family member of friend who suffered their parting. Not feeling empathy towards those other individuals is something of a humanity issue.

Not intending to point a finger to anyone, but empathy is the most secular thing that there is, not at all a religious belief. I would even argue it is the opposite to a religious belief.
As sad as it is Hitles was an acheiver; if only he hadnt have been would be the best outcome...
He achieved a lot of horrible things. Of course I agree that the best outcome would have been had he never existed but his death at the earliest possible time would have been the next best outcome.
I said I don't understand those who respect hackers
They're the ones making internet more secure, by finding the vulnerabilities and exploiting communicating them. This exploitation communication makes developers take action out of fear and thus, the internet becomes more secure.
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